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Avstralija … iščem delo

Joj, take k si pa ti imam pa najraje,. SLOVENCLJN Z DIPLOMO, k pol misli , da je več vreden .Verjetno si rojen z srebrno žlico v roki. Pa ti 200 € ne pomeni nič. po možnosti imaš do 30 let z kakšnim majšim študentskim delom. Živiš še pri starših??na njihove stroške, mogoče?Pa ati pomagal kupit avto. Brez otrok ,… da ne naštevam. Kar se pa te tvoje diplome tiče. Ne mi samo biti takšen : ” Madona , saj sem pameten, imam diplomo”, taki mi sploh gredo na eno stvar. Potem pa mahajo .
V glavnem. tu se pa res ne bom trudil po slovnici pisat.Sploh zaradi takih k si ti. In ne dajem nasvetov. Samo vem kaj sem sam dal čez in koliko časa porabil , da imam sedaj doli sponzorja. Kje sem napisal , da bi morale biti šole plačljive??
KAr se pa viz tiče?!!!!
Torej po tvojem je na vsako vizo enako. Neplačljivo zdravstvo, neplačljivo šolstvo, plačevanje davkov Sloveniji kot Australiji, Lahko hodiš iz enega teritorija v drugega neomejeno, lahko delaš koli ur hočeš,….
Mal si me razkuro , sorry,. .. če bi se malo prej pozanimal po vizah bi točno ugotovil . DA NI VSE TAKOOOO KOT SI OMENIL.
Zakaj pa misliš , da je toliko viz in subclass viz . ejejejeej

Da se mi ne bo solilo pameti o permanentni vizi: tukaj imate in si poglejte zadnje spremembe od 01.07. 2012 . Mogoče sem že kakšnemu agentu stopil na žulj. 🙂

Reforms to the Permanent Employer Sponsored Visa Program
The Australian Government has announced reforms to the permanent
employer sponsored visa
program to be introduced on 1 July 2012.
The reforms will improve the program’s ability to:
 meet Australia’s economic needs
 respond quickly to labour market demand
 ensure that limited program places go to those who will make the
greatest contribution to Australia.
About the program
The permanent employer sponsored visa program consists of the following:
 Employer Nomination Scheme (ENS)
 Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (RSMS)
 Labour Agreements program.
Employer sponsored visas are highly responsive to labour market pressures
and well-suited to addressing the short-to-medium term demand for specific
skills, recognising that training Australian workers takes time.
The program allows employers to sponsor foreign workers for permanent
residence to fill genuine vacancies in their business.
The RSMS helps businesses in regional, remote or low population growth
areas, outside the major metropolitan centres of Brisbane, Gold Coast,
Sydney, Newcastle, Wollongong and Melbourne, to recruit the skilled workers
they need to manage and grow their operations.
The key changes
In 2011, a comprehensive review of the permanent employer sponsored visa
program including public consultation was conducted. The key reforms that
evolved from the review include:

collapsing the existing visa subclasses from six to two. This will be
achieved by:
 removing the existing distinctions between in and outside
 replacing the permanent labour agreement visa with
streams in the ENS and RSMS
introducing a streamlined and simplified pathway to permanent
residence for eligible Temporary Business (Long Stay) subclass
457 visa holders

