[left]Vse poti me vedno znova vodijo v Park zvončkov, k mojemu malemu angelu. Postojim ob zidku, premlevam kako krivično je to življenje, ki je toliko malih zakladkov prikrajšalo za sončne dni. Vsakemu posebej in vsem naklonim lepo misel. Tako nepredstavljivo močna je vez med nami, da boli. Boli duša, boli srce.
Danes se sprehodim še do predela na ljubljanskih Žalah, kjer so pokopani otroci. Na drugem koncu, ker Parka zvončkov še ni bilo. In spet me zaskeli v duši. Toliko malih grobkov, preraščenih s travo, nekje majhna spominska plošča z obledelo letnico rojstva in smrti, kakšen dodaten zapis, po večini ničesar. Pomislim, da ni nikogar več , ki bi jih obiskoval, jim prižigal lučke in nosil cvetje.
Postojim ob mali grudi, nato pri naslednji, pa spet naslednji… preveč jih je. Prešine me misel, da morda vedo, da se jih spomnimo tudi takšni, ki obiskujemo svoje male. Le tam, na drugem koncu.[/left]
[center]Pobožam jih – v mislih. Na malem zapuščenem grobku brez obeležja prižgem lučko,
položim bel cvet – za vse.[/center]
Somewhere between deep an dreaming, a sweet sound of an angel came in streaming.
Dear child, who am I? You often do ask.
*I am the voice of all souls present and past…
*I am the spirit who saunters in the breeze…
*I am the sun that shines brightly with little effort and ease…
*I am you, I am me, I am us, I am we…
*I am the voice of the wind, soft and shrilling…
*I am the sweet sounding music water trickling…
*I am the embrace of our Earth Mother…
*I am the love of our Heavenly father…
*I am you, I am me, I am us, I am we…
As the eagle saunters through the sky, he never asks where or why…
Some questions will go unanswered even as hard as you try…
When dreams seem further than the stars above…fill your heart with song of love.
I laid my children to rest
not their memory.
There is a difference.
Whenever we see a butterfly nearby,
it*s a loved one, who has come down from heaven,
just to say hello….
[center]My little angel boy
Your little boy cries too much… my little boy makes no sound.
Your little boy sleeps warm in his crib… mine lies cold in the ground.
Your little boy woke up today… my little boy never will.
Your little boy laughs and plays… my little boy lies still.
Your little boy makes you proud… and just as proud am I.
Cause while your little boy is learning to walk…
my little boy can fly.
[center]Somewhere over the rainbow…[/center]
Somewhere over the rainbow, way up high
There*s land that I*ve heard of once in a lullaby.
Somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue,
and the dreams that you dare to dream, really come true.
Somewhere over the rainbow, blue birds fly,
a happy little blue birds fly beyond the rainbow,
why, oh why can*t I?[/center]
[center]Majhen grobek na poljani, ljubo dete v njem leži,
tiho je pod milim nebom, tiho v temni jamici.
Kje so bratje, kje sestrice, da nikogar h grobku ni?
Kje so ptice, drobne ptice?
Ptice odletele so.
Kje so rože, drobne rože?
Rože odcvetele so.
Kje je veter, hitri veter?
Veter zbežal je v goro.
Ali kadar plaha zora, zora vzhaja za nebo,
se po travici zeleni biseri leskečejo.
Ali ni to hladna rosa, hladna rosa jutranja,
padla na zeleni grobek, da tako se lesketa?
Ali niso svetle zvezde, svetle zvezde zvrh neba,
padle na ta majhen grobek, da tako se lesketa?
Ni to rosa, niso zvezde, svetle zvezde zvrh neba.
To so solze, čiste solze, srca materinega.
Prileteli črni vrani, črni vrani čez nebo,
so pokrili zlato sonce, v zlato sonce krakajo.
Prileteli črni vrani, sedli vrani na zemljo,
sedli na zeleni grobek, čiste solze zobajo.
(Iz zeleni grobek)[/center]
[center]Namenjeno vsem neomenjenim in pozabljenim otrokom
– angelskim zvezdicam .[/center]
[center]Snowdrops in our hearts
Don*t let them say I wasn*t born, that something stopped my heart.
I felt each tender squeeze you gave, I loved you from the start.
I know the pain that drowns your soul, what you are forced to face,
you have my word, I*ll fill your arms… someday we will embrace.
Although I never breathed your air or gazed into your eyes,
that doesn*t mean I never was…
An Angel never dies.[/center]
[center]Sometimes I smile… I know you are near.
It*s not enough, you are not here.
You left with love, when you flew away…
and a piece of me went with you that day.
The years roll by… I*m not the same…
but in my heart you will remain.[/center]