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Naslovnica Forum Zdravje Drugo Kronična bolečina – fibromialgija WHEE METODA – 7 MINUT, DA SPUSTIMO BOLEČINO


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Avtor je psihiater Daniel J. Benor: Bolečina je izbira in Trpljenje je neobvezno – odtapkaJte svoje bolečine stran.

WHEE metoda – še ena metoda, ki spominja na EFT. Knjiga 7 minutes to natural pain realease ( je nisem brala). Daniela sem poslušala na Energy Summitu 2017 in me je navdušil.
Prekriža se roki in se izmenično počasi tapka po levi in desni nadlahtnici. To izmenično aktivira levo in desno polovico možganov. Afirmacije so, kot pri EFT, najprej tista, da sebe sprejemaš, potem pa je več dela na pozitivnih. Deluje zelo pomirjujoče.

Vsebina posnetka:

Metoda je lahka za učenje, enostavna za uporabo, hitro in zelo globoko učinkovita. V nekaj minutah se znebite bolečine, strahov, skrbi, žalosti, travme …, vsega tega se lahko znebite in nadomestite s pozitivnim, da se negativno več ne vrne.

Trije preprosti koraki:

1. tapkate izmenično po levi in desni polovici telesa, tapkate po tistem delu telesa, kjer vam je udobno, po rokah, s stopali ob tla.

2. Pomislite na težavo, na to, kar vas muči in rečete: “čeprav imam (čim bolj opišete svojo težavo in vse povezano z njo, kar vas moti …), se imam kljub temu rada in se sprejemam. (Mogoče je to dobro narediti 3x, kot pri EFT?)

3. Potem si ob tapkanju govorite pozitivne afirmacije, to, kar bi radi, da bi bilo … (tako sama razumem).


WHEE pomeni: Whole Health Easily and Effectively.


• Anxieties and Fears – Anxieties about new activities or new places, including visits to dentists and doctors; fears of flying; fears of insects, snakes, pets and larger animals, heights; test anxieties; performance anxieties, such as speaking in class or in public; specific fears following frightening or traumatic experiences; anxieties and fears about recurring experiences such as medical treatments, shifting between homes of parents who are not living together (See article on ‘Re-entry problems’ referenced at the end of this manual); calming after waking from a nightmare; dealing with underlying anxieties and post traumatic residues associated with nightmares.
• Phobias, including school avoidance – even in severe cases where the child previously had to be dragged from the car by his parents and held by the vice principal so he wouldn’t run back to the car. Milder fears, such as those marked by procrastination, respond well too.
• Post-traumatic Stress Disorders (PTSD) – are very responsive to WHEE, which can help with residual traumatic memories, panic attacks, nightmares, temper outbursts and more.
• Angers – Preventive use of WHEE is best, emptying the ‘bucket of old angers’ so that it doesn’t overflow when new angers are stuffed inside. Once people have practiced using WHEE when they are not angry, then they can use WHEE at times of upsets, such as releasing anger and calming while sitting in a time out chair; addressing fears and hurts that may be associated with the angers.
• Insomnia – responds wonderfully well, even when it has been present for a long time.
• Motion sickness and morning sickness of pregnancy –respond immediately and can be eliminated. • Chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia – pains, anxieties, insomnia, brain fog, self-criticisms, selflimiting beliefs
•Emotional pains – Emotional distress after painful emotional experiences – both recent and from distant past, such as parental conflicts, separation or divorce; worries over family stresses such as illness, injuries and financial issues; bereavement.
•Physical pains of all sorts – These have responded rapidly to WHEE, including tension headaches, migraines, stomach aches, irritable bowel syndromes, backaches, pains after injuries and surgery, arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia. CAUTION: Pain may be a signal from the body that people are ‘up tight’ over a stressful situation and are in distress, but may be unaware of what it is that is stressing them. It is important to consider such possibilities carefully before working on removing the pain.
• Cravings – For sweets, food, drugs, thrills, have all responded to WHEE.
• Allergies – to animals, pollens and other allergens; asthma. Allergies may respond within minutes or may take several weeks of regular WHEE use to dissipate.
• Weight loss – for reducing, eliminating, transforming: Food cravings – for specific foods and in general Stress responses – allowing systematic transformation of negative responses that often initiate comfort eating Residues of old traumas – from mild discomfort at awkward memories to major post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) Issues around self-image and self-esteem Meta-issues of habits around being overweight and how to be in the world – heavy or not heavy; lighter or not lighter
• Reducing side effects and the need for medications – both in the reduction in severity of the issues for which the medications are prescribed (anxiety, pain, allergies, insomnia, etc.), and in harmonizing the response to medications, such as chemotherapy, reducing side effects for which other medications are prescribed.
• Relationships, social issues, performance anxieties, low self-confidence – common issues of teens – respond dramatically well to WHEE. This is an extension of the uses of WHEE into beliefs and disbeliefs about our abilities to deal with issues.
• Family members’ anxieties and distress – There have been excellent responses in anxieties raised by children’s, partners’ and parents’ issues; anxieties not caused by the children but impacting the children because children pick up on parents’ worries or because parents have a shorter fuse; anxieties and stresses of relatives dealing with a family member’s chronic illness.
• Meta-Anxieties and Core Beliefs – that block releases of all of the above.


Uredništvo priporoča

Daniel J. Benor je Holistični psihoterapevt

WHEE je kombinacija EFT-ja in Eye movement. Premikanja oči.

Gary Craig ( EFT) meni, da ko se tapkaš na negativne občutke in čustva in jakost spraviš na 0, pozitivni sami pridejo.

Patricija Carington je na Gary-jevemu EFT-ju dodala še, moč izbire: tapkanje ob pozitivnih afirmacijah.

Dr. Daniel J. Benor pav tako uporablja tapkanje ob negativnih afirmacijah in na koncu doda tapkanje ob pozitivnih afirmacijah.

Če ni željenega učinka, ravno tako, kot Gary, tudi Daniel J, Benor masira sore, ali bolečo točko, (ki je tudi v EFT priročniku). To je živčno limfna točka za srce in sprosti blokade v meridianu srca.

Z malo znanja o EFT ni problem izvajati WHEE.

Pa še moja izkušnja.
Meni se zdi WHEE super, zelo učinkovito. Ob EFT sem občutila številna olajšanja. Toda, ne vem, mogoče sem se tapkanja po obrazu že malo naveličala, ampak tale WHEE je pri meni zmagal nad EFT-jem. Ob EFT nikoli nisem občutila tako hitre in močne umiritve celega telesa in uma. Posebno zvečer, ko grem spat. Kot bi nekdo v mojem telesu premaknil neko nevidno stikalo. Klik…Zelo dobro.

Hala Daniel J, Benor


WHEE je kombinacija EFT in EMDR. EMDR ali eye movement ali premikanje oči.
EMDR uporabljajo v psihiatriji za odpravljanje travme. Terapevt premika roko levo in desno pred klientom ali pa klient gleda nek objekt, npr. lučke, ki se premikajo levo in desno in se istočasno spominja travmatičnega dogodka. Je nekaj video posnetkov tudi s klientom, ko sta uporabljeni obe metodi. Lahko pride do nekaj stranskih učinkov, ko pride travma na površje.

Pa še video:

New Report