raising the upper age limit to less than 50 years
changes to key visa criteria including English language and skill
introducing one consolidated sponsored occupation list to replace
the 457 occupation list, the Employer Nomination Skilled
Occupation List (ENSOL) and the State and Territory Sponsored
Occupation List (StatSOL)
strategically refocussing the regional certifying body (RCB) network
to the Direct Entry stream of RSMS
integrating the new ENS and RSMS visas with the skilled migrant
selection model—SkillSelect, which will be launched on 1 July 2012
replacing the subjective exceptional circumstances provisions with
clear and objective exemptions.
A new visa structure
The current employer sponsored visa classes and subclasses will be replaced
with two new visas:
 Employer Nomination (Class EN) Employer Nomination Scheme
(subclass 186)
 Regional Employer Nomination (Class RN) Regional Sponsored
Migration Scheme (subclass 187).
Within each of these visa subclasses there will be three streams:
 The Temporary Residence Transition stream is for subclass 457 visa
holders who have worked for their employer for at least the last two
years and the employer wants to offer them a permanent position in
that same occupation.
 The Direct Entry stream is for applicants who are untested in the
Australian labour market and have not held a subclass 457 for at least
the last two years or are applying directly from outside Australia.
 The Agreement stream is for applicants who are being sponsored by
an employer through a highly scrutinised and negotiated labour
agreement or regional migration agreement.
An employer or visa applicant will need to meet the requirements of the
particular stream.
The Temporary Residence Transition stream
As part of the 2011–12 Budget, the government announced its intention to
establish a fast-tracked and simplified pathway from Australia’s principal
temporary work visa category, the subclass 457 visa, to permanent residence.
This was in recognition of the important economic and social contribution
Note: The permanent employer sponsored reforms are part of a legislative change
process and are expected to be implemented by 1 July 2012. Due to this the
department cannot respond to individual client specific requests.
May 2012
these skilled workers make to Australia. This forms the basis for the
Temporary Residence Transition stream.
This stream is targeted at subclass 457 visa holders who have worked for
their employer for the last two years and the employer wants to offer them a
permanent position in that occupation immediately preceding their ENS or
RSMS application.
Employers who want to nominate subclass 457 visa holders who they are
currently sponsoring will need to meet the following criteria:
 the job or position being nominated for permanent residence is
consistent with the position the person held while on their subclass
457 visa
 the position will continue to be available to the prospective migrant
for at least two years
 the terms and conditions of employment are the same as any that
would apply to an Australian citizen
 the prospective migrant will be paid the ‘market rate’. That is, the
nominee will be paid at least as much as an Australian employed in
the same position in the same location
 the employer has met the subclass 457 training requirement.
Visa applicants who are eligible to apply through this stream will need to meet
key visa criteria including:
 being less than 50 years of age, unless they are exempt*
 have English language proficiency of at least five in each of the four
components of the International English Language Test Score
(IELTS) test, unless they are exempt*.
These visa applicants will not need to have their skills and qualifications
assessed for the permanent visa because of their prior employment and
continuing employer sponsorship.
* Further information on criteria exemptions under exceptional circumstances versus
exemptions section.
The Direct Entry stream
The Direct Entry stream will be for visa applicants outside Australia or who are
not able to apply under the Temporary Residence Transition stream, for
example, international students.
Employers who apply through ENS Direct Entry will need to demonstrate:
 the business is actively and lawfully operating in Australia
 the position is full-time and available to the prospective migrant for
at least two years
 the nominated occupation is on the new consolidated sponsored
occupation list
Note: The permanent employer sponsored reforms are part of a legislative change
process and are expected to be implemented by 1 July 2012. Due to this the
department cannot respond to individual client specific requests.
May 2012

