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Vsem v stiski

POZDRAVLJENI. Ravnokar sem na internetu naletela na zgodbo, ki jo posredujem.
Opravičujem se saj vem, da ta forum ni namenjen temu a bo morda ta zgodba naredila kaj dobrega in morda vzpodbudila vse, ki trpijo zaradi obses. kompul. motnje ali depresije in tega sploh še niso spoznali, da čimprej poiščejo pomoč.

Tudi, če vam takoj ne bi uspelo, iščite pomoč še naprej. Če jaz ne bi vztrajala, bi kmalu tudi moja zg. imela takšen konec.

Še so tudi zdravniki, ki jim ni vseeno.

Aaron’s Battle
Note: the following has been compiled from letters received from Aaron Secor’s family. The ending is not recommended as a solution for OCD, for reasons which should be obvious to the reader.

Aaron Secor was a valiant warrior in the war against OCD. For nearly a decade he battled OCD, until his death at the age of 22. It began with compulsions to sit, stand, walk and talk in certain ritualistic ways. It continued with an inability to read for about 1 1/2 years because his OCD made him reread everything over and over again. He went through virtually every form of OCD, both obsessions and compulsions, that there is. As time went on old symptoms went away, but were replaced by new ones.

Many of his friends, neighbors, and relatives turned away from him in his struggle to overcome OCD.

Medical personnel were not always much better.

Once a clinic gave him an overdose of medications that caused a coronary attack, and he was in bed for months.

But he did have a mother who was always at his side, and a sister whom he loved and was loved by.

One of his passions was music, and he enjoyed playing the guitar. He also spent a lot of time working out, because he felt that if he couldn’t have strong mental health he might at least have strong physical health. Unfortunately, this caused some medical personnel to be intimidated by his size.

One night a few years ago Aaron decided he had had enough of his battle with OCD and decided to end it all. According to his mother, he called her shortly before midnight. He went to Oregon to a family farm where he had been born. After visiting his birthplace site, he cut a rope from his childhood swing and retied it. He then went down to the bank of a nearby river and hung himself.

His body was not found for three days. As his mother wrote:

“Alone in death as he felt in life, self hatred so deeply embedded by years of family, friends, neighbors turning away from his struggle to find a place in the world. He was so very handsome and big-looking, so capable and strong. He masked his sickness in an attitude of cement as the hurts piled one on the other. Each person when they would get close enough to uncover his darkness would turn away.”

The many years of struggle Aaron experienced,

not only with OCD but with rejection by so many,

are a testament to the need for greater awareness.

Aaron’s life and tragic death are wake up calls for our nation to become more alert and compassionate to those who suffer from OCD. Ultimately, to paraphrase a here-anonymous writer who wrote on the subject of freedom:

“With his death and in his death the battle lines were drawn in the struggle in which either ignorance or compassionate understanding will emerge, with one completely triumphant and the other completely destroyed.”

Spoštovana Brigita,
pozdravljam vaš dober namen in čvrst lastni zgled, vendar dandanes OCD ni več nepremagliva ovira, če se je le lotimo dovolj zgodaj.

Spoštovani dr. Rejec.Tudi jaz mislim tako vidim pa, da je osveščenost o tej in o skorajda vseh boleznih, ki imajo izvor v psihi, zelo majhna.

V svojem zdravljenju se udeležujem skupine v kateri ima vsaj polovica članov gotovo lažjo ali težjo obliko OCD (v to sem kar sigurna po njihovih opisih simtomov) vendar tega ne vedo. Ko jih vprašaš po njihovi diagnozi ali kaj menijo, da je z njimi narobe, pravijo, da se je stres v njihovih življenjih nakopičil in so jih izdali živci zato zdaj po potrebi pojejo kakšno pomirjevalo pa bo čez čas bolje.

Menim, da bi morali ljudi poučiti o njihovi bolezni, saj dokler ne veš do potankosti, kaj je vzrok za bolezen, si ne moreš pomagati pri zdravljenju. To je bil tudi moj namen-vzpodbuditi vsakogar, ki ima ali meni, da ima psihične težave, naj se pouči, kaj bi lahko bilo narobe.

Seveda bi bilo najlažje vzeti literaturo v roke pa je praktično pri nas ni, zdravniki pa tudi takrat, ko si že sam postaviš diagnozo, še vedno modro molčijo dokler izrecno ne zahtevaš naj diagnozo napišejo izbranemu spl. zdravniku.

Tako pa seveda ljudje molče trpijo saj se ne upajo, sploh pri OCD, o tem sploh spregov., zdravnik, če mu že omenijo, predpiše Lexaurin ali pa, kot v mojem primeru, reče Počakaj še malo, saaj ni tako hudo, za psihiatra je še prezgodaj v tvoji starosti.
Na ta način je nemogoče OCD ali karkoli drugega odkriti in zdraviti pravočasno. In kot vidim po svoji okolici, se ljudje vedno pogosteje zatekajo v samomor.
Torej, kdor ima kakršnekoli težave, toplo svetujem naj čimprej poišče in vztraja na zdr. pomoči.


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