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hiperaktiven otrok

Imam sina starega 15 let. Že od nekdaj je zelo živahen, seadj pa je postal že prav hiperaktiven Bom povedala drugače, hiperaktiven je bil že od nekdaj, ampak tega zdravniki do sedaj na žalost niso ugotovili. Kako mu lahko pomagam ter kako deluje organizem hiperaktivnega najstnika?


o hiperaktivnosti otrok in tudi odraslih je veliko napisanega. A še vedno ni jasno postavljene ene same terapije zdravljenja, saj so oblike hiperaktivnosti različne. Uporabljajo se zdravila v kombinaciji z različnimi oblikami psihoterapij, delavnic kjer so velikokrat vključeni tudi starši. Nekaj bolj splošnega je tudi na, nekaj na wikipedia spletni strani (čisto spodaj sem vam pripela predstavitev hiperaktivnosti, predvsem pri otrocih in kako jo poskušajo zdraviti).

Hiperaktivnost je kompleksen proces, ki se razvije lahko pri otrocih in tudi kasneje pri odraslih. Na nastanek hiperaktivnosti vplivajo naši geni, vpliv okolja na še nerojenega otroka, okolje v katerem živimo, družina in vedno bolj opozarjajo da tudi način prehrane. Zato se tudi lahko razvija zelo neopazno kar nekaj let, in potem zaradi nekega dejavnika iz okolja “plane na dan” – jo opazimo.

Kako pomagati otroku?

1 / Moje izkušnje so me naučile, da je vedno dobro najprej seznaniti se z boleznijo, degeneracijo, anomalijami,… če jih hočem “imeti pod kontrolo”. In tudi zato, da bolje razumem strokovnjake, predvsem takrat, – ko povedo koliko se lahko pomaga, kako dolgo je potrebna terapija, da nisem preveč razočarana ali
– da se nebi premalo potrudila.

2 / Potem poiskati tiste strokovnjake, ki imajo izkušnje s takšno boleznijo, stanjem.
S hiperaktivnostjo se ukvarjajo psihiatri, psihologi, v šolah tudi skupaj s pedagogi.

Predlagam vam, da poiščete center ( vaši zdravniki vam bodo lahko svetovali kje v vaši bližini so takšne ustanove, centri,…;tudi psihologinja na šoli bi morala vedeti), ki se pri nas ukvarja s hiperaktivnostjo. Tam vam bodo svetovali osebo, ki bo VAS kot mamo naučila kako obravnavati vašega sina, in hkrati vašemu sinu pomagali (učili ga bodo), s pogovori, posebnimi vajami, testi, da bo lahko obvladoval svojo obliko hiperaktivnosti.Ravno tako se odločijo, ali so vašemu otroku potrebna posebna zdravila, ali pa ne.

Lahko pa se za začetek najprej pogovorite s psihologom, ki vam bo po razgovoru lahko svetoval kako pomagati sinu.

Želim vam veliko potrpežljivosti, dobre volje in razumevanja. Sin vam bo hvaležen, čeprav se tega sedaj ne zaveda.

Lp m

Nekaj z wikipedia, žal je v angleščini, a vseeno:
ADHD and its diagnosis and treatment have been considered controversial since the 1970s.[16] The controversies have involved clinicians, teachers, policymakers, parents and the media. Opinions regarding ADHD range from not believing it exists at all to believing there are genetic and physiological bases for the condition as well as disagreement about the use of stimulant medications in treatment.[17][18][19] Most healthcare providers accept that ADHD is a genuine disorder with debate in the scientific community centering mainly around how it is diagnosed and treated.[20][21][22] The AMA Council on Scientific Affairs concluded in 1998 that “(d)iagnostic criteria for ADHD are based on extensive empirical research and, if applied appropriately, lead to the diagnosis of a syndrome with high interrater reliability, good face validity, and high predictability of course and medication responsiveness.”[

Childhood ADHD
Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder or ADHD is a common childhood illness that can be treated. It is a health condition involving biologically active substances in the brain. ADHD may affect certain areas of the brain that allow problem solving, planning ahead, understanding others’ actions, and impulse control.[30]

The American Academy of Child Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP) considers it necessary that the following be present before attaching the label of ADHD to a child:

