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A zdaj pa še David Bowie

David Bowie – Tonight

Kok je bil pa star?
Kaj vse je dal čez?

Počasi, ampak sigurno pride vaša generacija na vrsto.

Naj počiva v miru:(((

Star je bil 69 let, ravnokar, dal je pa čez vse, kar je lahko dal (saj veš: sex, drugs and rock and roll).

A je bil David Bowie res gay oziroma biseksualec?
Sem njegov dolgoletni “zmerni” fan, to pomeni, da me je vedno bolj zanimala njegova glasba kot pa to s kom seksa. Kot sem večkrat prebral naj bi bila ta njegova biseksualnost oziroma priznanje bolj neka provokacija v norih sedemdesetih, del umetniškega projekta Ziggy Stardust, s kateim je hotel rušit tabuje, provocirat. To javno deklariranje za biseksualca je pozneje večkrat obžaloval. Ženske je imel rad, o tem ni dvoma. Kaj pa moške?
Videti je da je to danes pomembno vprašanje.

V nekrologu v Mladini so napisali, da je bil biseksualec. Tipično za Mladino.

v wikipediji pa piše:
Bowie married Mary Angela Barnett (also known as Angie Bowie) on 19 March 1970 at Bromley Register Office on Beckenham Lane, Bromley, London. They had a son together, Zowie Bowie (now known as Duncan Jones, film director), and divorced on 8 February 1980 in Switzerland.[208]

Buckley writes, “If Ziggy confused both his creator and his audience, a big part of that confusion centred on the topic of sexuality.”[209] Bowie declared himself gay in an interview with Michael Watts in 22 January 1972 issue of Melody Maker,[210] a move which coincided with the first shots in his campaign for stardom as Ziggy Stardust.[54] In a September 1976 interview with Playboy, Bowie said: “It’s true—I am a bisexual. But I can’t deny that I’ve used that fact very well. I suppose it’s the best thing that ever happened to me.”[211] According to his first wife Angie, Bowie had a relationship with Mick Jagger.[212]

In a 1983 interview with Rolling Stone, Bowie said his public declaration of bisexuality was “the biggest mistake I ever made” and “I was always a closet heterosexual.”[213] On other occasions, he said his interest in homosexual and bisexual culture had been more a product of the times and the situation in which he found himself than his own feelings; as described by Buckley, he said he had been driven more by “a compulsion to flout moral codes than a real biological and psychological state of being.”[214][215]

Asked in 2002 by Blender whether he still believed his public declaration was the biggest mistake he ever made, he replied:

Interesting. [Long pause] I don’t think it was a mistake in Europe, but it was a lot tougher in America. I had no problem with people knowing I was bisexual. But I had no inclination to hold any banners nor be a representative of any group of people. I knew what I wanted to be, which was a songwriter and a performer, and I felt that bisexuality became my headline over here for so long. America is a very puritanical place, and I think it stood in the way of so much I wanted to do.[216]

Buckley’s view of the period is that Bowie, “a taboo-breaker and a dabbler … mined sexual intrigue for its ability to shock”,[217] and that “it is probably true that Bowie was never gay, nor even consistently actively bisexual … he did, from time to time, experiment, even if only out of a sense of curiosity and a genuine allegiance with the ‘transgressional.’ “[218] Biographer Christopher Sandford says that according to Mary Finnigan, with whom Bowie had an affair in 1969, the singer and his first wife Angie “lived in a fantasy world … and they created their bisexual fantasy.”[219] Sandford tells how, during the marriage, Bowie “made a positive fetish of repeating the quip that he and his wife had met while ‘fucking the same bloke’ … Gay sex was always an anecdotal and laughing matter. That Bowie’s actual tastes swung the other way is clear from even a partial tally of his affairs with women.”[219]

On 24 April 1992, David Bowie married Somali-American model Iman in a private ceremony in Lausanne. The wedding was later solemnized on 6 June in Florence.[220] They have one daughter, Alexandria “Lexi” Zahra Jones, born in August 2000.[221] The couple resided primarily in New York City and London

Ta glasbenik je bil genij, ker je bil originalen in edinstven.

Nekaj boljših njegovih komadov (v Labirintu pa je fantastično odigral vlogo kralja Goblinov):


Let’s Dance

Magic Dance (iz filma Labyrinth)

Na vprašanje ali je (bil) gay je v enem od intervjujev odgovoril nekaj v stilu, yes, I was happy. 🙂 Gay pomeni tudi biti vesel. Vsekakor je bil genij in spreten tudi z besedami. Četudi heteroseksualec v omari, kot se je večkrat pošalil. Tudi to pozo gaya (namišljenega ali resničnega niti ni pomembno ) je znal nosit, da je lahko rušil tabuje in utiral pot tistim, ki so bili res gayi.

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