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zastava PACE

Kje se pri nas da kupiti tisto lustno mavricno zastavo, na kateri pise PACE? Tudi pri nas visijo z balkonov, pa ne samo v Ljubljani. Amazon in ebay nimata (ali pa jaz ne znam iskati:).

Hvala ze vnaprej!

Spodaj imaš nekaj naslovov, na katerih ponujajo mavrične zastave. Zraven je tudi ena zanimiva razlaga o nastanku te zastave. Na nobenem od teh naslovov nisem našla zastave z napisom PACE, ampak verjetno je to samo italijanska različica te zastave. Drugače pa sem v iskalnik (Google) vpisala “buy rainbow flag” in ta je izvrgel na tisoče zadetkov. 🙂

Srečno z iskanjem!

Lp, Pu

Who developed the Rainbow Flag, and why are there only six stripes?

The Rainbow Flag was designed in 1978 by Gilbert Baker, a San Francisco artist, in response to a local activist’s call for a symbol for the homosexual community. The design may have been influenced by flags with multicolored stripes used by various left-wing causes and organizations in the San Francisco area in the 1960s. The Rainbow Flag originally had eight stripes (from top to bottom: hot pink for sex, red for life, orange for healing, yellow for sun, green for serenity with nature, turquoise for art, indigo for harmony, and violet for spirit). Handmade versions of this flag were flown in the 1978 Gay Freedom Day Parade. After the November 1978 assassination of San Francisco Mayor George Moscone and openly gay Supervisor Harvey Milk and the subsequent lenient sentence given to their killer, former Supervisor Dan White, the Rainbow Flag began to be used in San Francisco as a general symbol of the gay community. San Francisco-based Paramount Flag Co. began selling seven-striped (top to bottom: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet) flags from its Polk Street retail store, which was located in a large gay neighborhood. These flags were surplus stock which had originally been made for the Rainbow Girls, a Masonic organization for young women. When Baker approached Paramount to make flags for the 1979 Gay Freedom Day Parade, Paramount informed Baker that fabric for hot pink was not available for mass production, and Baker dropped the hot pink stripe. Baker also asked Paramount to make vertical banners that would be split and displayed from the angular double bars of the old-style lamp posts on Market Street. Baker and Paramount’s vice president Ken Hughes agreed to drop the hot pink and turquoise stripes and replace the indigo stripe with royal blue–resulting in three stripes on one side of the lamp post and three on the other. Eventually, the Rainbow Flag evolved into a standard six-stripe form (from top to bottom: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet).

ola regla,

največ teh zastav sem do zdaj videla v italiji in midva s tipom jo imava (z napisom v italijanščini) od tam, ko je on šel enkrat na gardsko jezero. v ljubljani pa sem videla – poleg množice angleških – že tud take z napisom v slovenščini, tako da – verjetno bi se splačalo povprašat tam po metelkovi, če jih morda kdo izdeluje in prodaja, al pa po kakšnih bolj alternativnih štacuncah, mogoče pa tud na štantih v lj. (v italiji jih dobiš na vsakem voglu, pri nas pa, kot da bi se sramovali mavrice in miru 🙂

je pa fajn ta zastavca in upam, da jo boš našla!

veliko mavričnih barv v temle veselem decembru!


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