The behaviors must appear before age 7.
They must continue for at least six months.
The symptoms must also create a real handicap in at least two of the following areas of the child’s life:
in the classroom,
on the playground,
at home,
in the community, or
in social settings.[30]
If a child seems too active on the playground but not elsewhere, the problem might not be ADHD. It might also not be ADHD if the behaviors occur in the classroom but nowhere else. A child who shows some symptoms would not be diagnosed with ADHD if his or her schoolwork or friendships are not impaired by the behaviors.[30]

Even if a child’s behavior seems like ADHD, it might not actually be ADHD; careful attention to the process of differential diagnosis is mandatory. Many other conditions and situations can trigger behavior that resembles ADHD. For example, a child might show ADHD symptoms when experiencing:

A death or divorce in the family, a parent’s job loss, or other sudden change
Undetected seizures
An ear infection that causes temporary hearing problems
Problems with schoolwork caused by a learning disability
Anxiety or depression[30]
Insufficient or poor quality sleep
Child abuse
[edit] Adult ADHD
Main article: Adult attention-deficit disorder
It has been estimated that about eight million adults have ADHD in the United States.[31] Untreated adults with ADHD often have chaotic lifestyles, may appear to be disorganized and may rely on non-prescribed drugs and alcohol to get by.[32] They often have such associated psychiatric comorbidities as depression, anxiety disorder, bipolar disorder, substance abuse, or a learning disability.[32] A diagnosis of ADHD may offer adults insight into their behaviors and allow patients to become more aware and seek help with coping and treatment strategies.[31] There is controversy amongst some experts on whether ADHD persists into adulthood. Recognized as occurring in adults in 1978, it is currently not addressed separately from ADHD in childhood. Obstacles that clinicians face when assessing adults who may have ADHD include developmentally inappropriate diagnostic criteria, age-related changes, comorbidities and the possibility that high intelligence or situational factors can mask ADHD.[33]

[edit] Symptoms
Inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity are the key behaviors of ADHD. The symptoms of ADHD are especially difficult to define because it is hard to draw the line at where normal levels of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity end and clinically significant levels requiring intervention begin.[4] To be diagnosed with the disorder, a child must have symptoms for 6 or more months and to a degree that is greater than other children of the same age.

The symptom categories of ADHD in children yield three potential classifications of ADHD—predominantly inattentive type, predominantly hyperactive-impulsive type, or combined type if criteria for both subtypes are met:[4]:p.4

Predominantly inattentive type symptoms may include:[34]

Be easily distracted, miss details, forget things, and frequently switch from one activity to another
Have difficulty focusing on one thing
Become bored with a task after only a few minutes, unless they are doing something enjoyable
Have difficulty focusing attention on organizing and completing a task or learning something new
Have trouble completing or turning in homework assignments, often losing things (e.g., pencils, toys, assignments) needed to complete tasks or activities
Not seem to listen when spoken to
Daydream, become easily confused, and move slowly
Have difficulty processing information as quickly and accurately as others
Struggle to follow instructions.
Predominantly hyperactive-impulsive type symptoms may include:[34]

Fidget and squirm in their seats
Talk nonstop
Dash around, touching or playing with anything and everything in sight
Have trouble sitting still during dinner, school, and story time
Be constantly in motion
Have difficulty doing quiet tasks or activities.
and also these manifestations primarily of impulsivity:[34]

Be very impatient
Blurt out inappropriate comments, show their emotions without restraint, and act without regard for consequences
Have difficulty waiting for things they want or waiting their turns in games
Most people exhibit some of these behaviors, but not to the degree where such behaviors significantly interfere with a person’s work, relationships, or studies. The core impairments are consistent even in different cultural contexts.[35]

Symptoms may persist into adulthood for up to half of children diagnosed with ADHD. Estimating this is difficult as there are no official diagnostic criteria for ADHD in adults.[4] ADHD in adults remains a clinical diagnosis. The signs and symptoms may differ from those during childhood and adolscence due to the adaptive processes and avoidance mechanisms learned during the process of socialisation.

