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Naslovnica Forum ‘Teorije zarote’ Kitajska poziva k prekinitvi cepljenja

Kitajska poziva k prekinitvi cepljenja

NOVO: Kitajski zdravstveni strokovnjaki so zdaj Norveško in druge države pozvali, naj ustavijo uporabo kontroverznega COVID-19 [hashtag=vaccine]#vaccine[/hashtag] na osnovi mRNA, ki ga proizvajajo podjetja, kot so Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Moderna …

Oglejte si, pomagajte nam deliti to pomembno video poročilo:

A 33 year old male nurse in excellent health who took the COVID-19 vaccine develops a severe reaction.

Jao pa res nimaš drugega dela kot te teorije zarot širit.

[url=][b]KRIPTO VALUTE: NALOŽBA/VARČEVANJE ZA POPOLNE ZAČETNIKE (10€/TEDEN)[/b][/url] Način varnega investiranja v kriptovalute. [url=""][b]NAVODILA ZA AVTOMATIZIRANO TRGOVANJE S KRIPTOVALUTAMI[/b][/url] [url=][b]KRIPTOSLOVENIJA.SI[b][/url] Skupnost kripto entuzijastov in popolnih začetnikov. [url=][b]BINANCE.COM[/b][/url] Menjalnica z največjo in najboljšo ponudbo in vplačila/izplačila direktno na bančni račun.

A res? 9:17 sem se prijavil v službeni program in ne boš verjel, da si se zlagal. Ne, nobenega poziva ni! Še naprej je zelena za cepljenje in vsak zdravnik z licenco to lahko pogleda in preveri. Gumpec blesavi zahojeni, ne veš kaj bi si še izmislil!

gospod Vagabund Vaga Stručnjaški, prof. dr. vesoljske in mravljične znanosti univerze Ghonisenekam in pogodbeni sodelavec na inštitutu Ropotalne medicine, kjer predava iz predmeta Ghlupi možgani gospodinj diplomiral iz novega človeškega organa Malina Felicus, doktoriral iz nožnih prstov medvedjih šap Specializant oddelka za človeško blato in njegovo možno pretvorbo v plastelin pri mednarodni organizaciji DREKOPEK University

☠️ 23 od 33.000 cepljenih Norvežanov je umrlo. To je 1 od 1.434 ljudi. Ocenjeno svetovno prebivalstvo je 7.800.000.000 ljudi. Pri tej trenutni stopnji smrtnosti bi na svetovni ravni kratkoročno videli 5.439.330 smrtnih primerov, če bi cepili vsako osebo na planetu. To ne vpliva na dolgoročne smrti in sterilizacije, ki se bodo zgodile. Poleg tega je cepivo letno cepivo, sami izračunajte.

* Trenutna matematika ne upošteva starosti in drugih dejavnikov. Ljudje, ki so starejši, pogosteje umrejo zaradi cepiva. Medtem ko bodo mlajši tudi umrli zaradi cepiva, so za mlajše nevarnejša vprašanja sterilizacija, in hudi neželjeni učinki.


A ni Peking v karanteni.? Nekje sem prebrala, da se je pojavil nov sev in da so Kitajci vse zaprli.

A res? 9:17 sem se prijavil v službeni program in ne boš verjel, da si se zlagal. Ne, nobenega poziva ni! Še naprej je zelena za cepljenje in vsak zdravnik z licenco to lahko pogleda in preveri. Gumpec blesavi zahojeni, ne veš kaj bi si še izmislil!
[/quote]cepi se,kdo ti brani,zakaj druge žališ,če razmišljajo drugače.

