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Centrum vitaminske tablete

moja mama je dobila angino. Svetovala sem ji naj poleg ospena jemlje tudi Centrum vitaminske tablete. Pa noče niti slišati o tem. Sama si občasno naredim enomesečno kuro z omenjenimi tabletami, sploh v zimskih dneh za dvig odpornosti.
Njeno mnenje pa je, da je to le “lari fari”, da že ne bo jemala vitaminskih teblet, saj nič ne pomagajo.
Zato bi prosila za vaše mnenje. Pa ne le za omenjene tablete, recimo koliko si res lahko pomagamo tudi s kakšnimi drugimi vitamini? Je res zadosti, da na dan poješ tri pomaranče; tako je namreč mišljenje mame.

Hvala za odgovor in lep pozdrav.



Dodatki k prehtrani so ob današnjem hitrem tempu življenja in hitri pridelavi in predelavi hrane pogosto zelo koristni. Ne smemo pozabiti, ad so poleg vitaminov potrebni tudi minerali. Podpiram vaše stališče.

Lepo vas pozdravljam.

Danica Rotar Pavlič

Odkar sem se z Unikam T vitamini skoraj zastrupila ,ne jemljem nobenih vitaminskih dodatkov več.

Mimogrede:Unikap T je na listi prepovedanih proizvodov in ga
kljub vsemu najdete na naših lekarniških policah.

V tujini je absolutno prepovedano prodajanje.

Samo v vednost !

(glej zdravila in zakonodaja)


Zahvaljujem se vam za opozorilo o strupenih učinkih UNICAP T vitaminskega dodatka in menim, da ste te učinke dolžni prijaviti Uradu za zdravila. Sama vam v nadaljevanju posredujem angleška navodila, saj iz vašega dopisa razberem, da ste vešči iskanja informacij na tujih spletnih straneh.
Seveda velja tudi za Unicap T – kot pri vseh drugih zdarvilih
– da je potrebno jemati točno določen odmerek
– da jih je potrebno pravilno hraniti
– da ne smete biti alergični na sestavine

Pri Unicap T se dodatek odsvetuje ljudem s fenilketonurijo.

Unicap T® provides higher levels of B-Complex Vitamins and Vitamin C, plus Zinc, Iron, Selenium and other minerals essential for the return to, and maintenance of good health.

Recommended Dosage: 1 Tablet Daily
Store at Controlled Room Temperature 20 to 25°C (68 to 77°F)
Keep Container Tightly Closed

Do not use if printed inner seal is missing or broken.
Warning: Accidental overdose of iron-containing products is a leading cause of fatal poisoning in children under 6. Keep this product out of reach of children. In case of accidental overdose, call a doctor or poison control center immediately.

Unicap T (Oral) is used for the Treatment
Multivitamins with minerals are given to people who need more vitamins and minerals in their diet.

When To Not Use Unicap T (Oral)
You should not use this medicine if you have had an allergic reaction to a vitamin, multivitamin, or any mineral (such as fluoride, calcium, iron, zinc, and others).

How Should You Use Unicap T (Oral)
Tablet, Chewable Tablet, Liquid, Long Acting Tablet, Liquid Filled Capsule, Spray, Capsule
Your doctor will tell you how much of this medicine to use and how often. Do not use more medicine or use it more often than your doctor tells you to.
If you are using this medicine without a prescription, follow the instructions on the medicine label.
Swallow the capsule or tablet whole, unless the directions say you can break, crush, or chew the vitamin. Some tablets have a special coating and should not be chewed. Chewable tablets should be chewed thoroughly before swallowing.
Measure the oral liquid vitamins with a marked measuring spoon, oral syringe, medicine dropper, or medicine cup. You may mix the liquid with food.
For spray vitamins: Spray the liquid directly into your mouth, on the inside of your cheek. Wait 30 seconds before swallowing. If a dose is missed:
If a dose is missed, you can take it when you remember.
It is generally not harmful if you miss a dose of a multivitamin.

Proper Unicap T (Oral) Storage
Store Unicap T (Oral) at room temperature away from sunlight and moisture. Keep Unicap T (Oral) and all medications out of the reach of children.

What To Avoid While Using Unicap T (Oral)
Ask your doctor or pharmacist before using any other medicine, including over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and herbal products.

Unicap T (Oral) Warnings
This medicine might contain phenylalanine (aspartame). This is only a concern if you have a disorder called phenylketonuria (a problem with amino acids). Talk to your doctor before using this medicine.
You should not use more of this medicine than your doctor has ordered or more than the label on the bottle recommends. Certain vitamins can build up in the body and may cause harm.
If you are pregnant or breast feeding, check with your doctor. It is very important during this time to take the right vitamins in the right amounts.
Vitamin supplements can sometimes make the stool darker and the urine dark yellow. This is normal.

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