A 2009 study found that children with ADHD move around a lot because it helps them stay alert enough to complete challenging tasks.[36][/i][/i]
Main article: Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder management
Methods of treatment often involve some combination of behavior modification, life-style changes, counseling, and medication. A 2005 study found that medical management and behavioral treatment is the most effective ADHD management strategy, followed by medication alone, and then behavioral treatment.[120] While medication has been shown to improve behavior when taken over the short term, they have not been shown to alter long term outcomes.[121]

[edit] Behavioral interventions
A 2009 review concluded that the evidence is strong for the effectiveness of behavioral treatments in ADHD.[122]

Psychological therapies used to treat ADHD include psychoeducational input, behavior therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT), family therapy, school-based interventions, social skills training and parent management training.[24]

Parent training and education have been found to have short term benefits.[123] Family therapy has shown to be of little use in the treatment of ADHD,[124] though it may be worth noting that parents of children with ADHD are more likely to divorce than parents of children without ADHD, particularly when their children are younger than eight years old.[125]

Several ADHD specific support groups exist as informational sources and to help families cope with challenges associated with dealing with ADHD.

A 2009 study found that children with ADHD move around a lot because it helps them stay alert enough to complete challenging tasks. The researcher advises that when they are doing homework, one should let them fidget, stand or chew gum since it may help them cope. Unless their behavior is destructive, severely limiting their activity could be counterproductive.[36]

[edit] Medications

Ritalin 10 mg tablets (AU)
Dexamphetamine 5 mg tablets (AU)
Adderall XR 25 mg tablets (US)Management with medication has been shown to be the most cost-effective, followed by behavioral treatment and combined treatment in a 14 month follow-up study.[120] However, a longer follow-up study of 3 years found that stimulant medication offered no benefits over behavioural therapy.[126] Stimulant medication or non-stimulant medication may be prescribed. A 2007 drug class review found that there are no good studies of comparative effectiveness between various drugs for ADHD and that there is a lack of quality evidence on their effects on overall academic performance and social behaviors.[127] The long term effects of ADHD medications in preschool children are unknown and are not recommended for pre-school children.[24][128] There is very little data on the long-term adverse effects or benefits of stimulants for ADHD.[129]

[edit] Stimulant medication
Stimulants are the most commonly prescribed medications for ADHD. The most common stimulant medications are the chain subsitituted amphetamine methylphenidate (Ritalin, Metadate, Concerta), dextroamphetamine (Dexedrine), mixed amphetamine salts (Adderall),[130][131] dextromethamphetamine (Desoxyn)[132] and lisdexamfetamine (Vyvanse).[133]

A meta analysis of clinical trials found that about 70% of children improve after being treated with stimulants in the short term but found that this conclusion may be biased due to the high number of low quality clinical trials in the literature. There have been no randomized placebo controlled clinical trials investigating the long term effectiveness of methylphenidate (Ritalin) beyond 4 weeks. Thus the long term effectiveness of methylphenidate has not been scientifically demonstrated. Serious concerns of publication bias regarding the use of methylphenidate for ADHD has also been noted.[134]

Higher rates of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder as well as increased severity of these disorders occur in individuals with a past history of stimulant use for ADHD in childhood.[135]

Both children with and without ADHD abuse stimulants, with ADHD individuals being at the highest risk of abusing or diverting their stimulant prescriptions. Between 16 and 29 percent of students who are prescribed stimulants report diverting their prescriptions. Between 5 and 9 percent of grade/primary and high school children and between 5 and 35 percent of college students have used nonprescribed stimulants. Most often their motivation is to concentrate, improve alertness, “get high,” or to experiment.[136]

Stimulants used to treat ADHD raise the extracellular concentrations of the neurotransmitters dopamine and norepinephrine which causes an increase in neurotransmission. The therapeutic benefits are due to noradrenergic effects at the locus coeruleus and the prefrontal cortex and dopaminergic effects at the nucleus accumbens.[137]

One study found that children with ADHD actually need to move more to maintain the required level of alertness while performing tasks that challenge their working memory. Performing math problems mentally and remembering multi-step directions are examples of tasks that require working memory, which involves remembering and manipulating information for a short time. These findings may also explain why stimulant medications improve the behavior of most children with ADHD. Those medications improve the physiological arousal of children with ADHD, increasing their alertness.[36] Previous studies have shown that stimulant medications temporarily improve working memory abilities.

