iščem delo in stanovanje v tujini prosim pomagajte
jz sem novi tu in bi prosil vas kje bi dobil delo in stanovanje v tujini hvala za odgovor LP
Tilko je se eden izmed tistih, ki volijo Jankovica zato ker ne marajo JJ oz. JJ, ker ne marajo Jankovica. Slovenija je prestonica Butal oz. slovenci so cistokrvne Butalske ovce.
P: Drage ovce oprostite, ker vas enacim s Slovenci.
Trenutno iščejo v Katarju….
nudijo vse, pogodba za 2 leti…..
21 dni plačanega dopusta, vključno z avio karto….
shipman kak pa bi priso do te pogodbe? oz Kje bi bi lahko vzpostavo stike?
Če ima kdo koga, ki je zainteresiran delat v Qatarju, Dohi in ima dobro znanje angleščine, ter se ujema s spodaj navedenimi opisi (zahtevami) mu lahko dam kontakte (navedeni spodaj) od podjetja: http://www.hdeco.com , ki je stranka Bureau Veritas. Sam sem bil dol in moram reči, da je Doha SVETOVNO mesto z veliko priložnostmi, predvsem pa je tam vedno toplo 😉 …
Thank you for your visit to Hdeco Qatar and for offering to assist me regarding recruitment, it is very kind of you.
Our joinery factory are looking to hire both Project Managers and Production Team members.
The current vacancies are:
Project Manager (3)
Estimators (2)
Production Manager (1)
Project Coordinator (3)
Site Supervisor/Engineer (3)
Skilled Carpenters (40)
Quality Control/ Quality Assurance (1)
Please kindly find attached job descriptions for the above vacancies,
Suitable candidates must be willing to relocate to Qatar for a period of 2 years minimum.
Joining and return tickets provided, plus yearly ticket to home country for vacation.
Yearly paid vacation is 21 days + public holidays.
All visa/immigration associated costs are covered by Hdeco Qatar
Hdeco Qatar would welcome applicants from Europe or Eastern European nationals.
Applicants seeking Managerial position must have minimum Bachelor degree.
Applicants may be Male or Female, age limit of 56 years old.
All applicants must be well versed in English both written and spoken.
Basic hiring process is as follows:
Review and shortlising of CV by HR
Interview by HR
Review and shortlising by Management
Technical interview by Project Manager or GM
Offer negotiation and agreement
Visa application and Hire
Look forward to hearing from you,
Kind regards,
Miriam Stenberg
Quality Controller / PA
Acting HR Coordinator
H. DECO Qatar W.L.L.
Industrial Area
Street 19 – Bldg. 180
P.O. BOX. 31090
Doha, Qatar
Tel. +974 44 10 4778
Fax. +974 44 50 6748
[email protected]
To je to, ne vem pa, če niso delovna mesta že zasedena.
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