Jaz podpiram stoodstotno mednarodne vsak otrok na tem svetu si zasluži starše ki ga bodo imeli radi.
V primeru katastrofe ki pa se je zdaj zgodila mislim da takojšnje posvojitve niso primerne. Bolj podpiram da se otroke da v oskrbo-rejništvo za nekaj časa in v kolikor se bo potrdilo da je otrok res sirota naj pride do posvojitve.
V tej zmedi ko otroci iščejo starše…starši otroke in bo vse to trajalo verjetno še zelo dolgo je preveč hudobnežev ki bodo mastno zaslužili.
Ravno danes sem gledala oddajo o ukradenih otrocih iz bolnišnic.
seveda je najbolje da gre vse po pravilih.. Samo včasih ti mlini prepočasi meljejo..
na eni strani je ogromno otrok ki čakajo na posvojitev na drug pa ogromno staršev ki bi te otroke želeli posvojiti..čas pa teče…otroci, ki bodo v naslednjih mesecih čakali na uradne posvojitve bodo doživljali stres ki jih bo zaznamoval za celo življenje.. že dogodek cunamija je bil preveč…vendar dolgotrajno trpljenje (kar sigurno traja in bo trajalo še nekaj mesecev) bi z urgentno akcijo lahko skrajšali.. saj vem da je to samo teorija, ampak razmišljamo pa lahko…
Mene zelo zanima to ker tam je ostalo toliko revežev brez staršev. Kako bodo končali ti otroci. Saj je verjetno toliko staršev po svetu ki razmišlja podobno kot mi.
Mi lahko poveste kakšen je postopek posvojitve otroka?? Menim da je zelo zakomplicirano.
Jaz sem pripravljena TAKOJ posvojiti katerega izmed teh otrok!!!!!!!!!!
Too soon’ for Tsunami adoptions, CNN torek
CNN) — Government and aid agencies say it is too early to consider adopting children who may have been orphaned by the tsunami disaster.
“We cannot assume that all the children who cannot find their parents have lost their entire families,” says Carol Bellamy, executive director of UNICEF.
“There are parents, aunts, uncles and cousins desperately looking for their children and young relatives,” she said.
“Every effort must be made to assist families and children to reunite before adoptions can be considered.”
It is estimated that thousands of children may be orphans after tsunamis in the Indian Ocean slammed into coastlines in more than 10 countries on December 26.
But officials caution it may be many months before the children who are actual orphans can be identified — and even then, they may be taken in by members of their extended families.
“The international standard among adoption professionals in a crisis is to keep children as close to their family members and community as possible,” the U.S. State Department said in a statement.
“Staying with relatives in extended family units is recognized as a generally better solution than uprooting then child completely.”
Children who are truly orphaned will only be available for international adoption if and when their home countries decide to make them available, according to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.
Early reports suggest that children who have been separated from their relatives are being cared for by other adults in their communities, UNICEF said.
The agency is among several working with governments to identify children and reunite them with family members if possible. Indonesian officials and aid workers, for example, began setting up a children’s registration system on Tuesday.
Komentar k clanku:
Kot posvojiteljica hcerke s Kitajske, se moram strinjati s tem, da s posvojitvami v tem primeru ni hiteti. V kaosu, ki vlada, je res tezko potrditi, da je otrok res sirota in da nima nobenih drugih sorodnikov, ki bi zeleli skrbeti zanj. Ko bodo zadeve nekoliko bolj pod kontrolo, se bodo morda spremenile.
Agencies Urge Delay in Tsunami Adoptions
Friday January 7, 2005 12:46 PM
AP Photo NYET261
Associated Press Writer
BERLIN (AP) – Adoption expert Maria Holz usually gets two or three e-mails a day asking about children in need abroad. Since the Asian tsunami, it’s been 10 times that. She respects people’s urge to help children who have lost their parents in the disaster but warns it’s too early to know which children truly lack people who can raise them in their home country.
“They are driven, of course, to do what is right, to take in a child,” said Holz, based at the Terre des Hommes children’s aid organization in Osnabrueck, Germany.
But, as governments and individuals try to help in the wake of the Asian tsunami, “I don’t think that this is the burning issue yet,” she cautions.
The priority, she says, will to be to find children homes in their own countries, either with relatives or adoptive parents – advice also given this week by adoption experts and government officials across Europe.
It can take months or years to decide whether a child can be adopted outside its home country, and each nation has its own laws regarding foreign adoptions that apply no matter how badly people want to help. Expedited adoptions will be possible only if those governments change their procedures for tsunami orphans.
