obrazložitev diagnoze
Za test, ki ga navajate še nisem slišal.
Diagnoza pomeni, da imate zmanjšano občutljivost v coni, ki jo inervira živec, ki izhaja iz segmenta L5-S1 (zadnje ledveno in prvo križno vretence).
Cervikobrahialni sindrom pomeni bolečino, ki izhaja iz vratnega dela in se seli v levo ali desno roko.
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Tole sem našel v Wikipediji:
Spurling’s test, or foraminal compression test, is a very specific, but not sensitive physical examination maneuver in diagnosing acute radiculopathy.
It is performed by extending the neck and rotating the head and then applying downward pressure on the head. The test is considered positive if pain radiates into the limb ipsilateral to the side that the head is rotated to.
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