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Naslovnica Forum Duševno zdravje in odnosi Arhiv Sociala Arhiv – Sociala če je tu kakšen ki zna angleško..prevod

če je tu kakšen ki zna angleško..prevod

Lepo pozdravljeni!
Prevedla naj bi povzetek (za brata-povzetek diplome) in pomagala sem si z računalniškim prevajanjem, ki pa se mi zdi da ni najbolj v redu.Če bi se komu dalo to pogledati bi mu bila res zelo hvaležna.Napisala vam bom poved in še “prevod” ki ga je naredil računalnik:
1.Video nadzor ali tehnično varovanje je iz dneva v dan vse bolj uporabljena in praktična oblika varovanja objektov.
*Videocassette recorder control or technical protecting is from day to day all more used and practical shape of protecting of buildings.

2.Že sam izraz nam jasno pove, da gre za varovanje objektov s tehničnimi napravami torej brez oziroma z manjšo mero stalne prisotnosti človeka na objektu.
*Already alone expression us clearly tells, that goes for protecting of buildings with technical devices so without respectively with smaler extent of permanent presence human on building.

3.Sistem predstavlja celovito rešitev tehničnega varovanja,ki omogoča pregled nad dogajanjem na posameznih lokacijah iz katerekoli delovne postaje (osebni računalnik) v informacijskem sistemu Soških elektrarn Nova Gorica.
*System represents celovito solution of technical protecting,which enables examination over happening on individual locations from whichever working station (personal computer) in information system of Soška power plants Nova Gorica.

4.K tej temi me je vzpodbudilo dejstvo,da je sistem v fazi izgradnje pri kateri aktivno sodelujem kot administrator.
*To this ??? fact,that system is in phase of construction at which aktivno participate as administrator.

5.Hkrati pa je to tudi prvi sistem video nadzora,ki ga vzpostavljamo na podjetju kjer sem zaposlen,tako da mi tema predstavlja še dodaten izziv.
*At the same time is this also the first system videocassette recorder of control which is restored on company where I am employed,such, that me to this represents still additional challenge.

To je vse,če je kdo prišel do sem 🙂 Prosim,če kdo “obvlada”….
Hvala lepa!!

Nisem prevajalec, ampak napravil sem po svojih moceh 🙂



1. Video control or technical protection is getting more and more popular and practical shape of buildings protection.

2. As we can see just by an expression it goes for protection of buildings with technical devices meaning without or with smaler extent of permanent presence of people on site.

3. System represents complete solution of technical protection, which enables examination over happenings at individual locations from whichever working station (personal computer) in information system of Soška power plants Nova Gorica.

4. The fact, that system is in a phase of construction at which I am active participator as an administrator, motivated me for this subject.

5. At the same time this is the first video control system restored in this company so that represents an additional challenge for me.

Hvala lepa!

Fructalova verzija mi ni vsec. Celo napake opazam, slovnicne in pomenske. Se je pa vsaj malo potrudil…

Naj se jaz pristavim svojo verzijo:

1. Video surveillance and technical protection are becoming evermore useful and practical forms of building protection.

2. As the terms indicate, we’re speaking of building protection involving techical devices with minimized or entirely absent human presence on the premises.

3. The system represents a complete solution of technical protection, which allows for an overview of events at any individual location, from any control station [PC computer] being part of the Soca Power Plants information system, Nova Gorica.

4. My motivating factor for the topic was the fact that the system, which I am an active participant of as an administrator, is already in its phase of construction.

5. Moreover, it is the first video surveillance system being developed by our company, so the topic presents an additional personal challenge.

Za silo naj bi bilo, ceprav je nerodno napisano [v slovenscini]. Vec kot poizkusas dobesedno prevesti, slabsi je prevod. Za boljsega, bi bilo treba ze kaj spremeniti…

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