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Naslovnica Forum Življenjski slog Zdravo življenje Gibanje, oblikovanje in krepitev telesa PALEO DIETA STE PRIPRAVLJENE VSAJ 30 DNI



Tudi sam sem razmisljal o tej paleo dieti-nacinu prehranjevanja….pa sem se raje odlocil da ostanem pri moji lastni dieti po kateri sem brez vecjega odrekanja izgubil 15 kg v 3 mesecih 🙂

Zakaj ne paleo

Resda nisem preucil vsega ampak popplnoma izkljuciti mleko in oh je neumno ker telo to potrebuje za energijo in delovanje. Pomembno je da ne jemo prevec in da se izogibamo procesirano hrani ter sladkorju ostalo pa jejte vse in nehajte ze enkrat iskat neke bliznjice in izgovore zato da se boljse pocutite in da ste shujsali v.nekih dietah….tega se ne morete drzat celo zivljenje…in je tudi nezdravo…razen ce imate zeljo da dobite kaksno osteoporozo ali poakodbe sklwpov zaradi pomanjkanja kalcija

Točno tako. Samo itak bodo zagovorniki te tako imenovane ‘paleo’ (kr neki no) diete javskali in bevskali, da nič od tega ne drži:)

V osnovi je tole propagiral že Atkins, samo zdaj se pa reče ‘paleo’ pa zveni bolj fino:))))

Točno tako. Samo itak bodo zagovorniki te tako imenovane ‘paleo’ (kr neki no) diete javskali in bevskali, da nič od tega ne drži:)

V osnovi je tole propagiral že Atkins, samo zdaj se pa reče ‘paleo’ pa zveni bolj fino:))))[/quote]

p.s. – no res je, da atkins je vrgel ven tudi sadje in oreščke – a slednji so itak nova moda,v njegovih cajtih se folk še ni tako nažiral z njimi, še niso bili tako ‘in’.

da ne bo pomote – tudi jaz jem oreščke, pravzaprav zdajle ko tole pišem, zobam mandlje, a vseeno – tale novodobna gonja proti OH je res šla v totalno pretirane višave. da o preveliki konsumaciji mesa itak ne govorim. a je tudi jasno, da folk tega ne bo sprejel.

Kalcij najdeš tud v avokadu ki je tud zelo zdrav…priporočam

Paleo ni vec dijeta,to je nacin prehranjevanja.kot tudi Lchf..pri tej prehrani ze ugotovljeno da ne gre se samo za hujsanje,ampak tudi za zdravje.dosti bolezni n simptomov s to prehrano se omili ali povsem odstrani.govorim tudi iz lastnih izkusenj in izkusenj ljudi po celem svetu..

zdravo dekleta ,dajte mi prosim pomagati rada bi shujšala nekje 8 kg ki sem jih nabrala zaradi premalo delujoče ščitnice,ful se matram z dietami ampak dol gre samo 2kg,če pa pojem en kos kruha pa takoj spet gor,obupana sem ker bi morala imeti 65kg imam pa skoraj 74

kako pa je z ajdovo moko na lchfju?? je dovoljena ?

That you are aware of you want to renovate your house, however, you don’t know where to start, fantastic? Well, you’re not alone. Many owners dive into the renovation procedure with no clue of exactly what is available. It’s only after they proceed through renovation mishaps that they bum out over not having a plan. Without ready, the home renovation process might be full of disappointments because not like building a new house, planning to catch starting with a blank capture. There can be unforeseen expenses together with issues that make the process complex. So before you go down the particular twists and turns of your renovation path, here are 8 things you must know before you start re-decorating.

1. Invest in a Key Lockbox.
If you’re renovating your home required to actually move into it furthermore live far away, consider obtaining a key lockbox. If there are usually large projects on your at a caterer that you can’t do by yourself, you’ll need to hire a builder. Remember that contractors start primary, so unless you want to get in morning rush-hour in order to let workers inside, prefer to attach a lockbox or even install smart door ingredients that allows you to provide entry that you can guests with a code. It could save you countless hours of time, gallons of fuel, and unpleasant, early morning wake-up calls.