Še lani marca, ko smo vedeli, da nas čaka cepljenje zaradi načrtno ustvarjenega virusa, prepoved letenja, potovanja itd. za necepljene, ste eni rekli: “Eh, teorija zarote” in zamahnili z roko. Zdaj vidite, da je res! Agenda 2030 se uresničuje in še kako je res. Zlom gospodarstva, šolstva, malih podjetnikov…vse bolj se jasno vidi, da ni covid razlog. Vsak pameten, razgledan človek to že ve. Žalosti me in ne morem pogledati stran, ker se tiče nas in ker se dogaja kar se ne bi smelo! Zapleti, bolezen in smrt po cepljenju. Zdravniki, medicinske sestre, nebogljeni starostniki, ki se sedaj cepijo po Sloveniji in po svetu in jih bo veliko zaradi nepreverjenega, na hitro ustvarjenega cepiva zbolelo in umrlo. Zakaj o teh smrtih ne poročajo??
Včeraj na Norveškem 23 smrti, ki jih povezujejo s stranskimi učinki cepiva, od tega 13 že potrjenih.
V Izraelu, kjer se kar vse po vrsti cepi, je rekordno število novih okužb s covidom.
Pred tremi dnevi popolnoma zdrav zdravnik s Floride umrl po cepljenju. Njegova žena na FB napisala kako je zaupal v cepivo.
Medicinska sestra se je takoj po cepljenju onesvestila in umrla. Druga s Portugalske prav tako.
V Mariboru v enem od domov, vsi cepljeni starostniki zboleli za covidom.
V Ajdovščini prej vsi zdravi, po cepljenju vsi starostniki zboleli za covidom.
V Novem Mestu skoraj vsi cepljeni starostniki zboleli za covidom…
Kam gremo? Zakaj mirno dopuščamo kar tako? Pač še ena smrt, kaj zdaj… NI PRAV, VSAKO ŽIVLJENJE JE DRAGOCENO.
Medtem, pa si peščica svetovne elite mane roke in naslaja nad vdanostjo človeštva. Njihovi načrti tečejo kot po maslu!

cepi se,kdo ti brani,zakaj druge žališ,če razmišljajo drugače.

Ne cepi se, kdo te sili. Širjenje laži in zavajanje pa nikakor ni razmišljanje.

7 hours ago
I have carefully studied the development of the covid vaccines and many things about them are very concerning to me:

First of all, up until this point there has never been a successful vaccine for coronaviruses in humans, due to a problem typical of coronavirus vaccine development called antibody dependent enhancement or ADE. [1] In preliminary animal trials for previous coronavirus vaccines (SARS and MERS, for instance), animals were vaccinated and seemed to exhibit a robust antibody response, but upon exposure to the wild virus, they developed a paradoxical immune enhancement leading to severe organ inflammation (especially in their lungs), and they died. [2][3] Paradoxical immune response in coronavirus vaccines has also taken place in human trials, which occurred during testing of the failed RSV vaccines of the 1950s. [4] Alarmingly, there are some statistical indications of ADE in covid vaccine trials, but there is no way to know for sure because many key signifiers of ADE weren’t specifically addressed. [5] Due to emergency protocol, the usual methodology of testing animals prior to humans was bypassed, limited animal testing occurred in parallel with humans, and the potential for ADE was not comprehensively assessed. [6] [7] Historical precedent would suggest, however, that ADE is a distinct possibility, and we may not know the true negative effects until years from now when vaccinated persons are exposed to SARS-CoV-2 or genetically similar versions of coronavirus. [8]