the prospective migrant will be paid the ‘market rate’. That is, the
nominee will be paid at least as much as an Australian employed in
the same position in the same location
the employer provides training to Australians.
Employers who apply through the RSMS Direct Entry will need to meet
different criteria that include:
 the business is actively and lawfully operating in regional Australia
 the position is full-time and available to the visa applicant for at
least two years
 the position has been certified by an RCB
 the nominated position is classified as being a skill level 1–3
occupation in ANZSCO
 the prospective migrant will be paid the ‘market rate’. That is, the
nominee will be paid at least as much as an Australian employed in
the same job.
Visa applicants applying through the Direct Entry stream will have an untested
relationship with their sponsor and limited familiarity with Australian working
To ensure these visa holders are able to achieve the best workplace and
settlement outcomes they will be expected to meet more stringent English
language proficiency and skill requirements.
Those applying under ENS Direct Entry will need to:
 provide a positive skills assessment and have at least three years
of relevant prior work experience, unless they are exempt*
 be less than 50 years old, unless they are exempt*
 possess ‘competent English’ that is equivalent to a score of six in
each of the IELTS test components, unless they are exempt*.
Those applying under RSMS Direct Entry will need to:
 have relevant skills and qualifications. Minimum qualification levels
will be determined by the ANZSCO. Trade occupations at skill level
3 will require a positive skills assessment by the relevant assessing
authority if they do not hold an Australian qualification
 be less than 50 years old, unless they are exempt*
 demonstrate ‘competent English’ that is equivalent to a score of six
in each of the IELTS test components, unless they are exempt*.
* Further information on criteria exemptions under exceptional circumstances versus
exemptions section.
Note: The permanent employer sponsored reforms are part of a legislative change
process and are expected to be implemented by 1 July 2012. Due to this the
department cannot respond to individual client specific requests.
May 2012
The Agreements stream
The Agreements stream is for visa applicants whose nominator holds a labour
agreement for the occupation in which they are being nominated.
Applicants applying under this stream will need to meet the requirements
outlined in their nominator’s labour agreement.
Visa applicants applying under a labour agreement will need to meet skills
and experience, English language proficiency, age and other requirements as
specified in the applicable labour agreement.
A labour agreement is a formal arrangement negotiated between an employer
and the Australian Government and will only be considered where genuine
skills shortage exists and there are no suitably qualified or experienced
Australians readily available.
Further Information for employers seeking access to a labour agreement is
Exceptional circumstances versus exemptions
The current permanent employer sponsored visa categories accommodate
unique and unusual applications through the exceptional circumstances
provision for age, skill or qualification and English language requirements.
This has allowed applicants who were not able to meet these criteria to be
considered for permanent residence if they could demonstrate exceptional
The existing subjective exceptional circumstances provision will be replaced
with more objective exemption categories. This reform will provide more clarity
and certainty to applicants, while ensuring the visa programs are still able to
respond flexibly to unique cases.
There will be exemptions available for age, skills and English language ability
in the Temporary Residence and Direct Entry streams of both the ENS and
RSMS. Exemptions will be based on a person’s nominated occupation, salary
or the time they have been employed with their nominator and will be
determined by the type of application or stream that they are apply for.
Concessions sought under a labour agreement must be negotiated in the
existing way.
Age exemptions will be available to applicants:
 nominated in specific occupations where the typical age profile is
older due to the specialised or technical nature of their work, for
example Minister of Religion, researchers or scientists employed
by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research
Organisation (CSIRO) or the Australian Nuclear Science and
Note: The permanent employer sponsored reforms are part of a legislative change
process and are expected to be implemented by 1 July 2012. Due to this the
department cannot respond to individual client specific requests.
May 2012

Technology Organisation (ANSTO) or academics employed by
universities in Australia; or
applying through the Temporary Residence Transition stream and
have been employed with their sponsor for the last four years and
their salary is at least equivalent to the Fair Work high income
threshold (AUD118 100 as at 1 July 2011).
Skill and qualification exemptions will be available to applicants who are:
 nominated in an occupation where formal academic training is
uncommon, such as Ministers of Religion
 in an occupation where they will be paid executive-level salaries
 scientific and technical specialists employed by Australian
universities or scientific research agencies such as CSIRO or
ANSTO for research, academic, scientific or other specialist work
 academics employed by universities in Australia.
English language exemptions will be available to applicants:
 nominated in an occupation the Minister for Immigration and
Citizenship considers is exempt, for instance Ministers of Religion
 who are a citizen of and hold a valid passport for the United
Kingdom, the United States of America, Canada, the Republic of
Ireland or New Zealand
 who have obtained a score of at least ‘B’ in each component of
the Occupational English Test (OET)
 applying through the Temporary Residence Transition stream and
have completed at least five consecutive years of full-time study in
a secondary or higher education institution where all of the tuition
was delivered in English.
People who are unable to meet the higher benchmark for the Direct Entry
stream, and are not exempted, will need to obtain a subclass 457 visa. After
two years work in Australia, they will be eligible to qualify for the streamlined,
fast-tracked, Temporary Residence Transition stream.
Benefiting regional Australia
In recognition of the complex labour market conditions and limited labour
supply available in many regional and remote areas, the RSMS will continue
to support regional employers.
For instance, an employer located in regional Australia who chooses to use
Direct Entry RSMS will:
 have access to a broader range of occupations at ANZSCO 1 – 3
skill level occupations
 have reduced application fees
Note: The permanent employer sponsored reforms are part of a legislative change
process and are expected to be implemented by 1 July 2012. Due to this the
department cannot respond to individual client specific requests.
May 2012

