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HTC desire mobilni telefoni

Kakšni so HTC desire mobilni telefoni npr dam primer htc desire 620.
cena je okoli 200eur nov
Baje bojši kot samsung, samsung za tako ceno gotov ni kaj prida.
Pa tudi HTC ima mogoče malo drugačen android.
HTC je sedaj ratal kar popularen telefon

Ko sem jaz delala primerjavo med HTC-jem in Huawajem (za primerljiv denar), ga je Huaway šišal levo, desno, zgoraj in spodaj. Jaz ga nikoli ne bi kupila, je preveč pritožb.

ali pa mogoče tudi samsung core 2 baje da je tale vredu na mimovrste ga priporočajo tam pride 120eur tukaj 115 kaj pravite
ali je HTC desire 620 in ta samsung core 2 lahko zelo podobna ali ne, kar se tiče delovanja in podobno

Uredništvo priporoča

katerega nebi sedaj kupila huawai ali HTC.
jaz pa sem slišal ravno obratno da imajo huwaei velike težave in da crkujejo, kaj je sploh res zdej….

Izogibat se mobitelom, ki ima 8gb spomina in 1gb ram. Ce me spomin ne vara, na mimovrste se dobi asus za nekaj cez 220 eur, ki v tem cenovnem razredu da najvec od sebe.

Telefon za nezahtevne uporabnike. Če si to ti, ni dileme.

Tukaj drugače poročajo kar o precej težavah. Premalo spomina, počasen, se obeša … Pač vse, kar je značilno za poceni telefone.

katerega nebi sedaj kupila huawai ali HTC.
jaz pa sem slišal ravno obratno da imajo huwaei velike težave in da crkujejo, kaj je sploh res zdej….[/quote]

Mislim, da je jasno. HTC-ja ne bi kupila in ga tudi nisem. Imam Huawaya. Da bi kakšen crknil, ne vem, pa ga ima polovica sinovega razreda. Tudi Asus je specialna izbira, sigurno bolj kot skoraj najcenejši Samsung. Tudi Lenovo bi bil za preverit.
Jaz sem za štos kupila telefon s Kitajske in me prav zanima, kako se bo odrezal. Sigurno dobiš več za isti denar kot pri nas v trgovini. No, bomo videli.

ne vem zakaj ne HTC desire 620 dobi se ga že za 200eur pri telekomu ali še malo cenejše.
a so imeli mogoče kdo težave z htc jem

no ali pa htc desire 610 ki je 150eur približno.
Zadnje čase imajo vsi nekaj te htc je ne vem zakaj, a je ratal tako popularen

Ko sem takrat na hitro poguglala, je bilo kar precej kritik, ja. Tukaj je recimo čisto spljuvan.

Domnevam, da jih mularija kupuje zato, ker so luštni in relativno poceni. 🙂

Imam HTC desire 820, po nasvetu mularije in moram reči, da se mi dobro obnese.

Ko sem takrat na hitro poguglala, je bilo kar precej kritik, ja. Tukaj je recimo čisto spljuvan.

pa ne vem no, ne piše nič takega razen da je švoh baterija pa še kaj tko, sam ni ne vem kaj da bi imel ful napake..

no ja 820 htc je mogoče res vredu saj je tudi čez 300eur mora bit vredu…

Pa zanič ekran, slaba grafika … Ti angleščina mogoče dela težave?

The HTC Desire 620 may be much better made than last year’s model, but sadly it’s a clear step down in almost every other category. It has a decent camera, but there are plenty of cheaper phones which are much better value.

kater telefon na touch pa da je dober izgleda pa da je okoli 100eur ali do 150eur sploh vredu da dobro dela, ali je to lahko samsung galaxy core 2.
potrebujem ga večinoma za internet, music, predvajanje glasbe na internetu in uporaba z wifi, kakšen GPS in podobno, kaj ima tukaj lahko biti problem.

samsung core 2 je gotovo vredu, saj nubenega ni potem tako poceni

na mimovrste ga priporočajo

Tukaj piše vse, kaj je s telefonom narobe in tudi par predlogov za boljše naprave.

How often have you seen manufacturers reduce the amount of memory on the upgrade to a device? Well if you haven’t, you need to look at Samsung right away. The Galaxy Core came with 1 GB of RAM and for some reason that is hard to understand, the Core 2 has got 768 MB of RAM. We want to put it mildly but there is no other way to say that Samsung has done a very stupid job here.

The Galaxy Core came with a 5 megapixel camera which was poor. The images would turn out to be a hazy and faded. It wasn’t any good at recording videos either and the videos were 480p. While upgrading the device, they have forgotten to take the camera in account. The Core 2 has got the same camera with the same poor performance. They could have bumped up the resolution or added some new features to it but there is nothing like that.

Low resolution display
A 4.5 inch display sounds nice. What resolution would you expect on that display? For me, at least 540p or 720p would look acceptable. Samsung however has gone crazy with the display and the term ‘Crazy’ is not for good here. It has got a 480 x 800 resolution and on 4.5 inches, it gives just 207 ppi of pixel density. That is not even remotely good and the display would look just worse.

Design and Built
It is a Samsung so you expect it to look like a couple of other devices. The device follows the typical Samsung design scheme which includes a physical home key along with two capacitive keys on the front face which is in the shape of a rounded rectangle. While this worked earlier for them, the new rival devices being very well built and attractive are causing trouble for Samsung.

As we were talking about the Motorola devices, there have been many other devices that ticked all the right boxes. The Xiaomi Mi3 came out a while back and at slightly higher price, it offers you hardware better than Nexus 5. This makes it excellent value for money. Even if you want to skip the Xiaomi, Moto G is a much better. It has got more amount of RAM, a decent processor, high resolution display and better built quality. We see no reason why someone would pick the Galaxy Core 2 over such devices.

ok kako pa gledate na telefone microsoft modeli

Zanimovo branje.

cenovno ugodni in priporočajo ker imajo windowse

no ta microsoft ima pa ravno to kar je en zgoraj opisal da se treba izogibat 8Gb spomina in rama 1gb
zakaj se treba izogibat

Okej, pa ti sploh veš, kaj to pomeni?

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