Second, the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines contain lipid nanoparticles that are “PEGylated”, meaning the nanoparticles are coated with PEG (polyethylene glycol).[9] PEGs can lead to life threatening anaphylaxis or other conditions such as severe immune thrombocytopenia. [10] [48] Such reactions are already occurring during the initial vaccine rollout and PEGs are the most likely culprit. [11] Approximately 72{04cafd300e351bb1d9a83f892db1e3554c9d84ea116c03e72cda9c700c854465} of the US population have PEG antibodies, with 8{04cafd300e351bb1d9a83f892db1e3554c9d84ea116c03e72cda9c700c854465} having extremely elevated levels (more than 500 ng/mL), putting them at risk for severe allergic reaction and/or future autoimmune disorders. [12] These reactions were totally predictable, with many experts warning of the danger posed by PEGs [13][14][15], yet participants with a history of severe allergic reaction were excluded from the trials, serving to obscure the actual negative impact PEGs will have now that these vaccines are being given to members of the public who have not been screened for PEG antibodies. [16] Also, there is some worrying evidence suggesting that PEGs cross the blood-brain barrier and accumulate in the brain, possibly causing inflammation and/or autoimmune conditions, a fact gleaned from previous animal studies that featured PEGylated nanoparticles. Dissection of the sacrificed animals in such studies found PEGs distributed across a spectrum of body tissues including microglial cells in the brain. [48] Additionally, nanoparticles (such as PEGylated hydrogel) are known components for state of the art medical interventions, including biosurveillance technology currently being developed by DARPA and companies like Profusa Inc that are seeking FDA approval [17][18][19][20][21]. To me, it is strange and concerning that these vaccines also contain PEGs (as an adjuvant), given what I just mentioned. The secretive nature of this technology necessitates a knowledge gap between developers and the general public, so although my research efforts have yet to verify a direct functional relationship between the specific PEGylated lipid nanoparticles used in covid vaccines and biosurveillance, I personally do not relish the prospect of being injected with such given their association with the biosurveillance technology of the military industrial complex.

Third, it is impossible to ascertain long term safety because of the foreshortened timeframe of Operation Warp Speed. [22] Vaccines should be tested for multiple years to adequately assess their longterm effects. [23] Short term safety is questionable too, as much of the data is still unavailable, and the current reports on safety and efficacy essentially amount to self-reported press releases from these companies themselves. [24]

Fourth, the efficacy number of 90{04cafd300e351bb1d9a83f892db1e3554c9d84ea116c03e72cda9c700c854465} for Pfizer and 94{04cafd300e351bb1d9a83f892db1e3554c9d84ea116c03e72cda9c700c854465} for Moderna is a statistical trick, reporting relative risk reduction instead of the real reduction of absolute risk (for more info, see below*). Also, the trials only assessed these vaccines’ ability to prevent mild symptoms and NOT their ability to prevent viral transmission. [25] If they don’t prevent people from transmitting the virus (especially when safer, cheaper drugs like Ivermectin do) [26] [27] what’s the point?

Fifth, these are NOT vaccines in the normal sense. They are mRNA vaccines, a completely different process for achieving disease protection; mRNA vaccines seek to introduce messenger RNA into the body in order to “trick” cells into producing immunogens, which then stimulate an immune response. [28] These vaccines are the first of their kind ever to be authorized and distributed to this many people. [29] Those getting vaccinated are essentially an extension of phase 3 of the trials. [30] Because of the lack of long term safety assessment and the new nature of this technology, people are participating in a mass human experiment with no way of knowing for sure all the terrible long term health effects these could cause. Many problems from vaccines are known to have an incubatory period and do not manifest until much later on, which is why these need to be tested for multiple years to actually assess risk. [31] One such problem currently being discussed is the mRNA technology’s possible impact on female fertility, as it encourages the body to produce antibodies against a SARS-CoV-2 spike protein that contains a very similar protein crucial for the development of placenta called syncytin-1. This could interfere with the reproductive process by encouraging the immune system to react against syncytin-1, thereby disrupting placental development. [32] The vaccines’ impact on fertility is currently unknown as animal reproductive toxicity studies have not been completed. [33]

Sixth, there was a signature for many different problems seen in the various trials and initial rollout for these vaccines, problems that are concurrent with commonly documented vaccine injuries. Injuries that did occur in the various trials and initial rollout have included, but are not limited to, anaphylaxis, Bell’s palsy, transverse myelitis, petechia, multi-system inflammatory syndrome, encephalomyelitis, idiopathic thrombocytopenia purpura, and death. [34] [35] [36] [37] [47]