have relaxed skill requirements for prospective migrants such as
not requiring them to have extensive work experience in the
nominated occupation
not have to meet relevant training criteria.
The changes to the permanent employer sponsored visa program will coincide
with the implementation of SkillSelect on 1 July 2012. SkillSelect is the new
skilled migration selection process, based on an expression of interest system,
which aligns the best available prospective skilled migration candidates with the
fluctuating demands of the labour market.
As part of the introduction of SkillSelect sponsors and visa applicants will be
able to apply for the new permanent employer sponsored visas online.
Further information
More information about the skilled migration program is available on the
department’s website.
Due to these changes being subject to the legislative change process the department
cannot respond to individual client specific enquiries. Please check our website for
regular updates.
Further information about SkillSelect is available on the department’s website.
Note: The permanent employer sponsored reforms are part of a legislative change
process and are expected to be implemented by 1 July 2012. Due to this the
department cannot respond to individual client specific requests.
May 2012

Edvard če si sam rokodelc brez izobrazbe ni potrebe da druge obtožuješ da so nesposobni ker imajo/imamo diplomo. Mogoče ne poznaš našega šolskega sistema vendar se naše univerze lahko kosajo z MIT, Harwardom…Vsaj glede na stopnjo težavnosti.
Ampak tega ti ne veš saj nisi dokončal niti 5 stopnje.

Sicer pa spremembe bodo prišle po letu 2013 in nič ni pernamentno. Zakaj imajo toliko viz? Zato da molzejo ljudi s študentskimi in drugimi vizami.
Bomo videli, če ti delodajalec ne bo podaljšal vize boš hmalu nazaj v Sloveniji.
Jih poznam nekaj.

Sicer pa prvič govoriš da naj bodo naše univerze plačljive drugič da je 200€ za IELTS veliko. Make up your mind, already.

Dovolj je bilo pisanja bedarij.

Vam povem sam kako bo potekala zadeva ko bom urejal papirje tam.

Matjaž Lorbek

Mislim da živiš v zmoti medtem, ko praviš, da Avstralija ne rabi izkušene, šolane ter Angleško govoreče poklicne delovne sile poleg vseh inžeirjev ter doktorjev. In tudi ni res nujno, da boš z diplomo res opravljal svoj poklic tu spodaj. Ja pa res, da v vseh primerih nobeden nima nikakršnih pogojev priti v Avstralijo brez odličnega znanja Angleščine (IELTS test ocena min 6). Drugi pogoj pa je, da mora biti njegov poklic na uradnih vladanih listah poklicev. Te liste naj bi odražale trenutne ter tudi dolgoročne potrebe Avstralije po delovni sili. In Matjež, če si kdaj pozorno prebral kakšno od teh list vsebujejo mnogo poklicev za katere je potrebna v Sloveniji “le” srednja šola.


V glavnem, dal sem gor nove pogoje od 01.07.2012 . Ko dobite to lahko zaprosite za Australsko državljanstvo . Na to pa je treba mal več počakati.
Tako sem bom lahko rešil vseh takih Slovencljnov, da se mi ne bo trebAAAA spuščati na njihovo .”……” Slovensko politično retoriko z katero vas zastrupljajo in perejo možgane vsakodnevno.
Naj vas nihče ne prepriča , da česa ne zmorete ali ne znate. Dokler ne probate sami, ne boste vedeli.
Papirje pa raje prej vse uredite tukaj. Prevajanje doli je dosti dražje, potem se vam pa lahko še zgodi, da potrebujete še kakšen originalen dokument. Pošta pa ne pride iz Slo naslednji dan. Zato se lahko zadeve zavlečejo par tednov dlje. Tako se je zgodilo mojem kolegu. Šel je na turistično, mislil , da bo dobil papirje dol in službo takoj. Še jih ni dobil in verjetno bo dobil izgon iz Australije. Zato se ne zafrkavajte na podoben način.


