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Naslovnica Forum Starševski čvek ali bi katera prevedla spis v angleščini, s hčerko se mučiva že cel dan:)

ali bi katera prevedla spis v angleščini, s hčerko se mučiva že cel dan:)

Že cel dan prevajava in se nama ne gre in ne gre, jaz sem v angleščini čisto zgubljena, hčerka pa letos prvo leto v gimnaziji mislim da še bolj in me kot mamo že griva, da je sploh šla tja.

če bi katera bila toliko dobra in napisala spis oz prevedla tale spis

prednosti in slabosti interneta

kot dijakinja srednje šole in kot najstnica se prav dobro zavedam prednosti in prav tako slabosti interneta.Kot vsi vemo, je sedaj dostopen že prav vsem.Nam mladim in starejšim, poslužujejo pa se ga vedno bolj tudi otroci, pri katerih pa ne toleriram tega, da se internet uporablja brez nadzora staršev.Doma imamo internet in vključen družinski filter, da se izognemo vsebini, ki nam jo ponujajo in vsiljujejo na vsakem koraku.V dobi modernizacije pa je res, da je internet že skoraj nepogrešljivo sredstvo.najde se veliko koristnega, od učne snovi,celo šolanje na daljavo poteka že preko medmrežja, do raznega gradiva, do zabave, lažje se sporazumevam s prijatelji, sošolci, malo tudi z ljubeznijo, saj vsi vemo, da je v virtualnem svetu vse lepše in se človek lažje sprosti in komunicira.s tem pa pridejo tudi slabosti.ker se je lahko skriti za identiteto drugega, prihaja do zlorab, ki jih je vedno težje preprečiti.najstnice vedno bolj pogosto dajejo svoje slike na medmrežje in se ne zavedajo posledic ki jih to prinese s seboj….po mojem je dobra stvar , če ga znaš uporabljati z glavo in slaba, zelo slaba, če uporabljamo internet za svoje neizživete frustracije in zlorabljamo internet za dosego svojega cilja, skriti pod raznoraznimi avatarji, nicki,…torej z glavo!!


forwardness of the bad internets

like a student of a middle school and a horny teenager, I know all the forwardness of teh bad internets.Like me and you know, everyone can walk on it.Young and old children earn the tolerance of parents on the internets.On the internets we have a family filtered home and all the enforced evasive maneuvers when walking.The technical internets is an old scary tool.I learn schooling by remote controlling the internets where I love my school mates because love is beautiful.that’s why the internets is bad because sometimes it hides from you and then it abuses you when you least expect it.young teenage girls are often raped by the internets, and they don’t realize the consequences brought along.In my own way I use my head on the very bad internets when I use it for my sexual inexperience, so I myself abuse the internets to achieve my goal of avatars, nicks,…and pumpkin heads!!

Obupana54, mislim, da bosta s hčerko tule le težko našli pomoč. Zakaj? Ne zato, ker ne bi hoteli pomagati, ampak ker dejansko prevajanje bi bilo le podpiranje “lenobe”. Če punca ne zna toliko angleško, potem ji ne delamo nobene usluge, če ji v nulo naredimo prevod. Kaj si bo pa učiteljica mislila?

Če že ves dan prevajata, potem morata imeti nekaj prevedeno. Objavita kar sta naredili, pa bomo popravili kakšno napakico.

Pa če namig – angleških spisev se ne napiše najprej v slovenščini in prevede. Potrebno je razmišljati v angleškem jeziku in misli prenesti na papir!


Upam, da s hčerko razumeta toliko angleško, da sta dojeli, da vaju Britney en malček zeza 😉

hmm, ej hvala, v bistvu razumem kaj si napisala, besede razumem , le v čase jih ne znam postavit.če pa odda tole, bo kriza:)

senja, če misliš, da znaš ti prevesti bolje, potem izvoli.

najlažje pa je seveda pljuvati po delu nekoga drugega, medtem ko sama očitno nisi sposobna prevesti omenjenega spisa, razen seveda brez potrebe vrteti svoje goflje, ki ni nikomur v pomoč!

obupana54, ni pene! jaz sem nekoč napisala podoben spis, pa sem dobila odlično oceno. upam, da jo bo tvoja hčerka tudi.