Seventh, and perhaps most importantly, the movement toward potential vaccine mandates or other coercive policies violates humanity’s most universally accepted principles of human rights and medical ethics. This is especially true for a medical intervention with so many known and unknown safety/efficacy concerns. The absolute bedrock of medical ethics is the right to informed consent, as individuals must be made fully aware of all the potential benefits and risks associated with a medical intervention, whilst still maintaining the right to decline that intervention should they so choose. [41] Mandates or coercive measures fundamentally violate historical safeguards humanity has put in place to protect us from the ever present threat of medical tyranny, including the Nuremberg Code and the United Nations’ International Charter on Civil and Political Rights. [42] [43] Such would also be in violation of the Hippocratic Oath, for not only do oath keepers pledge first to do no harm, but also to treat the needs of the patient. [44] This implies that a doctor’s duty primarily pertains to the needs of the individual before the needs of the collective, a vital distinction made by Hippocrates and understood for nearly 2 millennia. [45] Privileging the needs of the collective, even if it is rooted in compassion, is a “fallacy of misplaced concreteness”. [46] While individual need is directly apprehensible and consensual, collective need is an abstract, subjective concept not easily defined. And yet who usually gets to define this concept? Such is most often defined by those in power and/or those with the most means to influence institutional narratives, turning medical professionals who treat the needs of the collective according to this definition into mere extensions of that power at the expense of individual informed consent.

* Regarding the reporting on the reduction of relative risk instead of absolute risk, in the phase 3 trial of the Pfizer vaccine, for example, 22,000 people were vaccinated and 22,000 were given placebo, for a total of 44,000 trial participants. Of those 44,000, just 170 were diagnosed as having covid-19 post-vaccination. Of those 170, it was reported that 8 received the vaccine and 162 received the placebo. From this ratio it was inferred that the vaccine would prevent 154 out of 162 from getting the disease for an efficacy of greater than 90{04cafd300e351bb1d9a83f892db1e3554c9d84ea116c03e72cda9c700c854465}. But even as the British Medical Journal explained, “A relative risk reduction is being reported, not absolute risk reduction, which appears to be less than 1{04cafd300e351bb1d9a83f892db1e3554c9d84ea116c03e72cda9c700c854465}”. How many of the tens or hundreds of millions of people choosing to be vaccinated would make a different choice if they realized their absolute reduction in risk appears to be less than 1{04cafd300e351bb1d9a83f892db1e3554c9d84ea116c03e72cda9c700c854465}? [39] The supposed sterling efficacy touted by both Pfizer and Moderna are great for instilling confidence in their product, yet they were based on figures derived from only a small fraction of trial participants (just 0.38{04cafd300e351bb1d9a83f892db1e3554c9d84ea116c03e72cda9c700c854465} of total participants in the Pfizer trial, and the same misleading statistical reporting seen in the Moderna trial as well). [40]

For links go to paste bin dot com forward slash LE7cK0f8

Zelo dobro in resnično napisano…pa tudi grozljivo kaj nas čaka…

Ne cepi se, kdo te sili. Širjenje laži in zavajanje pa nikakor ni razmišljanje.

Cepljen že več kot teden dni! Preko vez bom spravil na hitr še babo, ker sicer bo na vrsti šele junja

gospod Vagabund Vaga Stručnjaški, prof. dr. vesoljske in mravljične znanosti univerze Ghonisenekam in pogodbeni sodelavec na inštitutu Ropotalne medicine, kjer predava iz predmeta Ghlupi možgani gospodinj diplomiral iz novega človeškega organa Malina Felicus, doktoriral iz nožnih prstov medvedjih šap Specializant oddelka za človeško blato in njegovo možno pretvorbo v plastelin pri mednarodni organizaciji DREKOPEK University

Cepljen že več kot teden dni! Preko vez bom spravil na hitr še babo, ker sicer bo na vrsti šele junja
Tudi tokrat lažeš!

Tudi tokrat lažeš!

