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90{04cafd300e351bb1d9a83f892db1e3554c9d84ea116c03e72cda9c700c854465} of Covid-positive individuals are asymptomatic. This is the most significant and meaningful statistic of all.

Asymptomatic Covid-positive have a spread rate of only 0.7{04cafd300e351bb1d9a83f892db1e3554c9d84ea116c03e72cda9c700c854465} – less than 1{04cafd300e351bb1d9a83f892db1e3554c9d84ea116c03e72cda9c700c854465}. They are NOT super spreaders.

Survival rate of ages 0-69 is 99.82{04cafd300e351bb1d9a83f892db1e3554c9d84ea116c03e72cda9c700c854465}. Survival rate of age 70+ is 94.6{04cafd300e351bb1d9a83f892db1e3554c9d84ea116c03e72cda9c700c854465} with high comorbidities and other causes of death.

Dr. Deborah Birx and state health officials confirmed that all Covid-positive individuals who die from other causes are being counted as a Covid death, including, but not limited to: car accidents, gunshot wounds, 1-week to live in hospice, drowning, dementia, and alcohol poisoning. Most people did not die “FROM” or were “KILLED BY” Covid, they died “WITH IT.”

Only 6{04cafd300e351bb1d9a83f892db1e3554c9d84ea116c03e72cda9c700c854465} of death certificates show Covid-19 as the only cause of death, which includes “assumed cause.” On average, there are 2.9 comorbidities to documented Covid deaths. That number increases significantly in nursing homes.

The CDC is grouping pneumonia, influenza, and covid deaths together as “PIC”, while discontinuing reporting on influenza hospitalizations because “the number is too low” despite being in the middle of the flu season.

38{04cafd300e351bb1d9a83f892db1e3554c9d84ea116c03e72cda9c700c854465} of all Covid-related deaths have taken place in nursing homes & long term care facilities, accounting for over 129,000 of deaths reported, in which 43{04cafd300e351bb1d9a83f892db1e3554c9d84ea116c03e72cda9c700c854465} of those deaths were attributed to influenza and pneumonia, and 31{04cafd300e351bb1d9a83f892db1e3554c9d84ea116c03e72cda9c700c854465} were age 85+.

The masks being mandated to wear, are scientifically proven to not work against viruses, according to studies, the WHO, and Dr. Anthony Fauci, in addition to 10 months of people wearing them, showing no better rate of cases than states and countries that have not worn them, plus 85{04cafd300e351bb1d9a83f892db1e3554c9d84ea116c03e72cda9c700c854465} of people who tested positive were mask wearers. The CDC also reported: “no significant reduction in influenza transmission with the use of face masks,” hence they do not work for Covid either.

In the 2017-2018 Flu season, there were 810,000 hospitalizations, far surpassing Covid hospitalizations for the entire year. Over 61,000 people died. There were 195 pediatric deaths due to influenza, far greater than what has been reported for Covid-related pediatric deaths. No lockdowns, restrictions, social distancing, or masks were required.

There has never been a sample specimen of SARS-CoV-2 isolated and purified, and the inventor of PCR and other scientists have always said that PCR should not be used for medical diagnostics – it will produce false/positives. Dr. Fauci confirmed that the cycle threshold on the tests is too high which creates false/positives.

The vaccines have already shown terrible side effects, and they don’t know if it will cause infertility. Doctors all across the world have been warning about these vaccines that were rushed through in record time without long term clinical trials.

Vsi ti podatki so povzeti iz CDC, WHO, Johnsa Hopkinsa, tiskovnih konferenc delovne skupine Bele hiše in znanstvenih študij. Vse neposredne izvorne povezave so navedene pod seznamom statističnih podatkov. Za tiste, ki želijo ta dejstva natisniti in razširjati, je na dnu te strani na voljo različica pdf za tiskanje.

To normalni vemo že od začetka…

Odpri vse gor komunist glup pa nehaj gušit, pa reparacije naj bojo da ti je cuker padel boomer prvomajniški neumen

Saj to že vsi vemo.Ampak Slovenija je koruptivna država.Poglej si ostale države,kjer so misitri k pameti prišli in spregledali.Nobene smrti več zaradi covida,tudi covida v njihovi državi več ni.

veš ti moj ku-rac

Če bi vedel, bi Ludega lahko le podpiral. Misliti, da veš, je pa nekaj drugega.

°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Če meniš, da se ti godi krivica, ne išči maščevanja, kajti morda je tvoja nesreča le poduk, ki si si ga prislužil za nekaj, kar si spregledal." Eros [psi] st. 345

tu na monu samo eni in isti zagovarjalci farmaceutske mafije, vlade, preklete podgane ljigave, res ih mam pun ku..rac

do to države, brez covid a????!


Na embalaži kiruřških mask jasno piše, da je zaščita proti bakterijskim okužbam od 95 do 98{04cafd300e351bb1d9a83f892db1e3554c9d84ea116c03e72cda9c700c854465}, odvisno od tipa maske. Zaščita proti virusnim okužbam ni nikjer omenjena. Narejene so iz 77{04cafd300e351bb1d9a83f892db1e3554c9d84ea116c03e72cda9c700c854465} tkanega materiala in 23{04cafd300e351bb1d9a83f892db1e3554c9d84ea116c03e72cda9c700c854465} vlite plastike. Se kdaj vprašate, kaj vdihujete iz maske?

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