Upsides and downsides of internet

As a highschool girl and a teenager I am aware of upsides and downsides of internet. As we know, everybody has access to it. Younger, older population and children, but I down’t think they should use it without parent’s supervision. We have computer at home but it has a family filter, which helps us avoid contents, which they force us with on every corner.

Mogoče bo nadaljevala katera druga ali pa jaz pozneje.
Tekst je nalašč napisan okorno, da ne bo učitelju sumljivo.

Najbrž pa se zavedaš, da to ni večna rešitev in da kontrolke ne bo mogče nihče pisal namesto nje. Če ima deklica težave, bi bilo mogoče smiselno razmišljati o inštrukcijah.


I, as a high school student and a teenager, am very well aware of advantages and disadvantages that internet brings. Internet is more or less a new technology that fastens communication and between people. It is constantly updating data, developing programs and improving its abilities. But it is not just the internet that is growing- there is also number of internet users that is increasing.
Internet is used by old and young people and children are no exception. I think there is nothing wrong with it as long as the child use internet under the parental assessment. At home we have so called family filter which helps us to avoid some unwanted pages and pictures. Those pages are full of commercials and different false information that does not look harmful, but in most of the cases they are actually viruses that destroy computer. But that is not the only disadvantage of internet – many people lie about their identity while talking with someone on internet and therefore many abuses occurs.
But on the other side internet is becoming almost indispensable. It has a lot of useful information that helps us in school, gives some students an opportunity for a long-distance studying, helps us get information we need very quickly and also gives as an opportunity to talk with someone from the other continent for almost no money.
All in all I believe internet has more good than bad sides, but just as long as you use internet rationally and with your head.

Pa porocaj oceno! 😀

Glej jst sm esej mal priredila kr hcerin ni glih napisan po pravilih za angleski esej. In ja res dela napako da najprej napise esej v slovenscini pol ga pa poskusa prevedit v anglescino. tak ji preprosto nikol ne bo slo- zal. Ammm pa prejle sm se opazla dve napaki- tu je popravljen:


I, as a high school student and a teenager, am very well aware of advantages and disadvantages that internet has. Internet is more or less a new technology that fastens communication between people. It is constantly updating data, developing programs and improving its abilities. But it is not just the internet that is growing- there is also number of internet users that is increasing.
Internet is used by old and young people and children are no exception. I think there is nothing wrong with it as long as the child use internet under the parental assessment. At home we have so called family filter which helps us to avoid some unwanted pages and pictures. Those pages are full of commercials and different false information that does not look harmful, but in most of the cases they are actually viruses that destroy computer. But that is not the only disadvantage of internet – many people lie about their identity while talking with someone on internet and therefore many abuses occurs.
But on the other side internet is becoming almost indispensable. It has a lot of useful information that helps us in school, gives some students an opportunity for a long-distance studying, helps us get information we need very quickly and also gives as an opportunity to talk with someone from the other continent for almost no money.
All in all I believe internet has more good than bad sides, but just as long as you use internet rationally and with your head.

Saj ga še v slovenščini ne znata pravilno napisat, jao!

Glej jst sm mal priredila esej kr je tak napisan bolj po pravilih, ki ga angelski esej zahteva:
– uvod
– arugumentiproti
– argumenti za
– zakljucek – se opredelis

Pa res je da mora hcera vedno pisati esej kar iz glave, naj si nikoli ne sestavlja najprej slovenskega sestavka, kr se to v anglescini potem slisi obupno.

