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Še nekaj na spodnjo temo-Herbalife

O tem se je kar precej že pisalo, pa vseeno me zanima, kako lahko argumentirate svoje izjave, da je Herbalife:

Pa še marsikaj o tem sem prebrala, samo argumentov in dokazov ni nikjer.

Hvala in lep dan,


Vidiš tisto kar hočeš videt. če ti je do tega, da bi izvedela kako sranje to je, imaš internet poln tega. če tega raje ne veš, sprašuješ kot pač sprašuješ, a ne da?

Ne bomo mi podpirali tvoje lenobe. Net je poln podatkov, če jih hočeš najti. Samo vtipkaj ključne besede.

Uredništvo priporoča

Predlagam ti, da narediš eksperiment na lastni koži – vse te izdelke uporabljaš recimo 12 mesecev, sproti spremljaš svoje zdravstveno stanje (npr. jetrne teste in podobno, se ne spoznam preveč na te stvari, bo kakšen zdravstveni delavec bolje povedal), potem pa nam s podrobno analizo podatkov predstaviš svoje ugotovitve in tiste trditve zgoraj ovržeš ali potrdiš, kar pač se bo izkazalo.

builderka je po vsej verjetnosti kar ena od herbalajfovcev….Stil njenega pisanja jo izdaja….

sam dokaz je ze da se grejo religijo iz tega hb..
navadno sranje je tole pa nic drugega-davek za norce.

Če bi bil HERBALIFE res tako izvrstna zadeva, ptoem bi bil priznan kot tak in bi se lahko prodajal še kako drugače, ne samo od vrat do vrat.

Če je tako “zdravilen” – zakaj ga ne predpisujejo zdravniki ali vsaj prodajajo v lekarnah kot dodatek pri zdravljenjih? Zakaj ga ne prodajajo v trgovinah kot prehranski dodatek?

Naj se distributerji nikar ne zgovarjajo, da je to politika HL. Ne, to ni politika, ampak to je vse kar lahko dosežejo. Pri naivnih ljudeh, za zaprtimi vrati doma lahko to prodajo. Na odprtem trgu ga ne morejo, ker ne dobijo dovoljenj. Zakaj ne dobijo dovoljenj? Ker to ni to kar pravijo! Cel kup skupaj nametane kemije, s celim kupom zelo škodljivih stranskih učinkov!

Dokazi o škodljivosti?
Jih najdeš na vsem internetu. Samo odtipkaš geslo: “disease caused by herbalife” in najdeš cel kup takšnih in podobnih informacij, da se ti omaja morebitno zaupanje v kakršnikoli tovrstni produkt. Ne samo v HL!

Če so resnične ali ne, ne ve nihče. Vendar osebno bolj verjamem neodvisnim zdravnikom izven sistema HL, kot zdravnikom, ki jih HL plačuje…. (vsak berač svojo malho hvali)

Herbalife Side Effects: Primary Pulmonary Hypertension (PPH)

Primary pulmonary hypertension is abnormally high blood pressure in the arteries of the lungs. It makes the right side of the heart need to work harder than normal, and there is no known cure.

Herbalife in the News
Herbal does not mean innocuous: Ten cases of severe hepatotoxicity associated with dietary supplements from Herbalife products
Israeli woman sues Herbalife, claims products caused liver disease
Herbalife to Pay $850,000 Penalty
Suppress Your Appetite For Herbalife
Hepatotoxicity associated with the use of Herbalife
Toxic hepatitis by consumption Herbalife products a case report
How the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 Weakened the FDA
PPH can be caused by exposure to Ephedra, also known as Ma Huang. Herbalife products such as Green and Natural Green listed the Chinese herb “Ma Huang” as their active ingredient from the early 1980s until as recently as 2002.

Several deaths had been linked to Ephedra, and in 1999, the FDA directly linked the cardiac arrest of a 28 year-old woman to the Herbalife product Original Green. The FDA banned Ephedra in dietary supplements in 2004.

Primary pulmonary hypertension can develop years after your exposure to Ephedra-containing Herbalife products. Even short exposure to Ephedra may be dangerous to your health.

Herbalife Side Effects: Hepatoxicity, Liver Damage and Hepatitis

Herbalife makes a variety of dietary and nutritional supplements, which Herbalife claims are natural and safe. However, Herbalife dietary supplements have been linked to hepatotoxicity, or liver damage. This Herbalife liver damage can cause such serious conditions such as acute hepatitis, liver failure, hepatic necrosis, cirrhosis, cholestasis and other liver diseases. The liver damage caused to some people taking Herbalife products is so severe that some patients have required liver transplants.

But isn’t Herbalife a “Natural” Diet Supplement?

It doesn’t matter. Many poisons occur naturally, and there are many poisonous plants and Herbs. Even before the removal of Ma Huang from Herbalife, Herbalife had already been forced by the FDA to remove two naturally occurring ingredients that are also deadly poisons from its formulas. Until 1982, some Herbalife formulas contained mandrake and poke, both of which are plants that grow naturally in the wild and both of which are highly toxic.

Herbalife and other natural herbal supplements are also not subject to FDA regulation and review. Thanks to the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994, legislation pushed through with the support of the dietary supplement industry, the FDA’s powers to regulate dietary supplements such as Herbalife has been severely limited, and the FDA can only take action against manufacturers only when their dietary supplements are proven unsafe. The Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 does not require that herbal dietary supplements, such as Herbalife, be shown to be safe or effective before they are marketed to the public.

Herbalife – A Long History of Regulatory Trouble

Herbalife products and Herbalife marketing practices have raised concerns that have brought the Herbalife company under the scrutiny of regulatory agencies on a number of occasions.

In 1981, the FDA began receiving complaints from Herbalife consumers with symptoms of constipation, diarrhea, headaches, and nausea from various products. Initially, Herbalife officials informed distributors to tell customers that such symptoms were the result of the removal of poisons and toxins from the body by the use of such products.
The FDA acted against Hebalife in 1982 for making unsubstantiated claims that its products helped to treat a wide variety of illnesses, including ulcers, bursitis, cancer, herpes, and impotence.
In March 2010, the owner of a manufacturing facility that produces Herbalife products received a warning letter from the FDA in which the regulatory agency raised concerns over multiple instances of poor quality control and shoddy safeguards.
Herbalife Lawsuits

Multiple lawsuits have been filed against Herbalife. Herbalife has a long history of selling dangerous products, defective marketing practices, and poor quality control. People who have been harmed by dangerous Herbalife side effects have the right to seek compensation for their injuries.

PLOSK PLOSK PLOSK !!!!!! ( BRAVO) Upam, da bodo herbalajfovci zdaj malo dali mir – tako tule, kot od vrat do vrat z nategancijami.

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