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Pred enim mesecem so mi v laboratoriju odvzeli krv.preiskave, ki so bile vse OK, samo železo je bilo 6,5. Kolegica-laborantka mi je svetovala, da imam enkrat nizko vrednost, kot je normalno. Šla sem v Sanolabor in prosila kakšno zdravilo za povečanje železa. Prodajalka,verjetno medic.sestra mi je dala FLORAVITAL in povedala, da vsako jutro na tešče in popoldan pred kosilom popiti pol pokrovčka sirupa in ta kura traja cca 3 tedne, potem bo v redu. Po 14 dneh pitja Fitovala, sem ugotovila, da mi je potemnela bela plomba 3 zoba zgoraj. V službi so mi rekli, da sem postala čez noč Fata.
Kdo je tukaj kriv, ali prodajalka, ki mi ni dala točnik napotkov, ali navodila, ki niso vsebovala točne uporabe. Ko sem šla nazaj v Sanolabor in povedala prodajalki, da mi je potemnela plomba je povedala, da bo povedala svoji soprodajalki, da bi mi mogla povedati, da sirup ne sme takniti zobovja, oz. sklenine. Kam naj se obrnem, da dobim povrnjene stroške za novo plombo, saj mi jo je zdravnica dala pred 1. letom novo.
Kdo je tukaj naredil napako ali prodajalka ali proizvajalec sirupa?
Hvaležna in zaskrbljena


Proizvajalec navaja, da se obarvanje sklenine zgodi zelo redko, ker gre za preparat z železovim glukonatom. Vsekakor se za nasvete lahko obrnete na uvoznika po telefonu: 01 56 345 35,
z dopisnico, ki jo pošljete na naslov: FIDIMED, Brodišče 32, 1236 Trzin,
ali po elektronski pošti: [email protected]

Q: Can it cause dental staining?

A: The iron compound, that has been documented to cause staining of the teeth, is ferrous fumarate. Ferrous sulphate is also suspected, since it is an inorganic iron compound as is the fumarate. The ferrous gluconate, the compound from which the elemental iron in Floradix comes, is much less prone to do this. In fact, according to statistics, there have been over 50 million bottles of Floradix iron sold world wide, and no known cases of permanent tooth enamel staining have been attributed to the product. The only way the tonics could potentially cause any staining is if the enamel coat is not strong enough. Taking the tonic **** before a meal, and brushing the teeth and tongue right after the meal, can help avoid this problem. The following points are suggestions from Salus Haus to deal with these infrequent cases: Brush the teeth with:

1) Abrasive toothpaste – (occasionally only). It’s not recommended to do this after every intake of iron tonic, because it could harm the enamel. It would be better to use a milder alternative (ie: “WELEDA Sole toothpaste” (“Sole” = saltwater, brine) as a support in dental hygiene. I hope that the products of the German company WELEDA are available in Canada.

2) Citric acid; a white powder that can be easily dissolved in water and available in every pharmacy.

3) Lemon juice – the natural version of point 2. Both, citric acid and lemon juice can be used regularly without problems.

4) An enamel strengthening toothpaste. When brushing the teeth – ALSO brush the tongue.

5) Another possibility would be to take the iron tonic with a straw .

6) Finally, an alternative would be to take the iron tablets instead of the tonic. These dissolve only in the gastrointestinal tract.

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