Although “under medical supervision, stimulant medications are considered safe”,[105][138] the use of stimulant medications for the treatment of ADHD has generated controversy because of undesirable side effects, uncertain long term effects[11][129][139][140][141] and social and ethical issues regarding their use and dispensation. The FDA has added black-box warnings to some ADHD medications,[142][143] while the American Heart Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics feel that it is prudent to carefully assess children for heart conditions before treating them with stimulant medications.[144]

[edit] Antipsychotic medication
On the contrary to stimulant medication, atypical antipsychotic drug use is rising among ADHD children. Antipsychotics work by blocking dopamine whereas stimulants trigger its release, putting further stigma on the pharmacological treatment of ADHD. As a second-line approach to treatment in children who do not respond to stimulant medications, this class of drugs has not been well-studied or proven to work safely in children with the disorder. Weight gain, heart rhythm problems, diabetes and the possibility of irreversible movement disorders (tardive dyskinesia) are among the short and long-term adverse events associated with antipsychotic drugs.[145][146]

[edit] Other non-stimulant medications
Atomoxetine (Strattera) is currently the only non-stimulant drug approved for the treatment of ADHD. Other medications which may be prescribed off-label include alpha-2A adrenergic receptor blockers such as guanfacine and clonidine, certain antidepressants such as tricyclic antidepressants, SNRIs or MAOIs.[147][148][149][150]

Another non-stimulant drug that has been used to treat ADHD is the analeptic drug modafinil. There have been double-blind randomised controlled trials that have demonstrated the efficacy and tolerability of modafinil,[151][152] however there are risks of serious side effects such as skin reactions and modafinil is not recommended for use in children.[153]

[edit] Experimental and alternative treatments
Dietary supplements and specialized diets are sometimes used by people with ADHD with the intent to mitigate some or all of the symptoms. For example, Omega-3 supplementation (seal, fish or krill oil) may reduce ADHD symptoms for a subgroup of children and adolescents with ADHD “characterized by inattention and associated neurodevelopmental disorders.”[154] Although vitamin or mineral supplements (micronutrients) may help children diagnosed with particular deficiencies, there is no evidence that they are helpful for all children with ADHD. Furthermore, megadoses of vitamins, which can be toxic, must be avoided.[155] In the United States, no dietary supplement has been approved for the treatment for ADHD by the FDA.[156] There is however a pilot study done which shows that phosphatidyl serine (PS) can help against ADHD.[157][158]

EEG biofeedback is a treatment strategy used for children, adolescents and adults with ADHD.[159] The human brain emits electrical energy which is measured with electrodes on the brain. Biofeedback alerts the patient when beta waves are present. This theory believes that those with ADHD can train themselves to decrease ADHD symptoms. There is a distinct split in the scientific community about the effectiveness of the treatment. A number of studies indicate the scientific evidence has been increasing in recent years for the effectiveness of EEG biofeedback for the treatment of ADHD. According to a 2007 review, with effectiveness of the treatment was demonstrated to be equivalent to that of stimulant medication. The review noted, improvements are seen at the behavioral and neuropsychological level with the symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity showing significant decreases after treatment. There are no known side effects from EEG biofeedback therapy. There are methodological limitations and weaknesses in study designs however. In a 2005 review, Loo and Barkley stated that problems including lack of blinding such as placebo control and randomisation are significant limitations to the studies into EEG biofeedback and make definitive conclusions impossible to make.[160] As a result more robust clinical studies have been strongly recommended.[161] A German review in 2004 found that EEG biofeedback, also sometimes referred to as neurofeedback, is more effective than previously thought in treating attention deficiency, impulsivity and hyperactivity; short-term effects match those of stimulant treatment and a persistent normalization of EEG parameters is found which is not found after treatment with stimulants.[162] There are no known side effects from biofeedback therapy although research into biofeedback has been limited and further research has been recommended.[162] An American review the following year also emphasized the benefits of this method.[163] Similar findings were reported in a study by another German team in 2004.[164]

Aerobic fitness may improve cognitive functioning and neural organization related to executive control during pre-adolescent development, though more studies are needed in this area.[165] One study suggests that athletic performance in boys with ADHD may increase peer acceptance when accompanied by fewer negative behaviors.[166]

