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Nore diete

prevedeno z altavisto:

Diet Beverly Hills:

It only yields for a ten of days, with graduates added them of other alimony, but with the exclusion of some combinations of foods.

And one diet canted, based on pregiudizi.Comporta serious effects collaterals which diarrhoea, dehydration, deficiency of principles nourished to you.

Cambridge Diet:

Liquid diet to highest caloric restriction (approximately 300 calories to the day).

It has a caloric contribution excessive low. It involves serious effects collaterals, similar to those of the fast, that they can nuocere to the health.

Atkins Diet:

Poor of carbohydrates and rich of proteins.

Unbalanced, rich in fat people and cholesterol, it provokes to chetosi and other serious effects collaterals. The loss of weight is due mainly to loss of water.


Juices, the, tisane and/or only water.

Dangerous, unbalanced, it produces alone effects temporanei.Contrariamente to how much is believed it does not have depurativo effect, active the proteico catabolism, lowers the moreover free metabolism and the eventual liposolubili toxins (conserved in the adiposo woven one) in circle.

Mayo Diet:

A pompelmo before the meal in order to burn the fat people.

Absolutely ineffective, based on the prejudgment. It can only serve if they come reduced the calories totals.

Scarsdale Diet:

Iperproteica diet.

Unbalanced it can provoke to chetosi and nutrizionali deficiencies.

Dissociated diet:

It distinguishes two groups of alimony: proteici (meat, fish, eggs, cheeses etc.) and glucidici (bread, paste, rice, legumi, potatoes etc.) not to associate in the same meal.
Fat people, verdure and spezie pertaining to the lipidico group can be add you to the others two.

Unbalanced he can provoke chetosi; he can induce deficiencies of iron and soccer for reduction of the return.

Diet monofood:

As an example, only cheese and bananas, eggs and pompelmo, only yield, only minestrone, etc.

Unbalanced and monotona.
In the best one of the hypotheses it can be continuation for short time. It can provoke deficiencies in principles nourished to you.

Hvala da si me malo nasmejala. Prevod je super (un pompelmo before the meal, si? :))), kot bi poslusal kaksnega italijana govorit anglesko. O dietah pa raje ne bi 🙂

Lep pozdrav vsem!!!!


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