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Naslovnica Forum Zdravje Rak Kako živeti z rakom? ANCIENT MEDICINE FOR MODERN ILLNESS – serija 4.junij


Starodavna medicina za moderne bolezni.
Episode 1 will be released this upcoming Tuesday, June 4th at 9pm Eastern.
Časovni zamik je 6 ur.


Prva epizoda bo na voljo ves čas trajanja serije.
Današnja epizoda št. 2. je :
We’re about to uncover remedies for Stress, Anxiety and Pain. We’ll also be exploring what many call the root of all disease and sharing powerful herbs that heal your body from within.


Jutrišnja epizoda 8 je o tem, kako si pozdraviti raka.


Lahko bi se kdo potrudil in napisal prevod posnetka.

Lahko bi se kdo potrudil in napisal prevod posnetka.

Epizoda 8
In our second to last episode, we will be exploring the most effective herbs on the planet for the treatment of a dreaded disease that has likely touched all of our families – cancer.

We’ll also be shining a light on the power of an integrative approach to healing cancer – one that combines the best of green medicine with effective modern technologies to give the greatest chance of full recovery. And get ready to be moved and inspired by two cancer survivors who have vital wisdom to share.

Please make sure to watch this. Every one of us has something at stake in this one.
Modern medicine presents very limited options for the treatment of cancer – but when we dive into the 3 main schools of herbalism, we begin to see many promising natural medicines that are saving lives every day.

In order to provide the full spectrum of healing possibilities for this unrelenting illness, we’ll be talking not only about herbs that are effective in the treatment of cancer by themselves, but also remedies that work well in addition to modern protocols. Certain super-herbs are incredible at easing the negative effects and amplifying the positive aspects of certain chemotherapies and other cancer treatments.

If you or someone you know is working to overcome cancer, this episode holds information you need to see.


prevod ni potreben, vsak si lahko sam prevede na google translate….

Za dostop do serije se je treba prijaviti in dobiš vsak dan obvestilo in link, da lahko gledaš.
Mediciske gobe. Rak se pojavi, ko smo šibki. Če jemlješ zelišča, te okrepijo in bolje deluješ. Okrepiš imunski sistem, da rak ne more rasti. Okrepiš telo med kemoterapijo…. Nekatere gobe prisilijo rakave celice, da naredijo samomor.
Daniel Vitalis, David Wolfe, Li xin Zhang, samo te sem ujela
David Wolfe o medicinskih gobah. Posnetka nisem pogledala, jih je veliko na youtube.


Epizoda 9
In tonight’s finale, we’re going to be exploring ancient remedies for everything reproduction-oriented. There’s far more to this sacred aspect of ourselves than we were taught as teenagers in health class!.
We’ll be uncovering ancient “bedroom herbs” that are revered for their ability to boost circulation to the reproductive regions of our body and others that promote fertility in those who are having difficulty conceiving.

You’ll also be shown some powerful green medicines for balancing out the testosterone and estrogen levels in your body. One of these herbs is a medicinal tree that grows in just about every forest in the northern hemisphere!

Don’t miss this exciting final episode of our Remedy docuseries!


Celotna serija je na voljo čez vikend. Upoštevati je treba časovni zamik.


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