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Punce:Resna zveza

No, zanimiva in poučna debata. Prebral sem vse prispevke in moram reči, da se s Simonom (in podobnimi mnenji) daleč najbolj strinjam.

Sicer pa sem pred časom na netu naletel na ZELO zanimiv (in zabaven) članek, katerega priporočam vsem. Komentarji seveda zelo dobrodošli. Pa še to – s tem člankom se zelo strinjam.

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Did you NOTICE that women keep saying that they want a nice guy. BUT …. how come they are always going after some stupid jerk?. Go and get brain surgery immediately if you believe when women say that they want a guy who is sensitive, caring, understanding, that will treat them with respect, and on and on. Do NOT believe what women SAY. Instead, WATCH what women DO. They go after the jerks, don’t they? Always remember that actions speak much louder that words. NEVER, EVER believe what women tell you. Instead, WATCH FOR THEIR ACTIONS. Watch what women do. They go after jerks. Even better. Watch what ANY person (male or female) does. His/her behavior is the best predictor of his/her personality.



1. Why are nice guys ignored?

2. Why are women so attracted to jerks?.

3. Is she attracted only to jerks or to ANY guy who can make her “feel” the way a jerk does?

4. If a nice guy adopted some of the jerk’s techniques, would he attract women like the jerk does?

The answers to these questions are based on the NEED for the SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST. And IT explains women ‘s behavior EXTREMELY ACCURATELY. I have never seen it explained so clearly before. It took me some time years ago to understand what was going on. Maybe other men have already observed this.


Listen carefully. Females OF ALL SPECIES were genetically programmed by Mother Nature to MATE with the dominant males of their species, NOT the weak ones. BY mating with the dominant males of their particular species, the GENES of the strongest males were passed to the newborn thus assuring its SURVIVAL in a very hostile environment. You can observe this MATING RITUAL happening over and over aging in the animal kingdom.

Here is HOW Nature assured the SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST: First: Nature had to find a way to make the female willing to surrender and MATE with the male. There had to be an INCENTIVE for her to WANT to mate. Would you engage in sexual intercourse if it were absolutely boring or unpleasant?. Of course not. So, in order to make her a WILLING participant, the female of the species was programmed to feel all those intense, uncontrollable, overwhelming, pleasurable FEELINGS that makes her ready to go ahead and MATE. Have you heard the expression: my female dog is in HEAT?. You know that this female dog goes CRAZY. If that dog were not in HEAT, there would be no copulation, no mating.

Second: Nature wanted to preserve the strongest traits of that species. Therefore, the female was programmed to have those crazy, wild feelings and emotions PREDOMINANTLY toward THE STRONGEST, MOST DOMINANT MALES, the ones that she COULD NOT CONTROL, the ones that would dominate her. You must have observed in Wildlife that the female does NOT surrender to the weakest, but she waits for the WINNER AMONG ALL THE MALES fighting for her favors. And the winner is always the strongest one. And the fighting itself contributes to make her quite EXCITED. And the sight of the winner makes her even MORE excited to the point where she WILLINGLY surrenders and MATES WITH THE WINNER.

Do you understand what I said?. The female was programmed by Mother Nature to feel ATTRACTED to and MATE with the dominant males, not the weak ones. Is it the strong male, not the weak, the one who makes her FEEL really excited and turned on. Well, guess what. Women, the females of our species, have exactly THAT SAME INFORMATION still coded in their genetic structure. And -this ancient MATING INSTINCT is constantly being REINFORCED in ALL women, FROM A VERY EARLY AGE, by the heroes of Hollywood, TV and the mindless soap operas and romantic novels that women devour.

All these heroes are supremely self-confident, strong, untamable, they cannot be controlled by ANY woman, they treat women roughly, they can do no wrong, they always say the right things and make the right moves, they SWEEP WOMEN OFF THEIR FEET and they always end up getting the females.

THE MESSAGE BEING CONSTANTLY REINFORCED IN ALL SINGLE WOMEN is that ONLY the uncontrollable, untamable guy is desirable . And that ANY nice guy should be ignored. Therefore, women all over the world keep dreaming about some knight in a shining armor WHO will SWEEP THEM OFF THEIR FEET, and dominate them and make them go totally OUT OF CONTROL and possess them. That is why the strong, dominant, unpredictable, untamable male is a turn-on for ANY WOMAN. She was programmed to respond to that kind of a male. She goes “NUTS” for this type of guy. She will do ANYTHING to try to get him.

This genetic programming in the females is accomplished in great part through a very powerful hormone known as Estrogen, the “FEELING” drug. It makes females want to feel, and feel, and feel. On the other side of the spectrum, a powerful hormone known as Testosterone, the “PERFORMANCE/ACHIEVEMENT” drug, is the one that makes men “hunters” and gives them the drive to achieve, invent, create. That would very nicely explain why women CRAVE for intense feelings and emotions. They love to FEEL, FEEL and FEEL. They have this uncontrollable, almost “psychotic” NEED to talk about their relationships and what/how they FEEL all the time. They couldn’t care less about how things work, about computers and about cars. Except when they want you to buy one for them.