Pa se dva popravka iz prejsnjega eseja- sem prepozn opazila:


I, as a high school student and a teenager, am very well aware of advantages and disadvantages that internet has. Internet is more or less a new technology that fastens communication between people. It is constantly updating data, developing programs and improving its abilities. But it is not just the internet that is growing- there is also number of internet users that is increasing.
Internet is used by old and young people and children are no exception. I think there is nothing wrong with it as long as the child use internet under the parental assessment. At home we have so called family filter which helps us to avoid some unwanted pages and pictures. Those pages are full of commercials and different false information that does not look harmful, but in most of the cases they are actually viruses that destroy computer. But that is not the only disadvantage of internet – many people lie about their identity while talking with someone on internet and therefore many abuses occurs.
But on the other side internet is becoming almost indispensable. It has a lot of useful information that helps us in school, gives some students an opportunity for a long-distance studying, helps us get information we need very quickly and also gives as an opportunity to talk with someone from the other continent for almost no money.
All in all I believe internet has more good than bad sides, but just as long as you use internet rationally and with your head.

Sm opazla da sem nardila napaki:


I, as a high school student and a teenager, am very well aware of advantages and disadvantages that internet has. Internet is more or less a new technology that fastens communication between people. It is constantly updating data, developing programs and improving its abilities. But it is not just the internet that is growing- there is also number of internet users that is increasing.
Internet is used by old and young people and children are no exception. I think there is nothing wrong with it as long as the child use internet under the parental assessment. At home we have so called family filter which helps us to avoid some unwanted pages and pictures. Those pages are full of commercials and different false information that does not look harmful, but in most of the cases they are actually viruses that destroy computer. But that is not the only disadvantage of internet – many people lie about their identity while talking with someone on internet and therefore many abuses occurs.
But on the other side internet is becoming almost indispensable. It has a lot of useful information that helps us in school, gives some students an opportunity for a long-distance studying, helps us get information we need very quickly and also gives as an opportunity to talk with someone from the other continent for almost no money.
All in all I believe internet has more good than bad sides, but just as long as you use internet rationally and with your head.

Pa porocaj oceno! 😀

Glej jst sm mal priredila esej kr je tak napisan bolj po pravilih, ki ga angelski esej zahteva:
– uvod
– arugumenti proti
– argumenti za
– zakljucek – se opredelis

Pa res je da mora hcera vedno pisati esej kar iz glave, naj si nikoli ne sestavlja najprej slovenskega sestavka, kr se to v anglescini potem slisi obupno.

Pa se popravki iz prejsnjega eseja- sem prepozn opazila:


I, as a high school student and a teenager, am very well aware of advantages and disadvantages that internet has. Internet is more or less a new technology that fastens communication between people. It is constantly updating data, developing programs and improving its abilities. But it is not just the internet that is growing- there is also number of internet users that is increasing.
Internet is used by old and young people and children are no exception. I think there is nothing wrong with it as long as the child use internet under the parental supervision. At home we have so called family filter which helps us to avoid some unwanted contents, pages and pictures. Those pages are full of commercials and different false information that does not look harmful, but in most of the cases they are actually viruses that destroy computer. But that is not the only disadvantage of internet – many people lie about their identity while talking with someone on internet and therefore many abuses occurs.
But on the other side internet is becoming almost indispensable. It has a lot of useful information that helps us in school, gives some students an opportunity for a long-distance studying, helps us get information we need very quickly and also gives as an opportunity to talk with someone from the other continent for almost no money.
All in all I believe internet has more good than bad sides, but just as long as you use internet rationally and with your head.

Obup, vsi povrsti. Nimate blage veze o Angleščini.

Raje se učite Slovenščino in memorirajte Zdravljico, Angleščino pa prepustite drugim, da se ne boste sramotili še pred ostalim svetom preko slovenskih meja, ko bodo slučajno preko Googla tujci priromali do teh bedastih spisov.

Vejice in še kaj odpustim, a da se piše Angleščina, Slovenščina z veliko… Groza. Obup. 😉

Glej jst sm mal priredila esej kr je tak napisan bolj po pravilih, ki ga angelski esej zahteva:
– uvod
– arugumentiproti
– argumenti za
– zakljucek – se opredelis

Pa res je da mora hcera vedno pisati esej kar iz glave, naj si nikoli ne sestavlja najprej slovenskega sestavka, kr se to v anglescini potem slisi obupno.