Art is thought by some to be an effective therapy for some of the symptoms of ADHD. Other sources, including some psychologists who have written on the subject, feel that cutting down on time spent on television, video games, or violent media can help some children. One study indicated a correlation between excessive TV time as a child with higher rates of ADHD symptoms.[167] Other therapies that have been effective for some have been ADHD coaching, positive changes in diet, such as low sugar, low additives, and no caffeine. Children who spend time outdoors in natural settings, such as parks, seem to display fewer symptoms of ADHD, which has been dubbed “Green Therapy”.[168]

[edit] Prognosis
Children diagnosed with ADHD have significant difficulties in adolescence, regardless of treatment.[169] In the United States, 37% of those with ADHD do not get a high school diploma even though many of them will receive special education services.[25] A 1995 briefing citing a 1994 book review says the combined outcomes of the expulsion and dropout rates indicate that almost half of all ADHD students never finish high school.[170] Also in the US, less than 5% of individuals with ADHD get a college degree[171] compared to 28% of the general population.[172] Those with ADHD as children are at increased risk of a number of adverse life outcomes once they become teenagers. These include a greater risk of auto crashes, injury and higher medical expenses, earlier sexual activity, and teen pregnancy.[173] Russell Barkley states that adult ADHD impairments affect “education, occupation, social relationships, sexual activities, dating and marriage, parenting and offspring psychological morbidity, crime and drug abuse, health and related lifestyles, financial management, or driving. ADHD can be found to produce diverse and serious impairments”.[174] The proportion of children meeting the diagnostic criteria for ADHD drops by about 50% over three years after the diagnosis. This occurs regardless of the treatments used and also occurs in untreated children with ADHD.[113][126][140] ADHD persists into adulthood in about 30-50% of cases.[8] Those affected are likely to develop coping mechanisms as they mature, thus compensating for their previous ADHD.[10]

[edit] Epidemiology

Percent of United States youth 4-17 years of age ever diagnosed with ADHD as of 2003.[175]ADHD’s global prevalence is estimated at 3-5% in people under the age of 19. There is, however, both geographical and local variability among studies. Geographically, children in North America appear to have a higher rate of ADHD than children in Africa and the Middle East,[176] well published studies have found rates of ADHD as low as 2% and as high as 14% among school aged children.[27] The rates of diagnosis and treatment of ADHD are also much higher on the East Coast of the USA than on the West Coast.[177] The frequency of the diagnosis differs between male children (10%) and female children (4%) in the United States.[178] This difference between genders may reflect either a difference in susceptibility or that females with ADHD are less likely to be diagnosed than males.[179]

Rates of ADHD diagnosis and treatment have increased in both the UK and the USA since the 1970s. In the UK an estimated 0.5 per 1,000 children had ADHD in the 1970s, while 3 per 1,000 received ADHD medications in the late 1990s. In the USA in the 1970s 12 per 1,000 children had the diagnosis, while in the late 1990s 34 per 1,000 had the diagnosis and the numbers continue to increase.[24]

Adults are likely not to be diagnosed or treated for ADHD. This may result in a substantial underestimation of prevalence in most populations. Awareness about Hyperactivity and ADHD or its signs and symptoms has been rudimentary until early 1990 across europe.

In the UK in 2003 a prevalence of 3.6% is reported in male children and less than 1% is reported in female children.[180]

As of 2009[update], eight percent of all Major League Baseball players have been diagnosed with ADHD, making the disease epidemic among this population. The increase coincided with the League’s 2006 ban on stimulants (q.v. Major League Baseball drug policy).[181]

Tudi pri nas se soočamo s hiperaktivnostjo hčerke. Jaz sem striktno proti zdravilom, medtem, ko je mož drugačnega mnenja. Ali mi lahko prosim napišete, kakšna zdravila se predpisujejo in kakšen je njihov dolgoročni vpliv na telo.
najlepša hvala


za zdravljenje oziroma lajšanje težav pri hiperaktivnih osebah se uporabljajo največkrat stimulatorji, ki vplivajo na boljše ravnovesje nevrotransmitorjev v možganih. Med ta zdravila-učinkovine sodijo amfetamini, dekstroamfetamini, metilfenidati, deksmetilfenidati,…, ki jih poznamo pod različnimi imeni.

