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Naslovnica Forum Starševski čvek WAS/WERE kdaj kaj???

WAS/WERE kdaj kaj???

Kot je v naslovu. Mi ni čist jasno kdaj se kaj uporablja.


WAs: 1. in 3. oseba ednine
WERE: 2 os. ednine in vse osebe množine.

I was, you were, he was
we were, you were, they were

a si to mislila?

Super, hvala

Uredništvo priporoča

si zadovoljna z odgovorom


if I were je tudi čisto pravilen zapis.

v if stavkih se namesto was lahko uporablja were

Was in were sta PRETEKLI obliki glagola “to be”. V sedanjosti je to am, are, is.

Sedanjost – Present Continuos:
I am working.
You are working.
He (she, it) was working.

množina – Present Continous:
We (you, they) are working.

Preteklost – Past Continuosu::
I was working.
You were working.
He (she, it) was working.

množina – Past Continuos:
We (you, they) were working.

Sedanjost – t.i. “stavki brez glagola”, torej samo s pomožnim glagolom:
I am happy.
You are happy.
She (he, it) is happy.

We (you, they) are happy.

I was happy.
You were happy.
He (she, it) was happy.

We (you, they) were happy.

Za if stavke velja pravilo, da se vedno uporablja were (npr. If I were you…).

to pa sploh ni res, lahko se uporablja oboje.

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