2. Spend Time in the Space.
Just like obvious as it might seem, you will have to hold off on some judgements like paint colors, new carpet, and light fixtures until you take your time in the space you’re strengthening. For example , if you want to replace outdated carpet, the choices can be overpowering. Dense or loose staple fibers? Striated or no pattern? Exactly what exact shade of dismal? The answers depend on the other aspects of the renovation, which include choosing paint colors. Shade palettes selected before the redesigning started need to be seen when walls and could change since you also spend time in the house. Freshly printed walls and new floor covering can reveal that many light fixtures just are likely illuminate the space as you supposed it would. If you spend more time upfront considering how everything works together within the room you’re remodeling, you can save yourself several back-to-the-drawing-board moments.

3. Be Realistic About Your Timeline.
Your own personal renovation will take longer as compared with expected, so be prepared along with prepare accommodations to avoid frustration. Like you might think that replacing some sort of whirlpool tub and slow-moving double vanity in a rest room will be quick. Removal of the exact fixtures can take a few hours, nonetheless locating a new tub plus vanity you love can take time. It can be another two weeks previous to they’re delivered. An trust of using your new community hall bath within a week is capable of turning into a six-week waiting term. Be realistic about the renovation process and timeline and select a newly purchased updates before having the existing components removed.

4. Expect the very Unexpected.
All homes have got secrets, in the walls, within the floors, and elsewhere. The particular renovation can bring those to be able to light. Like when your professional tells you your floors are typically uneven due to a shifted core joist while measuring for the highly anticipated new hardwood floors. Now you need to manage the home inspector who have missed it and get the floor joist repaired before the new item can go down. This is only 1 example of how you should become expecting the unexpected by implementing extra time in your renovation period of time and extra money into your redesigning budget to allow for unanticipated injuries along the way.

5. Interview A lot of Contractors.
It pays to assembly multiple contractors and compare bids. Suppose you want your hot water heater removed from a substantial upstairs closet and a brand-new one installed in the utility area. The first plumber you ask claims he plans to impose $6, 000 and would likely reroute hot water lines. chopping into your living room tray threshold to do so. The second plumber explained it was too much work. Local plumber three plans to finish position in a day and charge $3, 285 with no water model rerouting needed. Without meeting with multiple contractors, you get the risk of paying too much without getting what you want. It pays to undertake your homework and check with several experts before making your final decision.

6. Renovate Your own personal Kitchen First.
Homeowners normally want to know in what order they should renovate a house. It’s as well best to start with the kitchen because these remodels add major value towards your property. According to the National Association with the Remodeling Industry’s 2019 updating impact report, realtors idea that homeowners can get 59% of the cost of a comprehensive kitchen renovation if they easily sell their home. Plus, if you have any outdated kitchen, upgrading the worn-out space will let you a whole lot better enjoy the space while you might be home. Practically speaking, folks do the kitchen remodel first because that work will create the best dust and debris, for you to won’t want landing to get new paint or achieve jobs. It’s always a good idea to segregate any demolition mess by simply putting plastic over entrances or pass-throughs. Since a big kitchen remodel typically takes a little while to complete, you’ll want to setup a temporary substitute kitchen in the dining room, family room, or another future area in your house.

7. Turn out to be Specific About Design Models.
You’ll want to narrow down your design preferences before you meet with an inside designer. Get inspiration outside of browsing home decorating magazines, home decorating websites, and design implies. Getting a handle on a structure direction will help you avoid receiving talked into a designer’s unique ideas, which might be different from your own vision for the renovation. Also, keep your designer strictly with the budget. Don’t allow them to acquire expensive materials and impose a fee for it later. If you make an effort to stay within a specific era, your costs will stay minimal, too.

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