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Opozorilo ob uporabi mazil Elidel in Protopic

Kar kopiram… vir:

Žal ne utegnem prevajat (če utegne kdo drug na kratko povzeti, HVALA!!!!). Vsekakor pa je dobro vedeti….

MARCH 2005

FDA Cautions Doctors on Use of Drugs Elidel and Protopic for Eczema
WASHINGTON (AP) – The Food and Drug Administration issued an advisory to doctors Thursday urging caution in prescribing two drugs for eczema, because of the possibility of cancer.

The drugs Elidel and Protopic will receive new label warnings pointing out that an increased risk of cancer may be associated with their use, the agency said. Elidel and Protopic are applied to the skin to control eczema by suppressing the immune system. But animal tests have shown an increase in cancer associated with the drugs and a small number of cancers have been reported in children and adults treated with the drugs, the FDA said in its advisory. The FDA said the manufacturers of the products have agreed to do further tests to determine the actual risk. The agency said it is developing a medication guide for patients. It urged physicians considering prescribing the drugs to consider the following:

-Elidel and Protopic are approved only for short-term and intermittent treatment of eczema in patients who don’t respond to or cannot tolerate other treatments.

-These drugs are not approved for use in children younger than two-years-old because the long-term effect on the developing immune system is not known.

-These drugs should not be used continuously. The long-term safety of these products is unknown.

-Children and adults with a weakened or compromised immune system should not use Elidel or Protopic.

-Use the minimum amount needed to control symptoms. The animal data suggest that the risk of cancer increases with increased exposure.

Dr Sears Comment: Most pediatricians (myself included) have been using these creams for a few years thinking they were very safe – even using them under two years of age (only approved down to 2 years). They have been tremendously effective in treating eczema and other skin irritation without the typical side effects of the steroid creams such as thinning skin. Most experts still feel that the cream is safe and will continue to use Elidel and Protopic; however, they will probably do so more cautiously. In our office we will probably discontinue use in children under age 2 until more safety research is done.

uf, hudo! si mer kar malo prestrašila!

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Koko, moj namen ni, da bi koga strašila, ampak da opozorim, da se naj jih uporablja bolj pazljivo in le če je res potrebno.

Zdravili sta še premalo raziskani.

Opozorilo se mi zdi na mestu predvsem zato, ker pogosto slišim, da z njima mažejo dojenčke, mlajše od dveh let.

saj sem ti hvaležna da si me prestrašila, kajti mi tudi našega 7 mes mažemo z elidelom po nsvetu alergologa, ki je med drugim tudi pediater (ne nasš, naš še za to kremo slišal ni). Sesad se mu stanje sicer izboljšuje in ga več ne mažem toliko, prej pa je bil grozen in nobena druga krema mu ni izboljšala stanjqa, razen kortikosteroidnih, ki pa tudi nisi priporočljive. In kaj zdaj?

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Pravzaprav je bilo vprašanje časa, kdaj bodo ugotovili tudi o teh čudovitih zdravilih, da niso tako čudovita – tudi kortikosteroidi so bili nekaj časa pravi hit. Ampak kaj hočemo – vsem želim, da bi bilo kar najmanj treba posegati po enih in drugih!!!

Groza! Hvala za info.

ja točno na ta članek sem mislila. in potem smo spet na začetku – kaj uporablajti namesto kortizona elomom???!!!!

saj ne morem verjet!!!!!

hočeš otroku najboljše, trudiš vedno še zraven občutek da ga lomiš.

mi smo našega malče full mazal z elidelom, ki naj bi bil tako nenevaren. prava revulucija za malčke z atopijskim dermatitisom

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Počasi umira kdor postane suženj navade, ponavljajoč vsak dan iste poti, kdor ne zamenja prestave, kdor ne tvega in zamenja barvo oblek, kdor ne govori tistemu, ki ga ne pozna. Pablo Neruda

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