Indonesia, for instance, restricts adoptions by foreigners to those who have lived there for at least two years, and Thailand has imposed a moratorium on applications for some kinds of foreign adoptions.
People who want to do something right away should donate to direct aid efforts or sponsor a child, several adoption officials said.
“Legality is the cornerstone of adoption and that cannot be done in a chaotic situation,” said Joergen-Ulrich Raunskov, the director of AC International Child Support, a Danish adoption agency.
In Britain, the charity Save the Children UK also cautioned against rushing to adopt.
“Adoptions, especially inter-country ones, are inappropriate during the emergency phase as children are better placed being cared for by their wider families and the communities they know,” it said in a statement.
Amid chaos in the affected countries, thousands of people are still missing and identification of the victims may take months.
The urge to ask about adoption after a disaster is easy to understand, said Norbert Scheiwe, head of the German Association for Parents of Foreign Adopted Children. He said foreign adoption inquiries also went up during the wars in former Yugoslavia in the 1990s.
“They see that they are in an emergency situation, that the children are alone,” Scheiwe said. “That naturally hits the heart, and they say, ‘We have the possibility, we **** want to help.”’
Several public figures have raised the issue of how adoption could play a part in the world’s effort to help. In Italy, center-left opposition leader Francesco Rutelli asked the government to work “with affected countries to favor long-distance adoption and adoption for all the children left without families.”
“It would be one of the best responses to give,” he was quoted as saying by Il Gazzettino newspaper.
In France, Sister Emmanuelle, a nun widely admired for her aid work, appealed on television for easier adoptions from Asia. French Foreign Minister Michel Barnier at first appeared open to the idea, saying the ministry could put special measures in place. (A ministry spokeswoman later said the topic was “sensitive” and that procedures for the moment would remain unchanged.)
Germany’s Family Ministry, which oversees foreign adoptions, said the focus for now was on aid, not adoption, and Italy was rebuffing new applications aimed at tsunami orphans.
In Austria, the non-governmental organization SOS Children’s Villages says it has had a strong response to a program that lets donors sponsor one child for about $20 a month, providing essentials such as food and clothing.
Madeline Grivel, vice-president of France’s Enfants du Monde, which arranges adoptions from India and Bulgaria, said that “one doesn’t declare a child adoptable in haste.”
“It is something that engages a child’s future completely,” she said. “It is a long-term project and shouldn’t be based on an impulse of generosity.”
A top European Union official, in comments published Friday, said the EU should adjust its asylum rules to allow for the temporary adoption of tsunami orphans.
European Commissioner for Justice and Home Affairs Franco Frattini said the EU should make it easier for Europeans to become temporary foster parents for children from the stricken areas.
“The EU already has rules to allow temporary asylum to people coming from countries struck by natural catastrophes or disasters. But at the moment these only apply to adults,” Frattini told the newspaper La Repubblica. “My proposal is to extend these rules also to children to allow young people from the areas hit by the tsunami to come to Europe, spend some months here and then go back home.”
“Temporary asylum would guarantee that children go back to their homes,” Frattini told the paper. “It is a way to take them away from the tragic situations that we read about these days with children who disappear from hospitals among the chaos.”
Guardian Unlimited © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2005
Ze v nekaterih drugih odgovorih sem omenila, da je potrebno pocakati, da se razmere uredijo in da bo res zagotovo, da so otroci sirote in nimajo drugih moznosti (sorodniki, posvojitev so-drzavljanov, itd.). Moznosti za zlorabe so trenutno velike. Gotovo ne bi zeleli ziveti s slutnjo, da je prislo do zlorabe, tudi ce ne bi vedeli zanjo. Tudi zato sem sama posvojila s Kitajske, kjer je postopek centraliziran, urejen in nadzorovan (zapuscenih dojencic zaradi politike enega otroka in preference za fantke pa ogromno).
To pa ne pomeni, da morajo posvojitelji iz Slovenije cakati krizem rok (v vsakem primeru posvojitveni postopek traja). Verjetno bi se bilo dobro pozanimati pri razlicnih humanitarnih organizacijah, slediti temi po internetu, se morda registrirati pri nasem ministrstvu za delo in druzino, zaceti moriti g. Tivadarja (po telefonu, dnevno ali vsaj tedensko) in ga sprasevati, ce je ze kaj novic in kako napredujejo z vzpostavitvami mednarodnih posvojitvenih programov, itd.