Kako pa ti veš da lažem? Dokaži! Saj ti ni treba verjet…

gospod Vagabund Vaga Stručnjaški, prof. dr. vesoljske in mravljične znanosti univerze Ghonisenekam in pogodbeni sodelavec na inštitutu Ropotalne medicine, kjer predava iz predmeta Ghlupi možgani gospodinj diplomiral iz novega človeškega organa Malina Felicus, doktoriral iz nožnih prstov medvedjih šap Specializant oddelka za človeško blato in njegovo možno pretvorbo v plastelin pri mednarodni organizaciji DREKOPEK University

Vaga aka Glupi aka Dejstvo, ti si morilec.

Kitajčki naj se raje zase brigajo, zaradi njih je svetovno sranje, ko se ne bi igrali s tistim virusom in jim ne bi ušel/ ga ne bi lansirali sami/ ne bi svinje žrli živih netopirjev( vstavi poljubno) bi še danes mirno živeli. Torej bi dejansko v vsakem slučaju morali kitajci nositi vse breme sanacije posledic, ne pa da drugim brihtolirajo kaj naj in kaj ne smejo.

Nič ni ušlo opranec, manipulirajo z mdiji in podatki, ker ne znate brat in prepoznat prevare, bem-vas čorave. Kje je kdo padal po csti kot v Wuhanu, montaža imajo vašo pozornost, iskrivili so vam percepciju, hipnotizirani ste od teh kur-čevih lažljivih kontroliranih medijev, wake the fu-ck up!


Kaj hočeš reči, da noben ne uporablja kitajskega cepiva in ne morejo služit? Naj si poiščejo trg drugje.

cepi se,kdo ti brani,zakaj druge žališ,če razmišljajo drugače.

Ker je pač cepec, tako ali drugače.

°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Če meniš, da se ti godi krivica, ne išči maščevanja, kajti morda je tvoja nesreča le poduk, ki si si ga prislužil za nekaj, kar si spregledal." Eros [psi] st. 345

Ni važno kdo in koliko jih umre zaradi cepiva, važno je le, da s(m)o cepljeni. To je važno, ker ljudje se cepijo za to, da s tem zaščitijo druge, baje. Ni važno, da ti ljudje zdaj umirajo, to je postranskega pomena, pomembna je navidezna slika, da počnejo odgovorno delo. Samo navidezna, realnost jih ne zanima. Aja, pa še to, da bodo le potem imeli mir pred ukrepi, to mislijo, da bodo imeli. Da bojo svobodni, če se pustijo ujeti.

°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Če meniš, da se ti godi krivica, ne išči maščevanja, kajti morda je tvoja nesreča le poduk, ki si si ga prislužil za nekaj, kar si spregledal." Eros [psi] st. 345

Norveške oblasti opozarjajo pred cepljenjem zelo starih in terminalno bolnih oseb.

Na Norveškem po poročanju Bloomberga opozarjajo, da bi lahko bilo cepljenje proti covid-19 preveč nevarno za zelo stare in terminalno bolne osebe.

V državi so namreč zabeležili 23 smrti oseb, ki so umrle v kratkem po tem, ko so prejele prvi odmerek cepiva proti covid-19. Pri 13 so naredili obdukcijo, ki je pokazala, da bi lahko neželeni učinki cepiva prispevali k močnejšemu odzivu pri starejših osebah, ki so v zelo slabem zdravstvenem stanju.

Problem je, ker je še vedno preveč glupih ljudi, ki nasedajo manipulaciji in celo podpirajo fašizem.

Robi, zato sem tu da ustavim to norijo, se bom boril povsod, i po šumama če je treba.

Hmmmm…kaj pa, če jim virus ni ušel, ampak je bil namenoma prinešen tja, ko so bile mednarodne vojaške vaje??

Nič ni “ušlo” niti je prineseno. Obstaja le strup v cepivu kateri vas bo raz-je-bal opranci.

New Report
