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Visok porast mlečne kisline

Tudi kakšen zdravnik se bori s kronično utrujenostjo. Mark Vink je lahko kar sebe vzel za študijski primer. 12 ur okrevanja po hoji od postelje do kopalnice je bilo posledica povečane tvorbe mlečne kisline. Meril je kreatin kinazo, anorganski fosfat in mlečno kislino. Merjenja vsako minuto so pokazala porast mlečne kisline 5 minut po obremenitvi, še višji porast je bil po 30 minutah (1,6 –> 8,0 –> 11,8 mmol/L).

Read more: How Walking to Bathroom Can Be Harder Than Running a Marathon: A Doctor’s ME/CFS Case Study
How Walking to Bathroom Can Be Harder Than Running a Marathon: A Doctor’s ME/CFS Case Study -…
A doctor with chronic fatigue syndrome studies his muscle bioenergetics and comes with some…

Še en članek:
“Conclusion: This study found that in severe ME, both the oxidative phosphorylation and the lactic acid excretion are impaired, and the combination of these two is responsible for the main characteristic of ME, the abnormally delayed muscle recovery after doing trivial things. The muscle recovery is further delayed by immune changes, including intracellular immune dysfunctions, and by lengthened and accentuated oxidative stress, but also by exercise metabolites, which work on the sensitive receptors in the dorsal root ganglions, which in severe ME are chronically inflamed, and are therefore much more sensitive to these metabolites, which are produced in high quantities in response to trivial exercise, which for ME patients, due to the underlining metabolic problem, is strenuous exercise. And a similar problem is most likely responsible for the abnormally delayed brain recovery after doing trivial things.
This study also shows that the two metabolic problems are the result of an impaired oxygen uptake into the muscle cells or their mitochondria and in combination with the Norwegian Rituximab studies, which suggest that ME is an autoimmune disease, it is suggestive that antibodies are directly or indirectly blocking the oxygen uptake into the muscle cells or their mitochondria.”…/neurology/JNNB-1-112.php

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