Pa ne pozabit, da employer sponsored visa ni edina, ki je na voljo.

Edward me je vzel za deklico zato je bolje da uporabljam moj cel psudomin. Kaj je zanmljivo zame je kako se borite, grebete, priti v Aus, kot da vam gori pod nogami v Slo. Kaj ces casi se spreminjajo,kje so tisti casi, ko so australci vabili Britance z 10 pounds Brit.Danes je okrog 20000 do 30000 britancev ki emigrirajo,sem in tja Aus vsako leto.Kaj sele iz ostalega sveta.Nevem kam se vsi dajo?!Veliko jih tudi pride nazaj.Jaz imam priliko emigrirat v sem raje tu v UK.Pac stvar okusa jaz pravim.
No pa lep pozdrav vsem in srecno pot

Ups, ej oprosti. Res sem te zamenjal. Sorry, še enkrat.
Ja v Sloveniji je pač hudo resna situacija. sploh na finančnem področju. Država , ki je pred bankrotom, politiki , kateri se vse več ukvarjajo sami s sabo, laži, kraja, Nihče noče priznati svojih grehov in so kar na položajih- brez odstopa,… še bi lahko našteval, ampak ni tu plac za take razprave. Tukaj si pomagamo čimprej pobegniti z potapljajočega Titanika- Evrope. 🙂

Kake spremembe se obetajo leta 2013? Kaj niso bile drastične spremembe že s 1. julijem letos?

Po moje je povsod ista pesem.Ce das ljudem moc vlade jo vsi izkoriscao tako tu kot pri vas. Ves svet gre k vragu in nima smisla bezat is enega konca na drugi, ker kmalu ne bo nobene razlike. Ostani doma in skusaj popravit kar je narobe in tvoje sanse bodo dosti vecje kot nekje drugje. Doma te vsaj jebe rojak.
Lp Brit

Ne vem, kako se bos ti edvard znasel v Avstraliji, ker imas ozko in trmasto slovensko misljenje, in ce mislis, da s sponzorsko vizo drzis onega tam zgoraj za j****, se posteno motis. Veliko srece vseeno.

Za Vse Bralce
V Australiji je mace ceneje kot v UK, v UK,je mace ceneje kot v Sloveniji,V SLO je malce ceneje kot v Rusiji itd itd itd. Australija izbira smetano od smetane kadra zato ker pac momentalno lahko.Kmalu bos rabil univerzno kvalifikacijo ce hoces pucat skret v Aus.Ko sestejes vse skupaj ugotovis da financno nisi nic na boljsem kot bi bil v Evropi. Ja sonce in plaze imajo svojo privlacnost. Samo pazi ko bos zaplaval v njihovem toplem morju. In ko prides ven ne pozabi pregledat cevljev in obleke predno se obleces. To velja tudi doma ko vstanes iz postelje in nataknes copate.Ali pa ko po dolgem napornem vrocim dnevu koncno pocivas v svojem lezalniku v vrtu,poleg kozarca piva in gledas otroke ki se igrajo skrivat kot smo se mi doma v sloveniji.Jim prepoves da se skrivajo za uto, v grmicju, visoki travi, za gredo roz, pod klopjo itd itd. Toda vsega se navadis.Zame se to ne izplaca. Evropa ima vse klime, tople in mrzle.Ima vso iskuseno dograjeno industrijo in infraskrukturo. Evropa ne trpi naravnih katastrof in ima krasno naravo in perfekten strateski polozaj, da ne omenim tradicij in zgodovine Zakaj mislite da je australija boljsa.Mogoce momentalno, toda bonanza bo kratka, nikoli pa bolsa.Not in a million years

Najbolj smešni od vsega pa so pogovori ko slovenci natepavjo ideje: veš je odšel v Avstralijo sedaj živi na veliki nogi ima hišo, jahto…

Sam grem poskusit srečo v Avstralijo, cilj je delo za cca 6 mesecev, ne več ne manj. So pa enostavno iluzorne ideje da boš tam in ti bodo vizo kar podarili, živel boš na veliki nogi, kupil bazen, jahto…

Bonanza je kratka, res je. Kitajski BDP pada, ko se jim bo ustavila industrija in proizvodnja bo šel tudi Avstralski izvoz surovin dol. In Kitajska se že ohlaja, njihov bdp je prišel že na 7,5.

