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Iščem delo od doma

Iščem delo od doma – se pravi, da se mi ni treba peljat z avtom.
Rada bi zaslužila vsaj 300€/mesec. Preko anket vem, da se tega ne da. Še kakšna druga ideja, kako zaslužiti od doma? Avon ipd. odpade, tukaj se zasluži cca 4 eur na mesec.

imam morda nekaj za vas.
Pišite mi na:
[email protected]

Pišite nam na: [email protected]


Vem, da je ta tema že stara ampak vseeno. Na spletu se ukvarjam s služenjem dodatnega denarja poleg redne službe in gre mi zelo dobro(po mojem mnenju). Trenutno delam na tej strani Delo je precej enostavno lahko izpolnjuješ ankete, gledaš videe in še nekaj ostalih stvari. Delo mi vzame približno 30-60 minut časa na dan, ampak je vredno. S tem se ukvarjam približno 3 mesece in trenutno zaslužim 300 evrov na mesec. Ta spletna stran ni nateg ampak deluje.



I don’t know if this is somethingthat might interest you, or maybe know someone to whom it can be helpful.

It is about a project regarding developing IT solutions of IDs and other documents globally, so that everything can be in the mobile app. One of my clients, Paper Smart Company (, is looking to penetrate the digital documents market, and establish relationship with relevant institutions. To do so they need to develop the right digital solution up to the latest standards, to present the valid solution to the prospects. Hence, the real sample of documents is needed.

If interested or know someone who is, please contact me.

WhatsApp/Telegram: +49 15 777 653 488
Email: [email protected]
Skype: live:.cid.1ed7956e160e517c

They are looking to buy / borrow Slovenian driving license issued in 2017 or newer for €150 (price negotiable). The payment is via Western Union, MoneyGram, PayPal or BTC.

The owner can even report it lost, and get a new one, and that’s OK. In case of borrowing the driving license will be sent back to the rightful owner according to the prior agreement.

Stage 1

– Photos of both sides of the driving license are sent

– The license owner is paid €50

Stage 2

– Upon verification whether the license fits requirements, the driving license is sent to a designated address

– The license owner is paid €100, or the rest of the amount agreed

– With regard to lending the driving license, the document is returned within the agreed timeframe

I would appreciate refraining from comments on illegal matter, considering the dark web is the place to easily obtain anything. In this instance a startup is just trying to level the playing field, for which the finished product is needed, i.e. the right digital document solution.

Have a nice day, and stay safe.

Best regards,

Erika Baum

New Report
