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Naslovnica Forum Zdravje Ginekologija Neplodnost Antigen


Kdaj se dela test za antigen CA 125?

Kolikor vem, je CA 125 tumorski marker za karcinom ovarija (rak jajčnika), a ni kaj posebej zanesljiv. Kvečjemu kaže na to, da je treba narediti še kakšno dodatno preiskavo. Sploh pa je rad povišan pri ženskah v rodni dobi iz drugih razlogov, ne zaradi raka. Preberi na:

Kjer piše med drugim tudi:

While this test is not generally regarded as useful for large scale screening by the medical community, a high value may be an indication that the woman should receive further diagnostic screening or treatment. Normal values range from 0 to 35 (U/mL). Elevated levels in post-menopausal women are usually an indication that further screening is necessary. In pre-menopausal women, the test is less reliable as values are often elevated due to a number of non-cancerous causes, and a value above 35 is not necessarily a cause for concern.

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