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Naslovnica Forum Starševski čvek Kaj dajejo v točen pir, da si drug dan kot podrt skret?

Kaj dajejo v točen pir, da si drug dan kot podrt skret?

Če pijem iz flaše ali iz piksne, ga lahko pol platoja popijem brez skrbi, da bom drug dan hudo mačkast. Matr, ta vikend sem pa spil 5 točenih, sem pa celo nedeljo prespal. Da o glavobolu ne govorim.

Kaj dajejo v ta pir?! Nikol več!

Včasih se je temu reklo “pregriznjen pir” – ko zlijejo vse ostanke v en kregl in ga servirajo tebi.
Pri flaširanem pivu tega ni.

cevi, povezava od soda pira do šankomata… tudi to je treba redno čistit – svinjarija ne uide, pol pa glava boli.

Pir v flašo ali piksno je pa na kolikor toliko čisti in neoporečni liniji sflaširan/zapiksnan.

Hvala za tole… sem se prav zamislil.
Mislim da se bom raje izogibal točenim… razen na bolj frekventnih lokacijah.

ne bi blo boljše sploh nič alkohola???

Ti moraš vedet ,da bi bilo potrebno najprej ene 5litrov pira iz frišnga soda stran zlit pa potem začet strežt gostom in enako velja za konec ko je samo še pena skoraj… Samo pri nas je škoda tistih 10€ zaslužka in pol je pir za racku…

V piru je (zaradi hmelja) xenoestrogen.

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Zaradi tega ti zmeša hormonski sistem, začneš dobivati joške in žensko rit, poleg tega zmanjša libido, nabiranje maščobe na trebuhu in nosečniške simptome….

ne bi blo boljše sploh nič alkohola???

Verjetno. A pri moji povprečni potrošnji (cca 1 pir na dva tedna pozimi) to nima vpliva. Včasih mi zapaše tisti okus in ni razloga, da ne bi.

Zaradi kseno-estrogena (Hmelja)

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Ksenoestrogen ti zmeša hormonski sistem, začneš dobivati joške in žensko rit, poleg tega zmanjša libido, nabiranje maščobe na trebuhu in nosečniške simptome….

Točenega piva gre precej manj kot tistega v steklenicah. Zato tisto pivo stoji v buču in cevkah v nedogled. Rezultat je tak, kot je. Samo v tem je štos, pivo pa ni drugače nič drugačno.

Hm, v tem članku so pa recimo našteti najpogostejši viri, pa piva ni med njimi. Je še marsikaj drugega prej, recimo plastika.

Bi vsaj prebrala, kaj linkaš? Linkala si namreč tole izjavo:

In other words: According to this, you would have to drink 10 Czech beers a day to get a problem with estrogens. Pivo pri teh težavah torej ni noben faktor.
“Moderate beer consumption, especially from beers common in Europe, is most likely harmless because the achieved concentrations of the compound are too low to disturb our hormonal balance. “

Seveda je ksenoestrogen v pivu ogromen problem, kar bi vedela, če bi poguglala kaj več od enega članka, ki ga je nekdo prilepil, namesto da izpadeš ignorantna koklja.

TI sploh veš koliko piva večina moških ki ga pije spije? Do 6 na dan. Vsak dan, x365 dni v letu.
In pol to ni problem? Da ne omenjam ksenoestrogenov v plastiki, vodi, herbicidih, ki se nalagajo drug na drugega.
Daj prosim nehaj se sramotiti.

Že dolg ne pijem točenga pira. Sam v flašah.

Seveda je ksenoestrogen v pivu ogromen problem, kar bi vedela, če bi poguglala kaj več od enega članka, ki ga je nekdo prilepil, namesto da izpadeš ignorantna koklja.

TI sploh veš koliko piva večina moških ki ga pije spije? Do 6 na dan. Vsak dan, x365 dni v letu.
In pol to ni problem? Da ne omenjam ksenoestrogenov v plastiki, vodi, herbicidih, ki se nalagajo drug na drugega.
Daj prosim nehaj se sramotiti.