It would also explain why men DON’T have this overwhelming, uncontrollable, even ”psychotic” NEED, to talk about their feelings and they are much happier creating, inventing, and talking about their computers, their cars and their latest high-tech toys. Women FEEL happy when they FEEL. Men FEEL happy when they ACCOMPLISH something. LOGICALLY SPEAKING, ANY woman should try to avoid the jerks, the bad guys, AT ALL COST considering that she has been drilled over and over by her mother ( and even her father) that men are no good, that they are only interested in sex. Does she follow her mother’s instructions?. Of course not.

Instead, she keeps going after the troublemakers, the guys who are going to hurt her. These BAD guys project these vibes of being so dominant and uncontrollable that it TURNS ON the all powerful MATING INSTINCT to mate with a DOMINANT male, a male perceived as strong because he is uncontrollable, a male who gives her a sense of security that females themselves don’t have, a male who makes her feel totally OUT OF CONTROL, a male who makes her surrender completely, and who controls and dominates and possesses her. And SHE LOVES THOSE FEELINGS. She loves the feelings she gets WHEN being DOMINATED AND BEING OUT OF CONTROL, just like her female counterpart in the animal kingdom.

These feelings act as a powerful and highly ADDICTIVE DRUG that she MUST have AGAIN and AGAIN, EVEN when she gets hurt. Of course, Mother Nature ONLY wanted to assure the survival of the species by means of this ANCIENT MATING RITUAL. But this is not a “useful” behavior any longer. MOTHER NATURE should have! terminated it a long time ago. BUT IT WAS NEVER DONE. And modern women still carry with them, wherever they go, this “useless” genetic information that gets them incredibly “TURNED ON” anytime they encounter a jerk or a hard-to-get man.

No sej verjamem, da je tale članek kr poučn, ampak se takoj razbere o čem govori. Sam to velja pač za nek določen tip ženske, katerega jst ne maram. Pa da bi jst svojo partnerko “jebal v glavo”?!?! Pa saj ste nori ljudje!!! Raje sem sam kot pa da jo ž celo pred ostalimi.

marjan- spoznajmo se!

Ja spoznajte se!!!

To sporočilo je namenjeno Marjanu!

Zelo lepo od tebe kar si svetoval Gregy-ju in morem reči , da se predvsem strinjam s tabo!Vidim,da si razumevajoč in potrpržljiv – koliko si pa star?Upam,da si mi še vedno pripravljen pomagati, kajti jaz bi te res rada spoznala!Piši mi na; opijak@email,si

Lep pozdrav! d.

popravek ; [email protected]

[email protected] – to je pa moj e-mail

No jst vm pa morm povedat, da sm zelo vesel, da se je tale moja tema tako močno razvila. Število odgovorov me res zelo osrečuje in upam, da se še ni končalo. Vidim, da je postala tudi kupidova stran. D se je skoraj zaljubila, Marjan je sicer še malo hladen, a kmalu nam bo vroče. Ej punčke in fantki, vso srečo vam, če se najdete pravi..ljubav je život!!! :))

Hey, kaj pa ti in Lola? :))

:))) Ljudje smo pa res eni firbci an??? :))) Ne je osebno vprašanje an:))) ma joke…ej sej veš kako je…če se prekmalu hvališ ali poveš za načrt al krkol no..:)))…pol se hitro vse podre…nč ne povem:)))…morm pa rečt, da mi je po besedah zlo všeč

Hjoj, pa sej je blo sam za joke mišljeno. Ajd Gregy, dost uspeha na vseh področjih 😉

