Severna in Juzna Korea, nenavadna podobnost z Zgodovino Slovenije.
Iz ustave Severne Koreje:
Constituion of North Korea:
Chapter I. Politics
Article 1. The DPRK is an independent socialist state representing the interests of all the Korean people.
Article 2. The DPRK is a revolutionary state, which has inherited the brilliant traditions established in the glorious revolutionary struggle against the imperialist aggressors to achieve the fatherland’s liberation and the freedom and happiness of the people.
(SR Slovenija od 1945-1991)
Iz Ustave Juzne Koreje:
From Constituion of South Korea.
We, the people of Korea,
proud of a resplendent history and traditions dating from time immemorial,
upholding the cause of the Provisional Republic of Korea Government born of the Independence Movement of 1 March 1919 and the democratic ideals of the uprising on 19 April 1960 against injustice,
having assumed the mission of democratic reform and peaceful unification of our homeland and
having determined to consolidate national unity with Justice, humanitarianism and brotherly love, and
to destroy all social vices and injustice, and
(Neudvisnost in smostojna drzava Sloevncev , Hrvatov in Srbov, leta 1919.
V Sloveniji je bil glavni štab TO ustanovljen 20. novembra 1968. V začetku je bilo poveljstvo skoraj izključno v rokah slovenskih častnikov..
letu 1990 je Slovenija ustanovila nov štab TO. Sprejete so bile nove insignije, maja 1991 pa sta bila odprta prva učna centra za usposabljanje vojaških obveznikov na Igu pri Ljubljani in Pekrah pri Mariboru. 2. junija istega leta je prisegla prva generacija slovenskih vojakov.
Razpad Sovjetske Zveze in Jugoslavije leta 1991, in nastanek Neodvisnih in suverenih drzav iz Sovjetskih in Jugoslovanskih Republik.
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