Ne vem, o katerih moških govoriš – očitno o sebi. Jaz poznam samo rekreativne pivce. In industrija piva tako špara s hemljem, da je potencialno nevarno kvečjemu kraft pivo, če bi človek resno pretiraval z njim. In lepiš link z wikipedie, kjer pivo ali hmelj sploh omenjena nista. 🙂 Samo cel kup drugih stvari, ki se jim v življenju ne moreš izogiti ali težko. V glavnem gre za industrijske odpadke in okoljske dejavnike, zaradi česar imamo težave vsi, ne samo pivci piva. Tako da teorija pade. Recimo:

A se predpubertetni fantje nalivajo s pivom?

Tuscany precocious puberty cases

Dr. Massart and colleagues from the University of Pisa studied the increased prevalence of precocious puberty in a region of northwest Tuscany. This region of Italy is represented by a high density of navy yards and greenhouses where exposures to pesticides and mycoestrogens (estrogens produced by fungi) are common. Although unable to identify a definitive cause of the high rates of precocious puberty, the authors concluded environmental pesticides and herbicides may be implicated.[57]

Krivec: mlečni izdelki

Dairy contamination
Animal feed was contaminated with several thousand pounds of polybrominated biphenyl in Michigan in 1973 resulting in high exposures of PBB in the population via milk and other products from contaminated cows. Perinatal exposure of children was estimated by measuring PBB in serum of mothers some years after exposure. Girls that had been exposed to high PBB levels through lactation had an earlier age of menarche and pubic hair development than girls who had less perinatal exposure. The study noted there no differences found in the timing of breast development among the cases and controls.[14

Krivec: kontaminacij rib

The Great Lakes have been polluted with industrial wastes (mainly PCBs and DDT) since the beginning of the 20th century. These compounds have accumulated in birds and sports fish. A study was designed to assess the impact of consumption of contaminated fish on pregnant women and their children. Concentrations of maternal serum PCB and DDE and their daughters’ age at menarche were reviewed. In multivariate analysis, DDE but not PCB was linked with a lowered age of menarche.[18][54][56] Limitations of the study included indirect measurement of the exposure and self reporting of menarche.[18]

Ko je govora o pivu, gre pa samo za laična ugibanja, brez enega samega dokaza. Vse zgoraj nalimano je pa dokazano. In to je samo mini mini izvleček iz napisanega. Tako da tudi ti sploh ne prebereš, kaj lepiš.

Še en članek, ki ga je zanimivo prebrat in pove tudi, od kod sploh ideja, da od pira dobijo moški joške. Popolnoma nepreverjena, seveda.

The stereotype is that girls tend to drink wine or lighter beers while men prefer darker ales or hoppy brews. Recent trending online information, however, claims that hoppy beers might contain a feminine product that can increase estrogen levels and man boobs, as well as contribute to erectile dysfunction.

Hops are the female flowers of the hop plant and have high levels of phytoestrogen, or estrogen for plants. This is what Stephen Harrod Buhner, an herbalist and author, believes is causing the problem. In his book, Sacred and Herbal Healing Beers (which came out in 1998, by the way, and somehow ended up in several trending pieces online recently), Buhner notes that hops found in your favorite IPAs could potentially lead to man boobs.

Hops were historically used in herbal medicine pre-1500s to treat insomnia and as a source of phytoestrogen to help with menopause and endometriosis among women. Hops might have also been used to reduce sexual desire among monks, though it’s difficult to substantiate whether it really worked. Of course, we’ve all heard that when you’re too drunk, you can’t keep it up — and this is where the term “Brewer’s Droop” comes from.

But is this information really scientific? There haven’t been any studies done to provide evidence to Buhner’s claims. Yes, hops contain phytoestrogen, but to what extent can consumption of IPAs lead to man boobs or other estrogen-related issues in men? Is “Brewer’s Droop” caused by hops or just by drinking too much?

Of course, don’t let this prevent you from drinking IPAs if you’re a dude. The amount of phytoestrogen actually consumed in a few IPAs isn’t going to directly give you man boobs. Besides, phytoestrogen is frequently found in foods like soybeans, wheat, beans, carrots, potatoes — and even coffee and marijuana. It’s unnecessary to steer away from hoppy beers, and the only concern a man should have when drinking a lot of beer is the calorie intake (which is likely the biggest contributor to the beer gut and man boobs).

If you suffer from man boobs and you drink a lot of beer… Quit blaming the estrogen and go for a run.

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