Poglejte si na Google pod ADHD Drugs in našli boste cel seznam zdravil, ki so danes na voljo. Za vsako od naštetih zdravil si lahko preberete kako deluje.

Vsako zdravilo mora predpisati zdravnik specialist, ki ve kakšna koncentracija in katera učinkovina (zdravilo) bi bila najprimernejša za vašega otroka. Hiperaktivnost se pri različnih otrocih različno izraža. Zato nekaterim otrokom sploh ne predpišejo zdravila, nekaterim otrokom pa celo nekaj vrst.Ravno tako je potem otrok pod nadzorom zdravnika, ki otroka spremlja, da bi slučajno ne prišlo do neželenih učinkov*.
*(Vsako zdravilo, tudi najbolj razširjena in “varna” aspirin ali penicilin je za večino ljudi koristno in učinkovito. Se pa zgodi, da je iz različnih vzrokov pri nekaterih osebah , lahko popolnoma neučinkovito ali celo škodljivo. To se lahko pokaže takoj na začetku uživanja zdravila, lahko pa šele čez nekaj časa.).

Dobro je pogovoriti se z zdravnikom, ki spremlja vašega otroka. Ta vam potem lahko svetuje ali so zdravila nujno potrebna, ali pa je bolje za vašega otroka, da ni na zdravilih.
Velikokrat se moramo starši sami odločiti, ali bomo dali otroka na neka zdravila, ali pa bomo prevzeli dodatne obveznosti, da bo naš otrok odraščal čim bolj enako svojim vrstnikom. To pomeni dodatne obveznosti, energijo, čas, potrpljenje in razumevanje. Če se z možem o tem pogovarjata, pa čeprav se velikokrat razhajata, je dobro. Skupaj bosta lahko pomagala hčerki poiskati najboljšo možnost, da bo čim lažje prebrodila svojo hibo in bila čim bolj enaka svojim vrstnikom.

Veliko dobrih rešitev in čim manj nesporazumov vam želim


Tudi pri nas imamo hiperaktivnega otroka.V svetovalnem centru v Ljubljani smo pridobili odločbo po kateri bi šola morala delati.Čeprav jih redno opozarjam na odločbo, jo še vedno ne spoštujejo in mi pravijo da delam otroku potuho.Nagovarjajo me naj pridobim Ritalin za fanta.Po vsem kar sem o Ritalinu prebrala sem v veliki dilemi.-Po mojem razumevanju je Ritalin v bistvu poživilo , ki se ga odraslemu sploh ne predpisuje.
Sicer se je pa sin zelo umiril odkar vemo za to motnjo in tudi doma z njim pravilno delamo.Postal je samozavestnejši ( saj veste- ti otroci so nezgodniki) in tudi ocene v šoli so se popravile.Tudi v izvenšolskih dejavnostih je viden napredek.Še najtežje je v šoli, ker ne morem spremeniti mišljenja nekaterih učiteljev.
Zanima me, če ima še kdo podobne težave in mi mogoče svetuje kako odreagirati s šolo.
Je večen krivec za vse neumnosti, ki se zgodijo v šoli, pa čeprav ni niti zraven.
Ali imate mogoče kakšne izkušnje?


najbrž ste si prebrala zgornja dva primera in odgovore (o poznavanju tovrstne motnje, o zdravilih, ki jih uporabljajo in njihovih dobrih/slabih učinkih, pa tudi koliko lahko sami omilimo motnjo in jo imamo pod kontrolo. To je zelo zelo pomembno).

Zelo dobro je, da ste upoštevala navodila in že vidite, da se otrok umirja in z njim znate delati VI. Rezultati v šoli in izvenšolskih dejavnostih, pa tudi v odnosu do vas – TO SO PRAVI REZULTATI, da je otroku bolje.

