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Naslovnica Forum Zdravje Rak Kako živeti z rakom? HAY HOUSE HEAL SUMMIT – 23.10.2019



Zanimivi predavatelji. O nekaterih sem že pisala na tem ali na drugih dveh forumih (Fibromialgija in Multipla skleroza).
Dr. Joe Dispenza: Nevroznanost
Dr. Bruce Lipton: Znanost
Anthony Wiliam Medical Medium: zdravilec
Dr. Dawson Church: Energijska pshologija- EFT
Dr. Lisa Rankin: Z umom nad medicino-knjiga
Dr. Alberto Violdo je živel 20 let med šamani
Chris Wark je imel poleti odlično serijo o zdravljenju raka.
Ostalih se ne spomnim dobro.


Dr. Dawson Church, avtor knjig:

Je napisal v novicah tole:

I’m presenting at the HEAL Summit this month, along with 20 renowned doctors, scientists, and survivors.

They’re sharing their best tips for healing your body, mind, and spirit.

Please sign up now free and you’ll get immediate access to preview lessons from Anthony William, Joe Dispenza, and Bruce Lipton.

In my presentation, I’ll share a remarkable piece of research I did. It shows how to use tapping to boost your immune system by 113%. Think about that for a moment: More than DOUBLE the immunity!

Here’s what you’ll learn from the other presenters…

The #1 reason for the growing epidemic of disease (and how to heal it) with Anthony William.

The daily vitamin that can reduce your cancer risk by up to 83% with Dr. Véronique Desaulniers.

A unique hypnotic tool that can reprogram your subconscious mind, from Dr. Mike Dow.

How to amplify your instincts, from stage 3 cancer survivor Chris Wark.

Three self-love rituals that will make you happier and more productive with Danette May.

Three steps to heal a stress-damaged brain with Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D.

A disease-recovery plan—when nothing else works—with Lissa Rankin, M.D.

How to immunize your spirit against low vibrational frequencies with Michael Bernard Beckwith.

And much more…

This is an event that has the power to change not only your health…

But your entire life.

Please join me at the HEAL Summit. Let the transformation begin!

~ Dawson


Anthony William Medical Medium je poslal pa tudi tale video:
If research and science already had all the answers for chronic illness, people wouldn’t still be sick, living with a symptom, or having to live their lives not really knowing what’s wrong with them. How many times have you heard, “There is no known cure for [fill-in-the-blank disease]”? Or how many times have you heard that a symptom or condition is because of your genes or your body attacking itself (the autoimmune theory). Neither of these are right. They are misguided theories that were never proven. Your genes don’t create chronic illness and your body never attacks itself; it loves you unconditionally. Surprised? I share much more on this topic in the full 70 minute HEAL Summit video.


Danes se lahko posluša 1.dan.
Prvi dr. Joe Dispenza
Druga Dr. Véronique Desaulniers o zdravljenju raka:
Lesson: 7 Essential Steps to Conquer Cancer and Prevent Disease
In tretji dr. Bruce Lipton


Meni se zdi to kar poslušam zelo zanimivo. S tem znanjem si lahko spremenimo življenje. Naučimo se kaj delati in kaj ne delati. Seveda, če hočemo v svojem življenju spremembo. Na žalost večina ljudi tega noče. Radi imajo svoje težave, svoje pritoževanje in svoje življenje.
Nihče razen mene ni napisal, da bi morda kdo kaj prevedel. Nihče še ni napisal, da ga zanima, pa ne razume dovolj. Kaj, ko bi kdo kaj prevedel. Ali ljudje res delajo stvari samo za denar. Sam pišem na Medovernet že več kot 10 let. Včasih sem po več ur porabila za en prispevek. Zakaj se nikoli nihče ne najde, ki bi prevedel eno predavanje. Ali res vsi skrbimo samo zase, ali pa se vam to, kar gledate in poslušate tukaj, zdi čisto nepomembno. Ali ne razumete, kaj govorijo ti znanstveniki in zdravniki. Da sami lahko veliko storimo za svoje zdravje. Če ne vemo kako in kaj, ne moremo.
Meni ni treba tukaj pisati. Me nihče ni prosil, da pišem na tem fofumu. Pa to delam, ker mislim, da s tem komu pomagam. Če bo eni osebi pomagalo, moj trud ne bo zaman.
Saj smo Slovenci tako uspešni v zbiranju prostovoljnih prispevkov. Saj napisati en prevod, ki ni plačan, je tudi prostovoljni prispevek. Kaj, ko bi malo pomagali.


Tudi drugi dan res, res, res odlični strokovnjaki.
Anthony William:
Anthony believes your body is never letting you down when you get sick. What do you think your body is telling you when you don’t feel well? Be detailed. How can you begin to address this in your life now? What are some ways you can take a more active role in healing it?

Your body is working for you and it wants you to heal. — Anthony William


Tretji dan. Dr. Dawson Church. On je tudi delal veliko raziskav. Tapkanje z meditaciJo, koherenca srca in možganov, zmanjšanje stresa in zdravljenje. Tumor se je s 5 cm zmanjšal na 1,5 cm. Ko zmanjšaš stres, se začne zdravljenje.


O dr. Lisi Rankin sem pisala tukaj:


O dr. Lisi Rankin sem pisala tukaj:
Nekje je pod nekim drugim naslovom še precej dolg prispevek, ki sem ga napisala po video posnetku, ko Lisa govori o svoji knjigi. No, sadaj je tudi knjiga prevedena, pa je to verjetno v knjigi.


Res odlična serija. Pa posnetek Bruce Liptona je bil vsak dan na voljo. Morda bo čez vikend ponovitev.


Dr Bruce Liptom. Mislim, da je bil tale posnetek:


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