Zanimivo….Simon, kot da bi poslušala skrite misli mojga tipa. Skupi sva eno leto in na začetku se je totalno bal, da ga ne bi okol prsta vodila, zato je en tak hud act skup spravu, kok je on hud, pa da ne bom nikol pršla čist do njegovga srca oz.če se bom huuudooo in dolgo časa trudila, pa mičken ljubosumnosti podžigat (čeprav se mu je hitr obrnu veter), pa kok on ne bo lepih stvari zame delu, pa ne bo idealist, romantik itd. Valda me je podžgal! On je taprav, njega moram dobit, zanga se bom potrudla, ker ni takoj osvojljiv! Telesno valda takoj, ampak men ni izziv enga tipa hudo dobr dol dat, to ni noben problem! Zanimiv mi je se naselt v njegovo dušo, ga omrežit, znoret do konca! Pa da ne bo kdo narobe razumel – vse to v pozitivnem smislu. Nism taka, da bi pa pol recimo kar šla, delč od tega. Pol se šele začne uživanje! Pa moj ni nek polizanc rejverski al pa taglaven frajer v enem zahojenem šminkerskem diskaču. Vseeno pa ma dost samozavesti in to je definitivno en faktor, ki ga ženske cenimo. Razen tistih mamic po duši, ki so mogoče dost zaščitniške, čeprav sem jest tud mela enga tazga kar nekaj časa in mi je kar žal zanj, ker je super fant. Uno: za poročit! Ampak kdo misli na poroko…!
Očitno mormo vsi ene paritvene plese z maskami plesat na začetku! Po recimo letu al pa še mal več (odvisno kok se vidiš), je pa že jasno, kaj pa kako. Tančice se počasi počasi odkrivajo in je kul.
Verjamem pa, da se ne da vsem tko igrat. Sej ne, da bi bile te igrice kaj zlonamerne-delč od tega. V bistvu so zelo dobronamerne!
No, nanizala sem ene par misli, zdej pa grem!

Maca, rejverji še zdaleč niso polizani – prej obratno :)) Kvečjemu so makaronarji 😉

Ne moreš si predstavljat, koliko vrst ljudi obstaja na svetu??? Več kot pasjih pasem!!:)))))) Zdej pa vsi lepo pestke držite, da se moja boginja zame odloči!!! PROSM!!! Ljubi mene, a njen bivši, ki sta bila več kot 2 leti skupaj, je sosed in družinski prijatelj. Zato mora premisliti, da če bo tako močna, če bi bila z menoj, da me ne bi kdaj prevarala z njim…

Ne moreš si predstavljat, koliko vrst ljudi obstaja na svetu??? Več kot pasjih pasem!!:)))))) Zdej pa vsi lepo pestke držite, da se moja boginja zame odloči!!! PROSM!!! Ljubi mene, a njen bivši, ki sta bila več kot 2 leti skupaj, je sosed in družinski prijatelj. Zato mora premisliti, da če bo tako močna, če bi bila z menoj, da me ne bi kdaj prevarala z njim…sej vem, da boste zdej rekl, da to ni to, da si ne zaslužim tega,…..da to ni prava ljubezen….sam jst jo ljubim in nobena sila ne more tega premagat..zato še 1x, držte pestke zame :))pliss

Maca pol se strinjas z mano. No ocitno se, ce ti je to pr tvojem tipu vsec.Sej vem da je velik vrst ljudi in zensk, sam ta recept se mi zdi dost univerzalen.

No maca uživi

Ja gregy, sedaj se mi pa res že malo smiliš. Če je res vsaj pol tega, kar si napisal o sebi, je kaj malo možnosti, da bi zveza s tvojo boginjo uspela. In iz lasnih izkušenj ti lahko povem, da je (skoraj) vse, kar je napisal simon, upoštevanja vredno.

Tudi sam imam prijatelja, ki je bil natanko tak kot ti. Prijazen, razumevajoč, a hkrati ranljiv in nesamozavesten. Bil je nesrečen in prepričan, da ne bo nikoli srečal ženske svojega življenja. Pa smo mu na enem žuru “podtaknili” eno “prijazno” nimfomanko. Najprej sta se nekaj časa lepo pogovarjala, nato pa ga je odpeljala in ga poseksala skoraj do nezavesti. Izkazalo se je, da je bilo to vse, kar je fant potreboval. Kmalu je namreč srečal punco, s katero je še vedno skupaj. Pravzaprav sta že dve leti poročena in imata leto dni starega sinčka. Oba pravita, da sta neizmerno srečna, on pa skoraj vsakič, ko se srečava, zatrjuje, kako smo mu prijatelji odprli oči in ga popeljali v ženski svet.

Torej, gregy, toplo ti priporočam (glede na tvoja leta), da se, kot temu pravimo, vsaj malo znoriš, predno začneš resno zvezo . Za to ni treba biti ženskar ali zajeban frajer, kot jih opisujejo drugi sodelujoči. Bodi svojim letom primerno seksualno bitje. Verjami, le tako boš pridobil izkušnje, ki bodo vsaj delno zagotovilo, da boš kasneje, ko boš imel resno zvezo, zaživel polno življenje. Življenje, v katerem se ti ne bo treba ozirati za drugimi ženskami in se spraševati, kako bi bilo s katero drugo ali še huje, skakati čez plot, ko bo to popolnoma neprimerno. Že tako imamo preveč propadlih zakonov in razbitih družin.

Z najboljšimi željami,

A si ga ubodu!!!

Se strinjam!!!

Hehej, to je ta prav nasvet – cold shower 4 gregy :))

Rudi res simu lepo povedu.Mas mal vec diplomatskih vescin kot jest. Gregy, zdej pa ce si kej pameten poslusi človeka!


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