Matjaž Lorbek

Ja , vzemi australijo kot ena avantura, Dezela je lepa in zanimiljjjjjjjiva. Jaz nameravam iti tja za en mesec dopusta, da si jjo orenk ogledam.Za tiste pa ki iscejo bogastvo so po moje sanse uspeha slabse kot v evropi ze po sami logiki.Imeti hiso moj prijatelj, pa ne pomeni da zivis na veliki nogi saj imeti dom je osnova zivljenja, ali ne?
Lp Brit

Bogastvo je v glavi. Sicer pa šanse v Avstraliji in EU. Hja odvisno kaj si in kaj imaš, če si inžinir potem imaš šense tako v EU kot drugje, če si družboslovec z diplomo aka pravnik, ekonomist in znaš 3 jezike velja enako.

Sem bil v Angliji pa se mi zdi grozno grda še posebno London, Ramsgate je načeloma lep pa vseeno, jezik in naglas…

Če pa gledam v splošnem moje pretekle izkušnje iz tujine mi je pa Slovenija še vedno najlepša, če imaš pa extra income iz tujine je pa zmaga. Od gora do morja samo 2 ure, pitna voda, mir, v mestu je v katerikoli smeri 5 kilometrov gozd, država z najmanšo stopnjo nasilja….Ekonomija sicer šepa ampak kaj češ.

Najlepše je ko prideš iz metropole nazaj v Slovenijo, mir brez avtomobilov, smoga.

Prijazni ljudje, seveda če si ti prijazen do njih.

Kar se tiče Avstralije kot avanture, kaj pa vem, grem tja sicer poskusit pridobiti delovno ali katerokoli vizo kjer mi bo omogočeno delo za 6 mesecev. Če ne uspe grem pač domov. Edina razlika je ta da se bom zajebaval s papirji namesto da bom gledal neke kvazi znamenosti, zapite aboriđine…

brit kam pa greš v AU?

Zivo Matjaz
Imam priatelja v Perthu, ki me vabi tja.Toda radi nujnih opravkov doma bom prost sele drugo leto za dalsi dopust v AUS. V katerem delu Londona si zivel, da imas tako slab vtis?Kje pa zivis v sloveniji?Jaz sem drugace iz Ljubljane.

Nisem živel v Londonu tam sem bil samo 1 teden, turistično, dlje časa sem prebil v mestu Ramsgate. Sem bil pa bolj v centru Londonu, tako da smo lahko hodili do vseh znamenitosti aka Madam Tuso in lahko rečem obup. Smog, kamere na vsakem vogalu, smeti (še posebno ko se voziš z vlakom) drage cene, fast food je poceni, slow food občutno dražji, tista temza tudi nič posebnega. Drugače sem iz Domžal.

Hi Matjaz se eno vprasanje:
Koliko si star?

25. Warum fragst du?

Australian labour market not keeping pace with demands of its energy resources projects

Australia is facing a shortfall of 1,700 engineers and 3,000 geoscientists over the next five years, according to GE Australia and New Zealand’s industry skills development leader Stuart Manifold.

Speaking at the Australian Gas Technology Conference & Exhibition, Manifold explained that this is due to Australia not producing enough engineering graduates to keep pace with its energy resources projects.

Manifold said that this skills shortage is a pressing issue as energy resources industries – including the mining and liquefied natural gas (LNG) sectors – have to compete for engineering graduates.

GE’s data highlighted that Australian universities presently produce 9,500 engineering graduates each year, yet Australia is in need of 20,000 engineering graduates each year. As the engineering skills shortage is a worldwide issue, engineers are also in demand in emerging regions, such as Africa and Southeast Asia.

Forum je zaprt za komentiranje.

New Report