Pa se popravki iz prejsnjega eseja- sem prepozn opazila:

I am a high school student and a teenager so therefore I am very well aware of advantages and disadvantages that internet has. Internet is more or less a new technology that fastens communication between people.
I think there is nothing wrong with it as long as the child use internet under the parental supervision. At home we have so called family filter which helps us to avoid some unwanted contents, pages and pictures.

V slovarju slovenskega knjižnega jezika poišči izraz Ironija in se dodobra seznani z njim, trapa.

Prevajalka, ponovno obup. Raje nehaj, lepo te prosim.

Joj ga. prof. Ironija a ne bi vi rajsi doma sestavljali kaksen ucni program za anglescino , da bo manj taksnih punc kot je ta ki ne zna napisati svojega sestavka, kot pa da tu po internetu grajate ljudu ki skusamo po najboljsih moceh pomagati.
Nisem rekla da sem napisala prav! Skusam pomagati po najboljsih moceh.Morda bosta uporabili del tega kar sem napisala, morda ne. Meni je pravzaprav vseeno. Vseeno vem da esej ni napisan za negativno oceno. Tudi vi ne bi padli s stola, ce bi napisali kaj kar bi ji bilo v POMOC.

Madona ni cudno da toliko otrok pade izpite ob taksnih profesoricah… kriza… se pomagati niso pripravljene, kritizirale in ironicne pripombe bi pa dajale.

Problem je ravno v tem, da je tvoja invalidna pomoč škodljiva. Punca bi mogoče zdaj dobila negativno oceno, ker ni sposobna sama spisati en preprost spis; naslednjič pa bi ugotovila, da se mora le malo sama potruditi in počasi začeti uporabljati glavo, katero ironično omenja v svojem spisu.

Tako da te še enkrat prosim, nehaj delati škodo. Raje se spravi spat, da ne boš jutri ponovno dremala med učno uro angleščine.

Zal sem prestara da bi lahko spala med ucno uro anglescine, ceprav verjemi da bi med tvojo ucno uro z veseljem zaspala.
Bogi tvoji ucenci…

Lahko noc ali po vase ga. prof.: good night!

Nimam se vec volje bosti s tabo- spravljaj se na svoje ucence.

Pa dajte razumeti, da gre za deklico v 1. prvem letniku srednje šole. ne moreš napisati tipi topi eseja, ker bo učiteljica vedela, da nekaj ne štima. Sploh, ker tega znanja potem na kontrolki ali, ko bo vprašana, nikjer ne bo.
Prevajalka, tvoj prevod je predober za znanje angleščine na tem nivoju, kot ga pričakujejo v 1. letniku gimnazije. Pa vzemi to kot kompliment. To je kvečjemu na nivoju 4. letnika. A niste nikoli slišali ali videli, kako izgleda angleščina v 1. letniku?

Prof, ti si pa sploh adijo.

Potem pa ti izražam iskreno sožalje nad tvojo retardacijo. Hkrati pa te naprošam, da zamenjaš ime, ker delaš sramoto vsem resnim prevajalkam, ki v nasprotju s tabo obvladajo svoj posel.

Lepe sanje vam želim.

najlepša hvala

Esej se napiše direktno v angleščini, ker je tako lažje oz. tvoja hčerka se bo bolje naučila angleščine na tak način. Nikakor pa ga ne napiši prvo v slovenščini in ga nato prevedi, ker prevajanje ni lahko in ven pride neka spakedranka v kvazi angleščini.

Joj, prevajalka, 3. osebo ednine (the child USES) si pri spreganju očitno prespala, določni člen, pa še kaj…. In kaj je razlika med rationally in with your head? Aja, pa internet se uporablja z določnim členom, torej the Internet.

Punca naj spis napiše direkt v angleščini, brez slovenskega osnutka. Uporabi naj fraze in izraze, ki so ji znani. Prevod je vedno tudi priredba. Naj napiše preprosto: Why is the Internet good for highschool students? Why can it be bad for teenagers? Pa ji bo mogoče lažje.

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