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Naslovnica Forum Zdravje Rak Kako živeti z rakom? ENERGY HEALING MASTERCLASS-12.11.2019


During the free live series, you’ll learn:

Exactly what energy is and how you can use it to heal yourself

Three core benefits of energy healing that you can tap into to change your life

The science behind using the body’s energy to affect matter
Join the Masterclass! ➤Register Now! ➤Register Now! ➤
Upcoming Events:

Nov 12 at 4:00 PM PT:

The Promise of Energy Healing

Nov 14 at 4:00 PM PT:

5 Steps to Success When You Start to Heal with Energy

Nov 19 at 4:00 PM PT:

Your Blueprint to Using Energy Healing to Heal, Restore & Thrive

Nov 21 at 4:00 PM PT:

Awaken Your Inner Healer

Five essential steps to successfully bring energy healing into your life

Some of the common misperceptions about using energy healing—and why they’re wrong

Simple practices and worksheets to help you not only experience your energy but also find which form of energy healing might work best


Danes je ponovitev.


Še danes se lahko gleda prvo epizodo. Donna pove svojo zgodbo in pokaže par vaj. Dawson Church zopet pove zgodbo o 5 cm velikem tumorju. Mona Lissa ima odlično predavanje o energiji. Priporočam.



Morda se vam zdi, da je Margareth, ko jo gledate, malo čudna ali vam gre celo na živce. Toda, je zelo sposobna in uspešna gospa. Sama sem vedno pozorna na to, kaj ljudje povedo, kaj se bom od njih naučila in ne na make up ali to, kako se pačijo pred kamero. Margareth je zelo dobra in jaz gledam, berem in poslušam njene prispevke že veliko let.

Tudi dr. Dawson Church je človek, ki se zelo trudi, da bi pomagal ljudem in ga zelo rada poslušam in gledam in to tudi že nekaj let. Današnjega posnetka še nisem gledala. Prepričana pa sem, da je odličen.


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