Naše šole s pedagogi, učitelji so problematični. Velikokrat zaradi neznanja, človeške majhnosti posameznikov, in predstave v svoji glavi – otroci se morajo prilagajti šoli (avtoriteti) in ne šola otrokom.
Zato se ne ozirajte preveč na to. VI DOSEGATE CILJE! Vašemu otroku je bolje! in rabi še nekaj časa , let, da bo svojo motnjo popolnoma omilil in jo imel pod kontrolo. IMA V SVOJIH STARŠIH VELIKEGA PRIJATELJA, človeka, ki mu pomaga, ga razume – mu daje VARNOST. Zato tudi svojemu sinu na preprost način, počasi poskusite dopovedati, da so učitelji samo preprosti ljudje z vsemi napakami in pomanjkljivostmi. Da bo takšnih ljudi v svojem življenju srečal še ZELO VELIKO. In naj se pripravi, zato so mu ti posamezni primeri, grenke izkušnje, nerazumevanje odličen trening. VEM, da to ni enostavno, da otrok bo sicer poskušal razumeti, ako bo že spet doživel krivico, nerazumevanje, bo za njega zelo stresno. A vaja dela mojstra. In vaš otrok lahko postane odličen mojster, saj ste vi starši na njegovi strani in mu pomagate, ga bodrite in mu dajete potrdila, da je dober.

Če z otrokom tako dobro uspevate, ali je nujno dajati zdravilo Ritalin? Kaj ko bi še malo skupaj zobe stisnili, otroka še bolj bodrili in vzpodbujali? Osebno menim, da boste čez nekaj let bolj zadovoljni in pomirjeni.

Času je treba dati čas. Velikokrat boli, je težko, veliko potrpljenja in stiskanja zob… a to je vaš otrok, ki mu želite najbolje. Kar pogumno po poti, ki ste jo začeli in imate prav dobre rezultate. Samo vedite, ene stvari se lahko rešijo v nekaj urah (glavobol), ene v nekaj tednih (infekcije), nekatere pa potrebujejo leta ali celo življenje (presnovne napake, napake možganskega delovanja,…). Pri vas je pač zgodba veliko let. IN SE SPLAČA, VERJEMITE MI!

lp m

Moj sin je star 13 let in že od 7 leta se pravi prvega razreda jemlje tablete ritalin,ki mu ga dajo v šoli pol ure pred pričetkom pouka in potem še polovičko čez tri ure.Tablete delujejo za zbranost pri pouku.Poskušali smo tudi druge tablete pa nažalost niso imele nobenega učinka kar je pomenilo isto kot da ni jemal ničesar.Je pa res da na vsakega otroka delujejo tablete drugača.Z sinovo hiperaktivnostjo se srečujemo že od vrtca,kjer začel imeti probleme z druženjem,obnašanjem in slabim sodelovanjem.pri dejavnostih.Poskušali smo z redno osnovno šolo.Upravičen je bil do dodatne pomoči iz strani defektologinje.Nažalost je razred končal po pogojem da se v drugi razred vpiše v prilagojeni program.Poslušali smo strokovnjake in sedaj sin lepo napreduje in ima velike možnosti do končanja srednje šole.Je naš sonček.Kljub svoji drugačnosti naju z možem vsak dan posebej razveseljuje z svojo prijaznostjo in iskrenostjo.

– času moramo dati čas, moramo biti potrpežljivi in vztrajni,

– VERJETI moramo v to kar smo si zadali,

– a naj bodo cilji realni ( genija iz matematike ne bomo naredili za genija v športu in obratno),

– vsakdo je UNIKUM in takšnega moramo sprejeti, spoštovati in upoštevati! In če to delamo, lahko iz prav vsakega naredimo mali čudež. Otroci s dawnovim sindromom lahko končajo šole in se vključijo v normalno življenje, otroci s cerebralno paralizo, avtistični otroci in tudi hiperaktivni otroci (ADHD) lahko postanejo del normalnega življenja.

– Samo ne hlastati. Na dolgi rok se nam VEDNO OBRESTUJE v DOBRO ali v SLABO! Samo od naše ne- POTRPEŽLJIVOSTI in ne-VZTRAJNOSTI je odvisno!!

Čestitam vam, vaši modrosti, potrpežljivosti. Vaš sine vama bo VEDNO zelo hvaležen, pokazal bo to z dejanji, ko se bo lahko vključeval v normalno življenje.

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