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Evo, pošiljam link, v katerem American College of Sport Medicine ( dajejo svoje POSITION STANDS ( . In kaj pravijo o hujšanju?

Link je – klikni na POSITION STANDS in glej December 1, 2001
Appropriate Intervention Strategies for Weight Loss and Prevention of Weight Regain for Adults

Tule pa daje par oddlomkov:

… An energy deficit of 500–1000 kcal·d1 achieved through reductions
in total energy intake is recommended. Moreover, it appears that
reducing dietary fat intake to 30% of total energy intake may facilitate
weight loss by reducing total energy intake. Although there may be advantages
to modifying protein and carbohydrate intake, the optimal doses
of these macronutritents for weight loss have not been determined.

Significant health benefits can be recognized with participation in a minimum of 150 min (2.5 h) of moderate intensity exercise per week, and overweight and obese adults should progressively increase to this initial exercise goal.
However, there may be advantages to progressively increasing exercise to
200–300 min (3.3–5 h) of exercise per week, as recent scientific evidence
indicates that this level of exercise facilitates the long-term maintenance of
weight loss.
The addition of resistance exercise to a weight loss intervention
will increase strength and function but may not attenuate the loss of
fat-free mass typically observed with reductions in total energy intake and
loss of body weight.
When medically indicated, pharmacotherapy may be
used for weight loss, but pharmacotherapy appears to be most effective
when used in combination with modifications of both eating and exercise

The American College of Sports Medicine recommends that the
strategies outlined in this position paper be incorporated into interventions
targeting weight loss and the prevention of weight regain for adults.

…. Optimal body weight does not need to be achieved for
health benefits to be realized, because the research suggests
that even modest reductions in body weight (5–10%) will
significantly improve health.
These health improvements
may include decreasing blood lipids, blood pressure, and
factors related to the onset of type 2 diabetes (35,111). For
example, Wing et al. (111) have shown that as little as a
4.5-kg weight loss that was sustained for a period of 24
months significantly reduced the risk of developing diabetes
in overweight adults with a family history of this disease.

… One aspect of energy balance that can affect body weight
is energy intake.

… An examination of the weight loss literature
shows that changes in energy intake play a significant
role in reducing body weight. In simplistic terms, when
energy intake is reduced below the energy needs of the
body, weight loss will occur.

It is common for weight loss programs to reduce energy intake to 1000–1500 kcal·d1 toinduce weight loss in overweight adults (44,48,102,110),
and this has been shown to be safe and effective for weight loss for individuals averaging 90.7 kg (200 pounds) before weight loss.

Assuming that resting energy expenditure (REE) is approximately 1 kcal·kg1·h1 (1 metabolic equivalent [MET]), this level of energy intake would result in an energy deficit of approximately 500–1000 kcal·d1 for individuals weighing approximately 90.7 kg (200 pounds).
(Note: Because of variability of energy expenditure between individuals of similar body size, and because REE may change with weight loss, there may be some advantage to directly measuring energy expenditure to individualize treatment recommendations across the weight loss process.)
However, the absolute energy intake should be adjusted based on body weight to elicit an energy deficit of 500–1000 kcal·d1.

Thus, with this level of energy deficit, a
minimum weight loss of 0.5–0.9 kg (1–2 pounds) per week
would be realistic, and studies have consistently shown
weight loss of approximately 9.0 kg within the initial 16 to
26 wk of treatment (101).

Currently, there is no evidence
that a faster rate of weight loss or greater magnitude of initial weight loss will improve long-term weight loss outcomes
compared with more conservative approaches.

Very-low calorie diets. Very-low-calorie diets (VLCD)
are defined as energy intake 800 kcal·d1, and the use of
a VLCD can greatly increase the magnitude and rate of
weight loss compared with more conservative reductions in
energy intake (103). However, due to the low energy value
of these diets, they are used for relatively short periods of
time (e.g., 12–16 wk), are used in conjunction with dietary
supplements, and require medical supervision.
The energy deficit when using a VLCD is typically
greater than 500–1000 kcal·d1, which results in greater
initial weight loss compared with more conservative dietary
However, when compared with these more conservative
dietary approaches, long-term weight loss may not
be improved with a VLCD. For example, Wadden et al.
(102) compared weight loss using a VLCD (420 kcal·d1)
with a 1200-kcal·d1 balanced deficit diet. Weight loss after
26 wk of treatment was 21.5 kg in the VLCD group compared
with 11.9 kg in the balanced deficit diet group. However,
after 52 wk of treatment, total weight loss was comparable
in both groups, with the VLCD group maintaining a
10.9-kg weight loss and the balanced deficit diet group
maintaining a 12.2-kg weight loss. These results suggest
that excessively low levels of energy intake to produce a
greater magnitude of initial weight loss do not necessarily
translate into better maintenance of weight loss long-term.
Therefore, use of a VLCD may not be recommended for
weight loss in most individuals (69), but use of a VLCD may
be appropriate when medically indicated.

itd… potem pa še priporočajo 30 minut aktivnost vsak dan … itd

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