Gary Zukav
Tole mi je poslal Gary Zukav o dogajanjih v Ameriki:
Dear Rudi,
The terror in New York and Washington forces you to choose
your reaction consciously or unconsciously. The violence that
we saw today was the consequence of unconscious choices —
choices driven by pain, fear, and desperation. Who among us
has not experienced pain, fear and desperation? Who among us
will not experience them in the future? The question of
whether they will determine your responses to the
circumstances of your life, no matter how painful, is
critical, because your future depends upon it.
I hope that these thoughts will be helpful to you.
The attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon are
occasions of great significance. They are opportunities for
you to feel inside, to find those parts of yourself that are
in fear, and to make the decision to move forward in your life
without fear. That is the challenge for each individual on
this planet today. The pursuit of external power the ability
to manipulate and control creates only violence and
destruction. The painful events in New York and Washington are
living examples of that reality.
The causal chain that created this violence is one in which
compassion and wisdom are absent. Are wisdom and compassion
present in you as you watch the television, and read the
papers? It is important to realize that you do not know all
that came to conclusion, or into karmic balance, as a result
of these events. Because you are not able to know all that can
be known about them, you are not in a position to judge them.
When you are able to look at the events of the Earth School
from this perspective, you will see clearly the central
importance of the role that you play in it. That role is this:
It is for you to decide what you will contribute to this world.
Many will be asking your opinion of these events. Each question
is an opportunity for you to contribute to the love that is in
the world or to the fear that is in the world. This is the same
opportunity that presents itself to you at each moment.
If you hate those who hate, you become like them. You add to the
violence and the destructive energy that now fills our world. As
you make the decision to see with clarity and compassion, you
will see that those who committed these acts of violence were in
extreme pain themselves, and that they were fueled by the
violent parts of ourselves the parts that judge without mercy,
strike in anger, and rejoice in the suffering of others. They
were our proxy representatives. If you can look with compassion
upon those who have suffered and those who have committed acts
of cruelty alike, then you will see that all are suffering. The
remedy for suffering is not to inflict more suffering.
This is an opportunity for a massive expression of compassion.
It is also an opportunity for a massive expression of revenge.
Which world do you intend to live in — a world of revenge or a
world of compassion?
Mislim, da bogata elita sveta, ki nadzoruje svetovno gospodarstvo in seveda s tem tudi ameriško vojno industrijo, natančno ve, v kakem svetu želi živeti in je že dala Bushu ustrezne ukaze.
Mi (ljudje Slovenije, Amerike, Afganistana…) se lahko sicer izrečemo za življenje v drugačnem svetu, vendar žal nimamo “prava glasa”. -:((
Kaj se bo zgodilo?
Kopenski poseg v Afganistanu je po mojem zelo malo verjeten. Američani bi imeli velike težave z logistiko, saj jim sosednje težave ne bodo kar tako dopuščale prehoda preko svojega ozemlja. Poleg tega bi morali Amerikanci vpoklicati ne samo 30.000 ampak nekaj 100.000 rezervistov, kar bi seveda obnovilo korejski in vietnamski sindrom. Ne glede koliko je Američanov maščevalno nastrojenih, jih kaj malo mika, da bi prodajali svojo kožo po afganistanskih puščavah. Poleg tega bi to prej ko slej povzročilo revolt fundamentalistov v drugih islamskih državah in zelo verjetno res svetovno vojno.
Kaj pa je bolj verjetno:
– amerikanci preprosto morajo nekaj konkretnega narediti
– hkrati pa je to priložnost za nove postavke v državnem proračunu, kar vojna industrija ne bo kar tako izpustila iz rok
– po mojem se bodo lotili omejenih letalskih akcij (probleme bodo imeli tudi s preleti zračnega prostora sosednjih držav).
– skušali bodo narediti nekaj spektakularnih akcij, po možnosti brez lastnih žrtev
– oborožili bodo afganistansko opozicijo (ne pozabimo, da so pred leti oborožili talibane v borbi proti tej opoziciji…)
– na splošno bodo tajne službe po celem svetu bolj aktivne v protiterorističnem boju, hkrati pa bodo bolj aktivni tudi teroristi
– najebali bodo revni afganistanci
– Talibanom po mojem ne morejo do živega (tako kot niso mogli zgolj z zračnimi napadi priti do živega Sadamu)
– talibane lahko premagajo sami afganistanci sami, ni pa rečeno, da jih bodo res, saj imajo talibani očitno veliko (sedaj neformalne) podpore v drugih islamski državah
– Pakistan bo sicer amerikancem popuščal in jim pomagal, vendar pa obstaja meja sodelovanja, preko katere zaradi notranjega razmerja sil ne sme
Pravzaprav so amerikanci kar v škripcih, ker morajo narediti nekaj:
– kar bo odmevno in učinkovito
– lahko je drago, ne smejo pa imeti veliko lastnih žrtev
– ne smejo zanetiti svetovne vojne
– ostale islamske države bodo izkoriščale “dobroto” američanov in poiskušale iztržiti čim več
Ce se ne motim, Gary tako ali tako pravi, da se ne spreminja drugih, ampak sebe. Zal je le malo ljudi, ki bi razmisljali tako, kot svetuje on, ugotavljam, da sem njihovo stevilo celo precenjevala. Vendar pa hvala Rudiju za Garyjeve besede, saj vsaj malo osvetlijo celotno zadevo z druge strani, kakor pa mediji, razpihujoci sovrastvo in predvsem hujskajoci k napadu…