Najdi forum

stop thief!
roy Trenton used to drive a taxi. a short while ago, however, he (become) a bus driver and he (not regret) it yet. he (find) his new work more exciting. a few days ago when he (drive) along catford street, he (see) two thieves who (rush)out of shop – they (run) towards a waiting car. a bag full of money (carry) by one of them. roy acted quickly and (drive) the bus straight at the thieves. the one with the money got such a fright that he (drop) the bag. as the thieves (try) to get away in their car, roy (drive) his bus into the back of it. while the batterer car (move) away, roy (stop) his bus and (call) the police. the thieves’ car badly (damage) and easy to recognize. shortly after the police (stop) the car and both men (arrest).

pišem angleščino in bi bila hvaležna če bi mi kdo postavil glagole v pravilno obliko.

Lea, najprej se potrudi s svojim izdelkom, potem ti bomo pa pomagali popraviti napake. Saj veš, kadar je v stavku already, never, ever, yet…. moraš uporabiti Perfect. Kadar je v stavku definirano časovno dogajanje (yesterday, last week…), uporabiš Past Simple.

saj sama sem že rešila to nalogo pa žal nimam nikjer za preverit. hvala vsen

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